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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. piazolla pizza for me.
  2. That sounds fabulous!! Could you post the recipe? Received permission. -_- 2 lb pork tenderloin 12 oz chili sauce 16 oz can cranberry sauce (we use 'whole', you can use 'jellied') 2 Tbsp brown sugar 5 cups cooked long grain rice 1. Pork in slow cooker 2. Mix chili sauce, cranberries and brown sugar 3. Pour over pork 4. Cover and cook on "high" 4-5 hours, then on "low" 3-4 hours. 5. Serve over rice. For the third meal (sandwiches) reduce the sauce and shred the pork. bought a tenderloin yesterday before reading this. timing is everything.
  3. services at abyssinian baptist nyc this monday.
  4. azzedin weston has passed away, yes.
  5. those who are friends with randy weston will be saddened to learn that randy recently lost a son. services will soon be held in nyc. i will try to find the article.
  6. mckenna is one of the very best people in the business of duo recordings. his recording with phil woods is 'killer. (my apologies for the aside.)
  7. tain has a new disc out in about a week. 3 or 4 cuts i have heard have sold me. there is an especially beautiful piece for the late james williams. folk's songs http://chambersoftain.com/Jeff_Tain_Watts.php
  8. yesterday i played dakota and shearing and enjoyed her singing immensely. didnt even know she was ill.
  9. i thought 'doldinger' at the time was certainly interesting listening. going to have to dig it out for a relisten. seems as i recall some moderately jazzy elements to this fusion work.
  10. this story is virtually lost in the imus calamity and their accusers are virtually unscathed.
  11. in 1970, shavers spoke of the kirby group as the best he ever worked in. would it be a fair inference that he favored this style of playing, or that this was his truest style?
  12. http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/pics/Roo...e_Black_Oak.JPG stretched a tad, very stylish.
  13. Switched horns with Stan Getz on a couple of tracks on the "Getz Meets Mulligan" Verve LP. incredible. thanks!
  14. i meaned playing tenor, too, in the upper registers. could have sounded pretty crappy.
  15. have these wynton at the proms bbc recordings and they featured the interesting bari-man joe temperly. am sure my friends across the pond know of joe. info about joe......
  16. would be interesting to hear how he approached the tenor.
  17. how charlie shavers died harvey shapiro he had a gig but he was hurting. his doctor said, play the date, then check into the hospital. that night, when the party ended and the band packed up, charlie started to give stuff away--- his watch, his rings-to the women in the room. then he circled the room with his horn playing: "for all i know we may never meet again at this point, the man who was telling the story in the locker room at the manhattan plaza gym and who has sung the line slowly, with a pause between each word, began to cry.
  18. Not on the same day, two days apart. Armstrong died on July 6, 1971. Shavers on July 8 Charlie asked that his mouthpiece be buried with Louis. I believe it was. shavers noted in a 1970 interview that he was using a new mouthpiece, as his 20 year old one had worn out. http://www.jazzprofessional.com/interviews...lie_Shavers.htm
  19. ever hear his number where he plays and sings in the manner of jazz trumpeters, louis, diz, harry james, eldridge, cootie, and a few others? have to dig it out.
  20. ......thread might have a thousand entries but yours would probably still taste best. of course, there is dinner music for one's self and for others.
  21. It's actually the album that turned me on to the talent of Shavers. It's a very straightforward trumpet and strings album with Shavers not straying away from the melodies. No trace of any aggressiveness here! Gorgeous arrangements by Sy Oliver. Doubt that this would be to everyone's liking! But I'm a fan of it! would be mine, for sure. thanks.
  22. how's his gershwin/strings album?
  23. So does this mean you're now to be known as "etanargemopgnilkrapsezzi"? I hope not..... great idea! thanks
  24. thanks. i didnt expect to read that here. one of the young ladies is a musical prodigy, i hear, and most of us have daughters and grand-daughters.
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