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  1. In the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/20/books/nick-tosches-dies.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=Obituaries
  2. Here's a link to the November 10, 1945 issue. https://mirror.thelifeofkenneth.com/sites/www.americanradiohistory.com/Archive-Billboard/40s/1945/BB-1945-11-10.pdf It includes the ad mentioned above (on page 25) and also lists the forthcoming Co-Ed 210 release on page 79 under "ADVANCE RECORD RELEASES."
  3. There's an earlier reference in an advertisement in Billboard from November 10, 1945. I tried to paste the image, but it didn't come through. The ad says: Coming Soon Another Hit: "GONDOLIER," Coupled With "IF I COULD CALL YOU MINE," with the mellow voice of SGT. PROF. BUDDY WINLEY, with Percy France and Jerry Smith Orchestra.
  4. Excellent album. I keep hoping that IPO has more Roland Hanna material to release.
  5. Not prime. 187 = 11 x 17
  6. An often overlooked master. RIP.
  7. Wow! I remember reading this as a kid! As I recall, he had walked every time up but one (when he got the hit).
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/01/arts/music/clora-bryant-dead.html?searchResultPosition=1
  9. Dwight Evans never made the HOF. Damn good outfielder but not in the hall.
  10. Well, jazzdisco.com has the following: Sir Charles Thompson And The Swing Organ (Columbia CL 1364) Rudy Rutherford, clarinet; Percy France, tenor sax; Sir Charles Thompson, organ; Aaron Bell, bass; J.C. Heard, drums. Columbia Studios, NYC, released 1959 I Get A Kick Out Of You Cool And Easy Robbins' Nest Lady In Red April Love 19th Hole Jumpin' At Basie's I Wanta Love You What's New Oh Me, Oh My Love Is A Many Splendored Thing Party Time ** also issued on Columbia CS 8205. The February 1, 1960 issue of Billboard pictures the album: https://books.google.com/books?id=BR8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=charles+thompson+and+his+swing+organ&source=bl&ots=bAH0oQxUq7&sig=ACfU3U1PtUoTWHBz31qOunCvAqRDT3tuNw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwhs6SpeXjAhXy1FkKHYLeCo44HhDoATAEegQICBAB#v=onepage&q=charles%20thompson%20and%20his%20swing%20organ&f=false That would certainly support a 1959 recording date. It's unlikely that Columbia would get it out that quickly.
  11. That's assuming that Lord is correct. Not always a good assumption.
  12. This one? Sir Charles Thompson [T3035-16] Sir Charles Thompson And The Swing Organ: Percy France (ts) Rudy Rutherford (cl) Sir Charles Thompson (p,org) Aaron Bell (b) J.C. Heard (d) New York, 1960 Cool and easy Col CL1364 I get a kick out of you - Robbins' nest - The lady in red - April love - 19th hole - Jumpin' at Basie's - I wanna love you - What's new ? - Oh me ! Oh my ! - Love is a many splendored thing - Party time -
  13. jazztrain

    Jim Hall

    Mine has just the 3 CDs. Slim, gatefold packaging. No DVD.
  14. jazztrain

    Jim Hall

    It’s a stripped down version with different packaging. You get all the music (great!) but not the elaborate original packaging. I had also been looking for a reasonably priced version when I saw it offered a few years ago on Amazon. I assume that’s what you’ll be getting.
  15. Are you a man of distinction? A real big spender?
  16. Stretching the category a bit for Aretha:
  17. A 2-fer. The first one is a hoot. The second one is the Schaeffer beer commercial. Having trouble embedding the video file. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHGMMuD4Vag
  18. Hi David,

    Let me know if you'd like the box score from the game.

    If so, send me your e-mail so I can respond directly.


    --- Jon

  19. David, Perhaps you're slightly misremembering the game. I can't find any 1-0 pitched by Andy Ashby over the Dodgers. The closest is a 3-0 win by Ashby on April 16, 1999. Ashby had a complete game shutdown. He went all the way giving up 5 hits, striking out 8, and walking 2.
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