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Everything posted by mjazzg

  1. Nik Bärtsch's Ronin - Spin [Ronin Rhythm Records, Switzerland 2024]
  2. I'm afraid not, too long ago and possibly too much alcohol involved on the night!
  3. Kullhammar, of course, my mistake. He's good too
  4. Agreed. That's run by Per Texas Johansson isn't it? He's very good in many different settings. Nacka Forum are an old favourite too
  5. I used to listen to a lot about ten years ago so I'm behind the times now. From back then I'd suggest Atomic and each of the players from that band own leader dates. Also Paal Nilsson-Love Large Unit Definitely second Angles, in all its various sizes. More recently, Stahls Trio Organic Pulse Ensemble Oira Pena Superposition
  6. Just back from 'A Complete Unknown' which I thought was pretty all round excellent I'm a Dylan agnostic so went with an open mind and no preconceptions about him as a person. Excellent performances by the main actors involved. I thought Chamalet was vocally very convincing, and Monica Barbaro as Baez was too, perhaps a little less What I really liked was that it made the music exciting, be that solo acoustic in a cellar or the electric performance at Newport.
  7. There's lots more to discover by her too, all of it's good. Her more recent Snowy Egret band plays beautiful music
  8. I had some very good news this week so treated myself to the Sam reissues. The Delmarks in my discogs cart would've cost the same as one Sam so it's wilful extravagance and I don't care a jot!
  9. Never seen that cover before. Great album
  10. Here's hoping it ducks under the customs net on the way in.
  11. I bet that's interesting I'm trying to decide which of my Circle LPs survive the next cull, this is the most likely. As a group they never seem to reach the sum of the parts and I tend to struggle with Corea
  12. Great album, well worth the investment
  13. Just seen Matana Roberts post the same. That's not very old. A great loss. A semi regular visitor to Oto. I never got on with her music but that's my loss, many, many people with good ears did
  14. No I saw them at Southampton University
  15. How to inhabit someone else's song. And I say that as someone who would probably take Astral Weeks over every other album in my collection
  16. She was kind of ever present in the background over here as a reminder of the swinging 60s but also someone who transcended that scene to create an interesting career beyond it. I agree that 'Broken English' is a great record. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2025/jan/30/marianne-faithfull-singular-icon-of-british-pop-dies-aged-78 Just read she grew up in my home town, quite a few years before me sadly
  17. Sorry can't answer your question but they were a great band. I saw them about 1982 but no Don Cherry
  18. Thanks, don't need my earth shattered today so it could just fit the bill
  19. Vinnie Burke All-Stars - s/t [HMV, UK 1958 Test Pressing]
  20. Acting Trio scared me witless about 35 years ago, bet I'd like it today. Coursil, Moncur and Terroade are the ones for me on that list but have LPs of each which I'll stick with
  21. That looks interesting, how is it?
  22. This is it. First editions in many other art fields command the highest prices be that fine art prints, ceramics, first edition books etc. Why should recorded music be any different? If people want to pay to own the "original" in pristine condition and they can afford to do so then so be it and good luck to them, it's their money. I'd hazard a guess that some of them do play the LPs rather than hang them on the wall but even if they don't and only keep them as an artefact I can't get upset about that either. It's a lovely thing to own. Some of these collectors may equally regard having at least two box sets containing the same version of the album on the same format as a bit odd, after all you can only play one at a time.
  23. Available from 1st February at which point we'll know the cost, see my comment up thread as to likely cost bracket given this series previous release, $100/LP
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