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Everything posted by jazztrain

  1. That's Deval Patrick (not Aptrick).
  2. Chewy... I don't know of a link, but I pulled some information out of Lord for you. BTW, there have been several labels named Rex, but I've limited the information below to the LA label: Johnny Barbera Lennie Niehaus (as) Johnny Barbera (ts) Shannon Fletcher (p) Willie Stader (b) Roy Hall (d) Los Angeles, c. 1948 Hunter's dream Rex 26027 Eastside bop - Lucky bop 26028 Lover man - Teddy Edwards Benny Bailey (tp) Teddy Edwards (ts) Dudley "Duke" Brooks (p) Addison Farmer (b) Roy Porter (d) Los Angeles, July, 1947 MR-5 Bird legs Rex 25056, Onyx ORI215 MR-6 Out of nowhere - - MR-7 Roy's boy 25057, - MR-8 Steady with Teddy - - Rexology 25058, - Three bass hit - - R.B.'s wig 25059, - Body and soul - - Note: All above titles also on Cool N' Blue (Swi)C&B-CD115 [CD]. Teddy Edwards Herbie Harper (tb) Teddy Edwards (ts) Hampton Hawes (p) Iggy Shevak (b) Roy Porter (d) Hollywood, CA, October, 1948 Wonderful work Rex 26025, Onyx ORI212 Teddy's tune - - Fairy dance 26026, - It's the talk of the town (hh out) - - Note: Onyx ORI212 titled "Central Avenue Breakdown, Vol. 1"; rest of LP by others. All above titles also on Cool N' Blue (Swi)C&B-CD115 [CD]; listing date as October 1947. Wingy Manone Wingy Manone (tp,vcl) Joe Yukl (tb) Matty Matlock (cl) Stan Wrightsman (p) Nappy Lamare (g) Phil Stephens (b) Nick Fatool (d) Kay Starr (vcl) Los Angeles, July 25, 1944 RR9792-1 The general jumped at dawn (wm vcl) Ara 143 RR9793-1 Tin roof blues Ara 145, Metro 23005, Rex 23005, Rem 23005, Musicana (Can)3001, Tops 216, Cameo 917, 417 RR9794 If I could be with you (ks,wm vcl,*) Metro 23005, Rex 23005, Rem 23005, Musicana (Can)3001, Tops 216, Cameo 917, 417, Baldwin Street Music (Can)BJH-305 [CD] RR9794-2 If I could be with you (ks,wm vcl) Ara 145, Baldwin Street Music (Can)BJH-305 [CD] RR9795 A-card blues (wm vcl) Metro 23006 Note: Baldwin Street Music (Can)BJH-305 [CD] incorrectly lists New York as location. Rex 23005 shows Mx 9793-2 it plays the same as Ara 145. Rex 23005 reads 9794-2 but plays musically different from Ara 145. Baldwin Street Music (Can)BJH-305 [CD] titled "Kay Starr - The Complete Lamplighter Recordings 1945-1946"; rest of CD by Kay Starr, Charlie Barnet, Bob Crosby. One take of Mx 9794 also on Vintage Jazz Classics VJC-1009-2 [CD] titled "Trumpet royalty"; rest of CD by others. One take of Mx 9794 also on Jasmine (E)JASCD337/8 [CD]. All titles, except (*), also on Classics (F)1412 [CD] titled "Wingy Manone, 1944-1946"; see flwg sessions to March 15, 1946 for rest of CD. Jack Mason Jack Mason (vcl) with unknown acc. 25070-A Nature boy Rex 25070 25070-B Boogie blues - Jay McShann Jay McShann's Orchestra: John Anderson (tp) Jewell Grant, Frank Sleets (as) Maxwell Davis, Buddy Floyd (ts) Floyd Turnham (bar) Jay McShann (p) Mitchell "Tiny" Webb (g) Ralph "Chuck" Hamilton (b) Jesse Sailes (d) Los Angeles, c. mid/late 1950 That's crazy Rex Hollywood 28000 Way out - Jay's blues (part 1) Rex Hollywood 28005 Jay's blues (part 2) - Charles Mingus Charles Mingus And His 22 Piece Bebop Band (Stan Kenton's Sideman): Buddy Childers, John Anderson, Hobart Dotson, Eddie Preston (tp) Britt Woodman, Jimmy Knepper, Marty Smith (tb) poss. 1 or 2 unknown (tp) , Eric Dolphy (as,fl,cl) Art Pepper (as,cl) Herb Caro (ts,cl) William Green (ts,cl,fl) Jewel Grant (as,cl) Gene Porter (bar,cl) Russ Freeman (p) unknown (g), Red Callender (b) Roy Porter (d) Johnny Berger (perc) Charles Mingus (dir,comp) Hollywood, CA, spring 1949 REX28002-A The story of love (1,*) Rex Hollywood 28002 REX28014-A Inspiration (pt 1) 28014 REX28014-B Inspiration (pt 2) - Note: The date for this session has previously been listed as March 1946, 1947 and 1949. The above date and personnel is from Uptown UPCD27.48 [CD] (published in late 2000) and has been compiled by Robert Sunenblick. The CD brochure mentions many interviews and lists the following solos: "The story of love" (Herb Caro, ts; Eric Dolphy, as; Britt Woodman, tb; Russ Freeman, p). "Inspiration" (Buddy Childers, tp; Britt Woodman, tb; Art Pepper, as, behind the orchestra at the ending). Also, the Uptown UPCD27.48 [CD] notes give "The bassist here does not sound like Mingus and is most likely his friend and mentor Red Callender participating so as to allow the composer to concentrate on directing the session. The 2 parts of "Inspiration" have been spliced together on Uptown UPCD27.48 [CD]. (*) This title also on Marshmallow (Jap)MMEX-153 [CD] titled "Timespan". All above titles also on Uptown UPCD27.48 [CD], Properbox (E)77 [CD], Proper (E)P1406 [CD]. Roy Porter Roy Porter And His Orchestra: Art Farmer, Ruben McFall, Robert Ross, Kenny Bright (tp) William Willington, Jimmy Knepper, Danny Horton (tb) Eric Dolphy, Joe Maini (as) Joe Howard, Hadley Caliman (ts) Bob Gordon (bar) Russ Freeman (p) Harold Grant (g,vcl) Addison Farmer (b) Roy Porter (d) Alvy Kidd (cga,bgo,perc) Los Angeles, spring 1949 Frantic dream Rex Hollywood 28001 Everything's cool - Roy Porter Roy Porter And His Orchestra: prob. same pers. Los Angeles, spring 1949 Don't blame me Rex Hollywood 28002 Art Tatum Art Tatum (p) Hollywood, CA, c. May 1945 ARA- Hallelujah ARA 4501, Black Lion (E)BLP30166, Freedom 1040 (F)BLP30166, Smithsonian R029, Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] METRO- Hallelujah Metro Hollywood 23004, Rex Hollywood 23004, Rem 1040-1A Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, (E)2460-158, (E)BLP30166, (F)180.059, (It)BLP30124, Freedom (F)BLP30.124, (F)BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Smithsonian R029, Classics (F)982 [CD] ARA- Poor butterfly ARA 4502, Metro Hollywood 23004, Rex Hollywood 1041-1-A 23004, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, 2460-158, (E0BLP30166, (F) 180.059, (It)BLP30124, Freedom (F)BLP30.124, BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- Song of the vagabonds Ara 4504, Metro Hollywood 23003, Rex Hollywood 1042-1 23003, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, (E)2460-158, BLP30166, (F)180.059, (It)BLP30124, Freedom (F)BLP30.124, BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- Lover ARA 4502, Metro Hollywood 23003, Rex Hollywood 1043-1-A 23003, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion (E)BLP30166, Freedom (F)BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)147.000, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- Memories of you ARA 4501, Metro Hollywood 23002, Rex Hollywood 1044-A 23002, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, 2460-158, (E)BLP30166, (F)180.059, (It)BLP30124, Freedom (F)BLP30.124, BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Smithsonian R029, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- Runnin' wild ARA 4503, Metro Hollywood 23002, Rex Hollywood 1045-1-A 23002, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, (E)2460-158, BLP30166, (F)180.059, BLP30124, BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion (G)28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Freedom (It)BLP30.124, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- Yesterdays ARA 4503, Metro Hollywood 23001, Rex Hollywood 1046-1 23001, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion (E)BLP30166, Freedom (F)BLP30166, Smithsonian R029, Classics (F)982 [CD], VJC 1016-2 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] ARA- The Kerry dance ARA 4504, Metro Hollywood 23001, Rex Hollywood 1047-1A 23001, Rem Hollywood LP-3, Black Lion BL-158, (E)2460-158, BLP30166, (F)180.059, (It)BLP30124, Freedom (F)BLP30.124, BLP30166, Intercord Black Lion () G28440-6U, Jazz Man JAZ-5024, Classics (F)982 [CD], Topaz (E)TPZ1066 [CD] Ray Vasquez Ray Vasquez And His Be-Boppers: Anthony Ortega (as) Walter Benton (ts) Jimmy O'Brien (p) Reyes Gaglio (b) Chuy Ruiz (d) Ray Vasquez (ldr) Los Angeles, late 1947 Snake den Rex 25099 Clutching hand - Jimmie's Packard 26000 Home run - I've also found some references to other issues on Rex, such as: Rex Hollywood 27000. The Zion Travelers. Rex Hollywood 28007. Ruth Wallace and Orchestra/Bob Anson and Orchestra Turns out you started an earlier thread on the Rex label back in 2009. See here: http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?/topic/55926-obsucure-west-coast-jazz-label-rex-the-porno-connection/
  3. Stereojack turned me onto this record many years ago. The CD reissue includes two bonus tracks recorded the night before.
  4. Off the top of my head, I remember the "Pigmeat" Markham sides with Oliver Mesheux's Blue Six as not having been reissued by Mosaic. There also is some music that Blue Note licensed, perhaps from Vogue (?), and had included on some 10-inch LPs that were not reissued by Mosaic.
  5. I'm fairly sure that I posted this a few months ago. Yep. See October 30, 2016. The reclining instrumentalists are easier to remember.
  6. I already posted this one (see Dec. 23, 2015).
  7. Yes, Carney did record on Blue Note. Two dates as a sideman. Edmond Hall Swingtet date on May 5, 1944 and the Jimmy Hamilton and the Duke's Men date on November 21, 1945.
  8. Thanks for the additional information. IPO has put out some excellent Roland Hanna albums, and I keep hoping that there might be more to come.
  9. In John Chilton's "The Song of the Hawk" there is some discussion on pages 384 and 385 concerning a 1969(?) recording that Hawkins had done with Roland Hanna, Eddie Locke, Buddy Catlett and Norris Turney. Chilton says "This session was speculatively organized by a friend of Roland Hanna's in the hope that a recording company would buy the tapes, but so far they remain unissued." Unfortunately, there are no footnotes or other information provided concerning this session.
  10. Been posted before (by me). See December 13, 2015.
  11. Looks familiar. Yep. You posted it yourself on September 14, 2016.
  12. Fletcher Henderson recorded Stealin' Apples with his own band on March 26, 1936 and again on October 25, 1937. According to Walter Allen's "Hendersonia" these were described by Dick Vance as head arrangements. Allen has an extended discussion about Stealin' Apples. I'll provide some of it below: >>> This is another another 32-bar Fats Waller tune, which for some reason seems pretty much confined to the Henderson and Goodman bands, at least on recordings. Fletcher's great 1936 "Christopher Columbus" band made a fine recording for Vocalion, which simply consists of a piano intro and chorus (4 + 32 bars), and then successive choruses by Chu Berry tenor sax, and Roy Eldridge trumpet. Buster Bailey then blows for 24 bars, with the band riding out for the last 8 bars of this final chorus. Not really much of an "arrangement" at all; although credited to Fletcher Henderson in Driggs' Columbia LP booklet, Dick Vance says it was a "head." His 1937 recording ... is the identical routine (different soloists) except that the intro is by the band instead of by piano. This number never really became a Henderson arrangement until he did it for Goodman. The easiest known version is the July 8, 1939 Camel Caravan broadcast, and may be taken as the prototype. >>> Allen then provides information on 15 different versions by Goodman.
  13. Harumph notwithstanding, the music is really exceptional.
  14. I agree. Evans solos on clarinet on the original studio version of Jumpin' at the Woodside. Lester has some nice, long clarinet solos on the two versions of Texas Shuffle.
  15. Belated birthday greetings David!
  16. Volume 2 is out. Just listening to it now. Life is good!
  17. Duplicate. See Dec. 19, 2015. Duplicate. See Nov. 30, 2015.
  18. Duplicate from last December. We had a slew of Turtles covers in this thread back then.
  19. This one comes to mind:
  20. Ouch! That looks painful!
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