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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. harry james theme simultaneous with lady's 'lady sings the blues.' (multitasking)
  2. heard him do 'history of the jazz trumpet,' paying homage to, cootie, and louie, and roy, among others.
  3. should have noted for eating standing up or for a swivelly swivel chair(which i was).
  4. after listening to a couple hours of charlie shavers, i must conclude that he just has to be one of the 5 or 6 most awesome and versatile trumpet players these old ears have ever heard.
  5. this john kirby with charlie shavers just cant be beat.
  6. what an incredible body of work has she(spanning 40 years) warning--- i downloaded 'coat' from buy.com for a reasonable price, but 'early morning breeze,' track 7 had no data in it. every track is a keeper, so i'm just a little put out. i emailed them, but you all know how that goes.
  7. NEW YORK (AP) -- Five years ago, Opie & Anthony were booted from the nation's airwaves for a stunt where listeners had sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral. On Tuesday morning, the shock jocks were back on the air, riffing on Don Imus' "nappy-headed hos" fiasco. The latest collision of outrageous radio and outraged listeners is business as usual for morning radio, where jocks walking the line between bad taste and big ratings continually reinvent the art of self-destruction. "The question is not `How far can we go?'" said Michael Harrison, publisher of the trade magazine Talkers. "It's always been, `Go as far as we can go.' And then you start testing the line again." "The only rule is there are no rules," said Ron Kuby, the liberal co-host of a morning show on right-leaning WABC-AM. "Once you get beyond the FCC, a host is left to the discretion of a program director, station manager, bosses they've never seen, advertisers and a fickle public. What might be fine today results in a boycott tomorrow." Even Imus admits he crossed the line with his comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team, which earned his show a two-week suspension. On Tuesday, Rutgers' president and basketball coach condemned Imus' "despicable" remarks and announced the team would meet with the embattled radio personality. But economics often trumps emotion in an anything-goes business where stars like Imus have earned local radio stations and major media companies millions of dollars with their outrageous antics. "Radio is where the hippest, most spontaneous pop culture exists, so it's therefore the place with the most controversy," Harrison said. "People are constantly dealing with crossing the line." And then tripping over that ever-shifting marker, falling face-first into unemployment or anonymity after inserting both feet into their endlessly chattering mouths: - Last May, DJ Star of the New York-based "Star & Buc Wild Morning Show" was fired after threatening to sexually abuse a rival DJ's 4-year-old daughter. For bad measure, he offered to urinate on the child and directed racial slurs at the girl's part-Asian mother. - One year earlier, a three-minute musical "parody" about the killer south Asian tsunami led to the termination of New York-based Hot 97's morning show co-host and a producer. The same station paid a $240,000 settlement over a promotion dubbed "Smackfest," where women slapped each other for cash and prizes. - In February 2004, popular Florida radio host Bubba the Love Sponge was fired for offensive material that included cartoon characters like George Jetson and Scooby Doo discussing sexual hijinks. - Multiple offenders Greg "Opie" Hughes and Anthony Cumia were tossed off WNEW-FM in 2002 after the infamous St. Patrick's Cathedral stunt. They were fired four years earlier in Massachusetts for a misguided April Fool's joke where they announced Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino was killed in a car crash. - And radio's biggest star, Howard Stern, always paid the biggest obscenity fines for his morning show before jumping to the unregulated haven of satellite radio. Along with bad taste, most perpetrators had something else in common: They aired in morning drive-time, the most lucrative advertising slot for any radio station. An old radio mantra posits that as goes the morning, so goes the rest of the day. "Stations want someone edgy and controversial, who creates cooler talk at the office," said Paul Heine, executive director of Billboard's Radio & Records. "It's a quick route to ratings success, but it's a double-edged sword. If you're out on a tightrope, you can fall over." For Imus, with his national television audience and more than 70 stations for his syndicated radio show, controversy is nothing new - his longtime schtick includes cheap shots at people of every race, color and creed. He reinvented himself years ago by bringing aboard A-list politicians, authors and journalists, although remnants of the past lingered on the program. Harrison said radio has long served as an outpost for envelope-pushing material, dating back to the early days of rock 'n' roll with DJs like Allen Freed - long before Stern launched his first "Lesbian Dial-A-Date." On their show Tuesday morning, which airs on both satellite and terrestrial radio, Opie and Anthony were offering their support for Imus - but also joking about taking over his slot should the veteran broadcaster get the ax. Unless, of course, the pair gets fired first. © 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.
  8. tonight continuing as a brand new game in a neutral stadium in beertown, which aloc is preparing to watch. if the same vibes are present, the roof will collapse or the lights will fail.
  9. izze sparkling pomegranate, a new discovery from boulder colorado http://www.bevnet.com/reviews/izze/
  10. notably did gorgeous arrangements for one of my very fav getz albums 'cool velvet,' some of the most sensitive and unobrusive string writing i have heard, and a gorgeous date showcasing roy eldridge.
  11. 2 cheers for the nfl! aloc is pleasantly surprised.
  12. I guess I didn't see enough of the tournament. The dude is a competitor for sure. I don't know. I'm sure he's likely to think back and not feel proud of any of those actions. He'll realize he's human at some point. We all do. of course, he's not the same cat now. el tigre has a wife. signs of his being defanged and rendered toothless abound. no matter how lovely she may be............
  13. thanks folks. i now know where to get my next country/bluegrass questions answered, as well as my morton feldman queries. what an incredible forum!
  14. beautifully said, sister.
  15. it was coat, indeed, which i have now downloaded. thanks, mr. lush
  16. yup. wasnt hip to the incredible michael weiss at that time.
  17. thanks. trying to fish it out.
  18. you could start by posting this thread in the "looking for" forum. thanks
  19. before she became famous, about the time she was with porter, she made this very depressing lp of apparently self-penned most depressing songs. then she became famous. such solemn insights were most unusual, i thought, for a pretty young lady. i found a beatup old copy without a cover that barely played and lost it years ago. would love to have another one, but i suspect such dark work is long out of print.
  20. 'house of the lord' from summum is a personal favorite, but it's pretty much just blowing.
  21. long time ago when dolly was with porter, i came across this beatup badly worn lp of dolly singing an album of some of the saddest self-penned songs i had ever heard. they showed a very young sensitive soul with such a despairing outlook, then she became famous. it was very beautiful and very special. i would love to have a copy of that album again, but dont know where to look or what to look for.
  22. thanks, i did recall the last name but had no idea how to spell it.
  23. jon occasionally appeared in the 80's with a musician who blowing through his hands sounded a great deal like a trumpet. i thought he was really really good but i havent heard him in any other context. at the time hendricks daughter had just begun singing in the group. the hand trumpeter as i recall had a first name 'bob.' anyone recall?
  24. McDonalds creams Starbucks in Coffee survey [Published: Friday 2, February 2007 - 17:27] Consumer testers in the US have declared coffee from McDonald's better than the brew at Starbucks. The burger chain's Premium Roast was chosen as the tastiest by Consumer Reports magazine. It also beat the offerings at Burger King and Dunkin' Donuts. The trained sippers found the $1.55 Starbucks coffee ``strong, but burnt and bitter'', according to the New York Post. But the cheaper McDonald's caffeine fix, costing $1.35 was ``decent and moderately strong''. ``Although it lacked the subtle top notes needed to make it rise and shine, it had no flaws,'' the magazine said. Burger King got a roasting for a drink that ``looked like coffee but tasted more like hot water'', while the beverage at Dunkin' Donuts was ``inoffensive, but it had no oomph''. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/wor...icle2209817.ece © Belfast Telegraph
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