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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. record of this year. will be an alltime aloc fav. especially love cuts 4 and 5. the mitchell, abrams, lewis 'streaming' is a very close second.
  2. Just for the record...did you just shampoo the basketball or shampoo with the basketball? basketball only.
  3. Just for the record...did you just shampoo the basketball or shampoo with the basketball? the basketball only was shampooed.
  4. must have a classy forum. organissimo, or no forum at all.
  5. this article from 1981 might capture some of the essence of bill walsh: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...iid=chix-sphere
  6. walsh's teams were always so self-disciplined. he was a classy motivator.
  7. this puzzles me. allaboutjazz and organissimo have no list of ladies of the night with classy musical tastes? the chicks who dig fletcher henderson, artie shaw, and john kirby are all 90 years old and most of them retired.
  8. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/wo...efault-underdog
  9. my grandson is that way, and he is working like hell to get a bachelors in 3 years just to save money.
  10. we all try to be thrifty, but there are items we all hold sacred where we dont even consider their cost.. maybe it's peanut butter or wheels or sneakers or speakers or nice hair or wine or jewelry or fishing equipment or a fine pad or our education or music, but we all have loves where cost doesnt count. it might be interesting to learn what those items are to some of us.
  11. i have heard most of sky blue and it is my cd of 2007. i cannot imagine that a more beautiful one will be made this year. the musicians are playing their souls out. maria's studies with bob brookmeyer and gil evans have served her well.
  12. entire butt english porter http://www.sheltonbrothers.com/images/beer...eButtPorter.jpg
  13. flying dog siberian night imperial stout http://www.ratebeer.com/beerimages/14138.jpg
  14. the holy ghost was discussing flying saucers. if one lands in your yard or garden here is a method to get rid of it: http://www.tutorials.com/04/0469/0469.asp
  15. did albert record the beautiful hymn, 'precious lord, take my hand?'
  16. http://news.cincypost.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar.../707270337/1020
  17. freeform discussions are no less sensible than the political banter which bombards.
  18. "suspect that what the reviewer is getting at is Arriale's clear love of gorgeous tunes. Alot of (marvellous) jazz places 'melody' as of minor importance. The tunes on hard bop recordings in particular can often be very samey...because the tunes are not really central to the intention of the players. They're just vehicles. Arriale clearly loves beautiful melodies. I love that rich romanticism; I'd imagine that to some tastes it might appear a bit too sentimental. Having said that, she can do muscular and abstract too!" bev stapleton aloc loves beautiful melodies, too. a beautiful player and a very nice lady. we have visited several times by email. i heard one of her live trio gigs on the irish radio arts station several years ago.
  19. I brought this up in a different thread....not that I'm losing sleep over it but it's kinda strange....very chewy like. m~ this essay expresses aloc's feelings concerning his third person affectations: thinking aloc should use: "the aloc" which is finer yet. http://www.pauldavidson.net/2006/02/19/the...e-third-person/
  20. just learning of this. never saw him on tv, but he was a helluva afternoon talk show host on kgo.
  21. i remember horny. he had awesome curly locks and the face of a choirboy and built in radar. probably a chromedome now. wish they had 3 pointers in those days. aloc would keep his balls inside and rotate them for his november hooping.
  22. aloc will add a cadenza: with his basketball mudsoaked, and 10 minutes to spare, aloc shot free throws with his regulation nike football, making a very credible 12 of 25, cutting the session short because canadian geese took over the court. try spiralling a football through the basket from the free throw line, with evan parker, barry guy, tony oxley, george lewis, and paul lytton in full flight, blasting out of your car's stereo system. aloc is perfectly normal.
  23. aloc met a very official guy(?) about 10 years old at the veterinarian, dressed in a suit, hair neatly combed, with his pet duck in a cardboard box, quacking like a malfunctiioning bassoon. aloc has wondered whatever became of the young man and his pet duck, donald.
  24. Did you two bathe together? afraid that would be asked. NO! not that weird.
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