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Posts posted by jazzkrow

  1. SO happy about my Giants-tho I was born in San Fran, I have lived in Portland the last 25+ years. I have followed the Giants all my life-and had doubts that they would ever win the Series. Heart broken in 62 and when they lost to the Angels after being up 3-2.

    'Cept for the pitching staff-and what a staff- no real hitting stars but they had real spirit and such a joy/ but the torture moniker was true as they suffered thru so many one run games.

    Now that they won a series-1st since 54- us Giant fans can relax and focus on the Worriors. They last won when I met my wife- 1975...

  2. I rented a car last weekend that had Sirius radio.

    I found a station-I think it was called Real Jazz-but it might have had another name.

    I think it was station #72?

    Anyway, I was very impressed with the playlist and sound quality.

    How many non-smooth jazz stations are on Sirius?

    Worth purchasing the service? I would have to have the portable radio with docking station as I do not intend to replace my car stereo.

    I did notice the station cutting out whenever I went under an overpass or entered a


    How is the reception at home?

    Opinions appreciated.

    The monthly fees I have seen quoted seem quite cheap at under $10 a month.

  3. Any Board members going to the Detroit Jazz Festival Labor Day weekend?

    Looks like a good line-up..

    My first time seeing Barry Harris!

    Any recommendations for restaurants near the Festival?

    I am not catching a flight till Tuesday afternoon-and won't have a car-some ideas on museums, and other must see stops within walking distance of the Downtown Marriott/waterfront I can do before leaving town Tues afternoon?


  4. Frishberg lives here in Portland and when he is not playing in New York, he backs up both Rebecca Kilgore (on Arbors label)

    and lately enjoys playing with Retta, who has a great voice and a big following here in town. David Evans settled a few years ago

    in Portland and plays with many different folk. New Orleans transplant, Devin Phillips, saxophonist from New Orleans, came here soon after Katrina. Bassist David Friesen also makes his home here. Esperanza Spaulding went to high school here before she took off for New York and stardom. Quite an active scene here in Portland, but only one jazz club, Jimmy Maks, where the great drummer Mel Brown plays several days a week. Happily, Curtis Fuller, will be coming to town next month to play with Mel Brown's band

  5. Don't be surprised if Best Buy cannot fill your order-I once had a pending order with them for 3+ mos before giving up

    I eventually got this set from Borders at a similar price.

    Being an optimist I just put in an order myself since at this price it makes a good gift.

    I'm just not counting on Best Buy to fulfill this order. This box set goes for well more than they are asking-and it is a great set

    Let's all cross our fingers-and toes...

  6. I have several mint condition Mosaic LP box sets to trade.

    They have only been played once or twice and boxes and booklets are in superb condition. I would consider possibly a 2 for one trade for the rarer CD sets I'd like.

    For Trade-LP sets:

    Hall, Johnson, DeParis, Dickenson set

    Albert Ammons/ Meade Lux Lewis set

    Complete Blue Note Tina Brooks

    Complete Blue Note Clifford Brown

    Complete Charles Mingus 1959 CBS set

    (I also have the Miles Davis Complete Jack Johnson Columbia CD set to throw into the mix)

    Wants: (I know some of these are odd requests...but they fill in my collection)

    Box and Booklet only for the Buck Clayton CD set

    CDs #5-7 of J.J. Johnson set and plastic CD holder

    Shorty Rogers CD set

    Bud Shank CD set

    Mel Lewis/ Thad Jones CD set

    Send me a PM to discuss trade possibilities...


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