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Everything posted by alocispepraluger102

  1. http://www.musicweb-international.com/clas...zsa_Khitruk.htm
  2. http://www.duramedfuturestour.com/PlayerBi...pornVirada.html
  3. i would really miss latenight am radio, especially the sports broadcasts, from the big clear channel blowtorches. wfan and wbbm and wgn and wcbs and kmox and several others are pretty damn special and i would miss them.
  4. the mets have blown all their lead. now tied with 3 games to go. a scant few months ago, mets fans were laughing at and belittling yankee fans and now the tables have turned. one of sports' all-time great choke jobs.
  5. http://www.charlotte.com/business/v-print/story/294878.html
  6. Furry masked bandit makes prison break from old OSR News Journal staff report MANSFIELD -- With a little help, a masked bandit made an escape at the old Ohio State Reformatory on Sunday night. It was an exciting last day of the tour season at the historic prison when a reformatory volunteer saw a raccoon, with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head, running across the lawn and bumping into a tree. It made its way up the tree and stayed there. Volunteers went into action. One started cutting branches off the small tree. Some kept the raccoon spotlighted so they wouldn't lose sight of the wily critter, and the others got some rope to pull the tree over so they could grab it. An off-duty Mansfield police officer, who is also a volunteer at the reformatory, arrived with an animal snare. One held the angry bandit, while another cut the plastic jar off its head. Once freed from the jar and snare, the raccoon disappeared into the brush by the reformatory lake, according to a spokesperson for the Mansfield Reformatory Preservation Society. The escapee's accomplices cheered his freedom and decided that was the perfect end to a great season.
  7. that was beautiful. thanks.
  8. http://www.efi.group.shef.ac.uk/
  9. i've send a letter inquiring where to send donations. 'we take care of our own.'
  10. http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/270439/
  11. http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/atla...?printable=true
  12. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/strange/...212105351.shtml
  13. OSU football player arrested for solicitation By NBC4 COLUMBUS — Police arrested an Ohio State University football player for solicitation Monday night on the city's north side. According to the Franklin County Prosecutor's Office, Antonio Henton, a redshirt freshman, was arrested and charged with soliciting a prostitute on North High Street and East 6th Avenue at about 8:30 p.m., NBC 4 reported. Henton, a Georgia native, is the third-string quarterback for the Buckeyes. Henton was scheduled to be arraigned this morning in a Franklin County courtroom.
  14. http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=13793
  15. That's REALLY fast on a bicycle!!! I've done a bit of bicycling, and i'm not sure that I've gone that fast, even downhill with a tailwind! my god 25mph is flying. what if you have a blowout or hit a rock?
  16. http://www.congahead.com/Musicians/Meet_Mu...pecs/powell.htm
  17. as you get older and the reflexes slow, the stuff in the road goes by so fast it's very scary. i was so stupid to risk the lives of innocent people. no more, never, ever, never.
  18. aloc, a few decades ago, clocked a modest but foolhardy 150mph. http://www.guardian.co.uk/crime/article/0,,2176212,00.html?
  19. Idiots at Oregon DMV find Common Dutch Name Offensive Filed under: * General — John C Dvorak @ 1:25 pm DMV deems Oregon family’s name offensive | KOMO 1000 News Radio - News, Weather and Sports - Seattle, WA Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional — To me this action offends everyone from the Netherlands and anyone with a foreign name. I’m personally offended now. Humppf! A Merlin family has been ordered to turn in the vanity license plates for their cars because the state finds their Dutch name can be interpreted as offensive. The plates, UDINK1 UDINK2 and UDINK3 are on the vehicles of Mike and Shelly Udink and their son Kalei. Two of the plates are five and seven years old. One was issued last year. Last summer Kawika Udink’s application for Udink4 was rejected and the state ordered the other three plates returned. The plates are now invalid and the 90-day temporary registrations sent to the family in June are also likely expired, according to David House, spokesman for the state Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division. The plates were deemed offensive by a 10-person DMV panel that approves custom, or “vanity” plates, which cost an extra $80. House, who serves on the panel, said the reasons were the sexual references that can be associated with the name, which can be treated as a verb. “DINK has several derogatory meanings,” wrote panel member Yvonne Bell. She said it also can be a racial slur, especially toward Vietnamese. House said the “U” in the front could be construed as “You.” It seems unreal to Mike Udink, whose name is Dutch. He says it is a common name in The Netherlands. found by Aric Mackey who points out that in the USA DINK commonly means “double income, no kids.” Hardly offensive
  20. the 9'ers were very impressive in a loss to the steelers. they are well coached. when they get a qb with an arm, they will be a playoff team
  21. I'm getting the feeling that WFAN is a station for sports; is that right? MG 24 hour sports, was also the home station for the infamous don imus. some of us have more than one addiction.
  22. splendid summation. tony paige is a boxing writer and covers many live events for tv and used to be president of boxing writers of usa. hell of a nice decent man, a real gentleman. he hosts the overnight show on wfan and mixes in a bit of jazz.
  23. on wkcr. till midnight eastern after 430pm eastern next 3 hours trane and miles.
  24. a great brewery website: damn good beers, too. this paulaner munchen salvatore double bock is one of the best! http://www.paulaner.de/
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