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Everything posted by jazztrain

  1. There must be dozens of these:
  2. A tip of the hat to soulpope who posted this in another thread:
  3. Marty's father was the well known artist George Grosz (whose artwork has also been used in some album covers by others).
  4. The limited material with my copy of the bonus disc indicates the following: 4/14/45. From the 400 Restaurant in NYC: Moon Mist / New World a-Comin' / Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen / Mood Indigo / Dirge Chant for FDR / Come Sunday / A City Called Heaven / Creole Love Call / Moon Mist 8/1/53. From the Blue Note in Chicago: Take the "A" Train / Boo-Dah / What More Can I Say? / Frustration / Basin Street Blues / Duet / Ballin' the Blues / Satin Doll
  5. If it is, it's a duplicate. I posted the Merle Haggard on September 13.
  6. Invisible train? Don't see anything...
  7. Best wishes for a memorable birthday!
  8. No musician in the phone box (or booth). Are we expanding it to covers with phone boxes? Here's one with the musician in the booth:
  9. This is a duplicate. You posted it on August 22.
  10. No major personnel changes when he shifted labels. There are some mighty good Lunceford sides from his Vocalion/Columbia sessions. You may not need everything on the box. This has a nice selection: My recollection is that it leaves out some good ones that I would have included.
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