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Big Deal

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    Kalamazoo, MI

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  1. G G Hall Harry the Horse Marshall Ney Napoleon Wellington Nelson
  2. I'll be there on the 12th! Looking forward to a great night of music and an added bonus of Randy being on hand. Don
  3. Notice how Dan and I die the same death: While drunk with friends, you fall down a flight of stairs and break your neck. Thinking you've simply passed out, your friends ignore your lifeless body for hours. I think I'll go back in and put in Donald.
  4. Don't be cruel-Elvis
  5. Jim, I'm very sorry to hear this, I know he was a great friend. Don
  6. John, glad that you and the band made it through intact and hopefully just as crazy. Thanks for sharing the music, it was great. Looking forward to the next, great Reptet tour.
  7. Kim Batten Marion Jones Gwen Torrence
  8. Bunny ears and tail? I saw nothing like that last night when Reptet played Kalamazoo, but what the hell, what I did see more than made up for that! This is one hot band and one hell of a good time. Alas, the attendance was light here as well, but like in TC, they were happy. John and the gang are truly one great group of musicians and I could only sit there and marvel at the energy and care that they put into their show. And what a show it was! If anybody is planning on seeing these guys on this tour, plan on staying until the last note dies as this band really pulls out all the stops as the night ends and the cry of "Last Call" only goads them on to greater activity. Truly a sight to see! I miss them already and can only look forward to the next time they are through here. A great band and a fine group of people! Oh! And to paraphrase Monty Python, " Nobody expects a conch shell".
  9. George Grenville Lord North William Pitt
  10. It sure was a kick to hear a name mentioned ( Chris Albertson ) that I recognized with while listening to All Things Considered tonight. Just another chapter in a interesting life eh Mr. Albertson?
  11. I'm ready! Looking forward to it and if you had made this trip a month later, I might have gone to Travese City and caught you with Organissimo as well. But, since you are coming to Kazoo anyway----I'll just wait. Don
  12. Yeah, Billy Joel was the opener one of the years I went too. I probably wouldn't have even noticed that he was there (as I had no idea who he was at the time), but I noticed that nobody else was paying any attention to him and I felt sorry for him.
  13. I saw them a few times in the mid seventies and it was a blast. Outdoor venue (Pineknob), summer afternoon, cold beer, excited girls in shorts, who could ask for anything more? Oh yeah, the music was fine too and yes, Mike Love is an asshole!
  14. I just have to get this in, as I cannot believe it is not already there: Blade Runner!
  15. Ever since the no new taxes mantra of the eighties, any politician that even remotely tries to have a realistic debate about what this country needs for funding of any type, is quickly put in his/her place. The public needs are not being met by this and this is the result. It really doesn’t matter who is in charge, politicians of all stripes would rather pose for a quick sound bite than actually explain to the public why this needs to be done. So the public just blissfully goes on its way, unknowingly into danger.
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