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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. ayler is hallowed ground. prima materia, led by rashid ali has done, i think, a very nice albert tribute called BELLS.
  2. http://www.rte.ie/lyricfm/jazzalley/
  3. i enjoy very much his love for the american songbook, and his mining of forgotten songs and composers, although he is a tad prissy. i consider him a craftsman, not a great talent.
  4. we are both elated to know that mr. shearing is apparently recovered from some health problems.
  5. being a hopeless romantic i think i might cotton to this: http://www.jazzreview.com/article/review-4376.html
  6. gerald wilson orchestra. portraits. pacific jazz 80---------a splendid effort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i have heard him online a couple times from his seattle flagship. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ever checked this place out as a performing venue? http://www.nighttowncleveland.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- another beautiful performance place in cleveland is the bopstop
  8. "But 40 years ago "he" couldn't put more than about 40 minutes of music onto one album. Considering many of his pieces are in the 10 minute range, that didn't leave room for very many cuts." or 40
  9. currently some nice sounds........metheny-coleman. new andrew lamb trio, etc. great mp3 128k stream! http://www.wnur.org/
  10. check out company of heaven artist management for 2006-2007...
  11. what exciting news to know she is still gigging with the cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. pete fallico, a dj who has a fine website about organists, one being miss myers, knows her well and corresponds with her. he is most cordial and informative. this is his website: http://doodlinlounge.com/index.html
  13. beautifully stated. i cannot think of anyone i would rather hear lead in a proper context.
  14. i have, thank you.------ her piano version reminded me of the stupendous richter solo version of pictures at an exhibition
  15. 40 years ago, i bought the ones HE wanted me to hear. that's all i care about.
  16. a generation ago, i heard a public broadcasting tape of a live gig by amina claudine myers, during which she performed an extended performance of her 'song for mother e', including a very long impassioned piano solo. this performance showed an absolutely breathtaking combination of skill, taste, anger, and love. talk about power and feeling and technique. someday i hope to find a recording of this or a similar performance.
  17. thanks
  18. south pacific was i think the first cello i had heard in jazz
  19. have a lovely-paul bley-eyges quartet disc. not at all sweet and celloey..........
  20. would love to hear you guys kickin it with a big jivin band. anything planned?
  21. we are the putty of the great pr bs machines. just glad that aint joe
  22. we are the putty of the great pr bs machines.
  23. a google search tells me we dont waste our lives watching AMERICAN IDYLL. god, i hope she isnt related to joe. the oldest josephine baker would blow to smithereens the hottest "idol"
  24. a google search tells me we dont waste our lives watching AMERICAN IDYLL. god, i hope she isnt related to joe.
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