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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. how could i have possibly missed mahalia's 23th psalm from b, b, and beige? my goodness!
  2. recommendations for best stations/networks covering today's draft. i am planning on viewing/listening today, but not sure which coverage is best.
  3. starting tonight 630 eastern on wkcr(till 820 am monday)
  4. congrats on the funder!
  5. you do these beautiful shows as if you were 90 years old. we have here an old man in a young man's body...........a ghost indeed.
  6. thanks for the straight dope.
  7. a huge read. is it worth the time?
  8. first enjoyed willis jackson over 40 years ago. 40 years later, i have overlooked him. recommendations please.
  9. she's up to ten years now. that says something. coaches and players and owners would destroy a really bad ref.
  10. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/...07-palmer_x.htm
  11. on my way to heaven. new case of bell's expedition stout. casually left larry a note asking when a certain organ trio was next appearing. no answer yet.
  12. it would seem to me that recording companies are not going to spend money putting relatively good quality sounds into recordings.
  13. why do you do the go ones when i cant be there? shame shame
  14. draft this weekend? winslow have another surgery?
  15. And he didn't need to write huge tomes to effectively tell a story - The Teammates - A Portrait of a Friendship is an extraordinary piece of writing about the lifelong friendship between Ted Williams, Johnny Pesky, Dominic Dimaggio and Bobby Doerr. Its an incredibly moving meditation on old friends facing mortality. ......missed that one. must read. our baseball heroes and our jazz heroes are family to us and we love them dearly.
  16. maybe i should bring a slab or two. group are the only free jazz ensemble working today who wear stage uniforms. They perform clad in t-shirts from Ruby's Barbecue Restaurant in Austin Texas. Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten, Paal Nilssen-Love, Mats Gustafsson in Austin, Texas November 18, 2005
  17. THE THING MATS GUSTAFFSON- baritone saxophone INGEBRIKT HAKER FLATEN- bass PAAL NILSSEN-LOVE- drums - The trio was a long wanted constellation where several musical styles meet in a very high energetic outlet. All members are influenced by different traditions of free music derived from Germany, England and America, and these influences are to be felt and not necessary heard. When the trio started out, the book contained mainly of tunes by Don Cherry, hence the group's name. Since Joe McPhee`s participation, the group's reportuar has included other free jazz standards by David Murray, Frank Lowe and Norman Howard. Also, the groups enthusiasm towards rock music, is heard when they play "To Bring You My Love" by PJ Harvey on the second CD. Today the book has expanded to include tunes by The White Stripes, The Sonics and Yeah Yeah Yeahs. This is just an example that explains how close musical styles are today, how similar the energy is and can be, and how much today`s audience is melted together, devoted to creative music. "Tapping into rock's most primal forces with the fire and fury that's something to behold" Mojo "The Thing convert nouveau punk and vintage garage-rock into a roaring scream-up, but the sheer energy and love of the music keep gimmickery at bay" Uncut "The sheer power they generate from wood, metal, breath and muscle is stunning" BBC
  18. thanks, ghostly one. thank god i'm not on the airwaves, spewing all manner of misinformation. d.c. is a great jazz area, too.
  19. sure wish you could have stopped off at severance hall. acoustics have been upgraded again in the last several years. great place to make a recording.
  20. oh, no. i'm a sports lover, but i would love him to have written more on meaningful topics. the first book of his i read was the very thorough very big book about the old grey lady, and nam, of course.
  21. First, if he doesn't make a dime that's his business, not ours. Interesting to know but not important in the end. Second, I'd say if he doesn't know something he'll imagine it and present it as fact. In the end he provides a good service but a big "grain of salt" is needed before fileing this stuff away as "truth". he's the curator of the jazz archives at lincoln center. he's doing well. guessing lots of other treasures are there to be found, or perhaps never to be found.
  22. didst yanquis know something when they didnt reup mariano? no way is the frank of torre lasting the year. jeter player/manager? then we will have torre plus all the others in the booth on sunday night beezball.
  23. schaapy's done for the day and didnt say a word till noon, and the music is beautiful now. his coltrane homilies were unending and unbearable. i suspect phil is largely responsible for these wonderful events continuing. let's give the devil his due.
  24. ...saw janet in concert with, among others, vic juris about 10 years ago, and at once most impressed with both her respect for the music, her personality, her adventurous musical nature, and unearthly range. in a visit or two, we shared many of the same musical favorites. i suspect only dogs and cats could really comprehend her range. any news or anecdotes of this lovely lady? http://janetlawson.hypermart.net/
  25. love my trek. used to be american made. not so sure now. some friends have put thousands into their awesome bikes.
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