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  1. Here's a compelling review by Marc Myers (JazzWax) on Woody Shaw's profound legacy as pertaining to the new Muse box set. http://www.jazzwax.com/2013/07/woody-shaw-muse-box.html
  2. Different days.
  3. Iron Man and Symmetry. Legend has it Joe was first call but Victor ended up finishing the date.
  4. Website: http://DexterGordon.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/DexterGordonWebsite Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Dexter_Gordon Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dexter-Gordon/23117634665 Blog: http://dextergordonwebsite.blogspot.com Long Live LTD...
  5. Carter Jefferson
  6. DEXTERGORDON.COM has added a cool Bulletin Board (Discussion Forums) to their website. It hasn't been populated with much info yet but it is open to the public. http://DEXTERGORDON.COM/FORUMS
  7. Visit DEXTERGORDON.COM to view this E-Card.
  8. Old Cats, New Lions Celebrate Woody Shaw The Festival of New Trumpet Music staged a major retrospective of Woody Shaw compositions at the Jazz Standard this past fall. Old Shaw bandmates backed three young-lion horn players with chops. Hear the Woody Shaw Legacy Ensemble: Brass Knights and get to know Woody Shaw on JazzSet. Hear the Concert http://www.WoodyShaw.com/news/christmas08 Happy Holidays! Celebrate Woody Shaw's 64th Birthday on NPR's Jazzset! New Years Eve, December 31st WBGO Web/Radio Broadcast The Woody Shaw Legacy Ensemble Broadcast: Wednesday, Dec. 31 - 6:30pm NPR Jazzset Hosted by Dee Dee Bridgewater Listen Online - WBGO.ORG (88.3 FM, NY/NJ/CT) Wishing you the best in health, peace and prosperity this coming New Year. Please be on the look out for plenty of new events, sheet music, recordings and biographical material. Thank you for helping us keep the legacy alive! WOODYSHAW.COM The Woody Shaw Legacy Ensemble: Brass Knights™ Produced by Woody Shaw III Sean Jones, Nick Roseboro, and Ezana Edwards (trumpets), Mulgrew Miller (piano), Dwayne Burno (bass), Victor Lewis (drums/musical director)
  9. Lost Jazz Shrines Remembering Woody Shaw VIDEO PROMO - YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfHfZjFBeDI This Friday, May 16th, 2008 The 28th Anniversary of Woody Shaw's First Major NYC Concert as Bandleader. 7PM Panel Discussion and Documentary footage of Woody Shaw 8:30PM Concert: Victor Lewis (ds), David Williams (bs), Larry Willis (pn), Sean Jones (tp), Ryan Kisor (tp) Musical Director - Victor Lewis LOCATION: BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center Borough of Manhattan Community College 199 Chambers St. New York, NY 10007 Box Office: 212-220-1460
  10. WOODY SHAW TRIBUTE - Friday May 16th, 2008 Jazz Forum: Remembering Woody Shaw Info: http://www.tribecapac.org/music.htm Directions: http://www.tribecapac.org/contact.htm @ 7:00 pm - Free Humanities Program Panel discussion with Woody Shaw III /son and Mark Morganelli/Owner of Jazz Forum, Moderated by Willard Jenkins. @ 8:30pm - Concert Victor Lewis - Musical Director Performers: Sean Jones, trumpet; Ryan Kisor, trumpet; Victor Lewis, drummer; Larry Willis, pianist; David Williams, bass Jazz Forum opened at two locations, Cooper square 1979-1981 and 648 Broadway from 1981-1983, and were operated by Trumpeter/presenter Mark Morganelli. Jazz Forum was instrumental in preserving the genre. From 1979 to 1983, recordings, videos, films, and radio broadcast documented the work of several musicians. $25 General, $15 Students/Seniors TRIBECA Performing Arts Center 199 Chambers Street #110SC New York, NY 10007 info@tribecapac.org Administration: 212.220.1459 Box Office: 212.220.1460
  11. The following album is now available in MP3 format via AllAboutJazz's download shop. It is also available at iTunes, but is no longer exclusive to the DRM format. Enjoy. AllAboutJazz: MP3s iTunes: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 Visit: http://www.dextergordon.com | http://www.woodyshaw.com
  12. Greetings. At last, we return after several weeks of intense review and a rigorous push towards greater efficiency within the infrastructure of The Official Woody Shaw Website. We are currently in the process of adding several new features - incorporating a new level of functionality by expanding much of the content and integrating a slick new database. 2006 is going to present a new chapter in the on-going resurgence of Woody Shaw's legacy. Beware, there are some major surprises on the way!!! In the mean time, below are a few new releases that feature Woody Shaw during his early years. Many of you will be glad to know that these recordings are available once again... www.WoodyShaw.com Selected Woody Shaw Gems » - Booker Ervin - Tex Book Tenor - Hank Mobley - Thinking of Home - Nathan Davis - Happy Girl Subscribe to this newsletter @ http://www.woodyshaw.com/index2.htm . Read Previous Issues of this Newsletter » (http://www.woodyshaw.com/news/news_online1.htm) . Tell A Friend About WoodyShaw.com » (http://www.woodyshaw.com/tellafriend.php) . Check out the Discography of Woody Shaw » - NEW!! (http://www.woodyshaw.com/discography/disco_06.htm) View this article at: http://www.woodyshaw.com/news/news_online3.htm
  13. check it out: The Almost-Complete Discography of Woody Shaw - http://www.woodyshaw.com/discography/disco_06.htm -- Updated from Todd Poynor's Critical Discography of Woody Shaw Plus, a new Newsletter on Woody Shaw -- http://www.woodyshaw.com/news/news_online2.htm
  14. Check it out..... The Almost-Complete Discography of Woody Shaw
  15. Any chance in sharing a copy of this date with another true Woody Shaw fan??!!
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