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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. yes, aloc has "scheherajazz"
  2. Maybe those guys had a bit of a problem with the Sibelius connection to the Germans? Pretty interesting article, a nice bit of history. ditto
  3. what beautiful improvisations! anyone knowledgeable about this tasteful musician? http://www.allosmusica.org/Recordings.htm
  4. old engine oil. the smoothest dark beer aloc has ever tasted. no other beer is even close. actually very good http://www.harviestoun-brewery.co.uk/
  5. it's over 18, isnt it?
  6. aye! early afternoon drinking!
  7. We are going to be listing all of the programs as title-links on the shows page--it will be fairly similar to the current archives page. I had this same concern as well & we will address it. One nice thing about the new site is the tag feature and the search function--you can immediately find & group all shows that reference, say, Coltrane, or Blue Note, or soundtracks/films, etc. Thanks much for the comments so far, and we'll keep working on it. Everything should be finished within the next 1-2 weeks. will all the shows remain archived? Yes, although in the case of repeats, we'll only keep the most recent broadcasts (i.e. audio files) online. I think, counting shows that are already taped but not yet aired, that there are close to 150 in all. wow. how do you decide who/what/when other than the obvious choices? aloc is overjoyed that they are all still available. each of them is worth hearing, and, sooner or later, aloc.....
  8. like aloc is with his tv. dont have a tv in the car either.
  9. do you listen to rich conaty's WFUV sunday nights, the big broadcast? his show has archived hundreds of 4 hour broadcasts of music of the 20's and 30's and earlier, many of them with fine jazzmen of the era. it is a great listen.
  10. drink deep, my friend.
  11. hoping you reunite with your music very soon. if any of us can send you anything by internet, i'm sure there are dozens of your friends more than willing to oblige.
  12. when i was in hospital, i went almost 2 days without my music, and i really missed it.
  13. We are going to be listing all of the programs as title-links on the shows page--it will be fairly similar to the current archives page. I had this same concern as well & we will address it. One nice thing about the new site is the tag feature and the search function--you can immediately find & group all shows that reference, say, Coltrane, or Blue Note, or soundtracks/films, etc. Thanks much for the comments so far, and we'll keep working on it. Everything should be finished within the next 1-2 weeks. will all the shows remain archived?
  14. i am sure you have much of it very clear in your memory, as many of us do.
  15. High school champ, iirc... http://www.cleveland.oh.us/wmv_news/jazz39.htm
  16. l'histoire' has a magnificent classy feel to it. some of it is very solemn. very heavy, very thoughtful, but certainly not heavyhanded music.
  17. listened to the copenhagen tapes, among other things.
  18. hope the big bander is available. it's on a portugese label, i think, with mainly fine young portugese players.
  19. while very soberly jogging in 10 below zero temps a few years ago, the seat of the venerable aloc's running suit was removed by a hungry german shepherd, so aloc trotted for another couple miles or so in a seminude state. fortunately, none of aloc's hide was torn away by frostbite or canine teeth. aloc was not accosted, however, by officers of the law.
  20. i hope to visit his gravesite, as well, some day. if you make it first, would you shoot a few pics? Of course (if no one finds that offensive ). I believe the name of the cemetary is Beachwood Cemetary, but its closer to Shaker Heights (where I think he grew up) then Beachwood. I should just mapquest it and go and pay my repsects. very near a golf course. albert was an exceptional golfer.
  21. i hope to visit his gravesite, as well, some day. if you make it first, would you shoot a few pics?
  22. would be 71 today, and already gone so long. RIP albert was not a vietnam veteran.
  23. http://www.myspace.com/composermarkoconnor
  24. about the johnston: i wonder if the conductor counts off the beats of music silence. i am quite being serious. a live performance would be interesting. planned measured silences in music can be powerful. i do hope we respect this powerful item, and are even occasionally moved by it. Since it is a quartet, the first violin probably gave the cues. i should be banned for such a stupid remark, although i have done worse.
  25. about the johnston: i wonder if the conductor counts off the beats of music silence. i am quite being serious. a live performance would be interesting. planned measured silences in music can be powerful. i do hope we respect this powerful item, and are even occasionally moved by it.
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