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Posts posted by jazzkrow

  1. Dem bastards at DG have a re-issue from Fresh Sound of Joe Holiday's "Holiday for Jazz" plus bonus tracks from an earlier Holiday issue. The reason I'm intrigued is that Holiday for Jazz has both Art Farmer and Blue Mitchell on it. As a Mitchell completist, I am curious if either Mitchell(or Farmer) get any solo time?

    Also to whom might Holiday be compared to in tone or style?

    This re-issue worth picking up? I know nothing of Joe Holiday so I thought someone here must have some sessions with him on tenor.

    any advice?


  2. THANKS RELYLES-NO offense taken! :D

    My son does have a stereo at home-but not of my quality. Funny thing, as a musician he hears things that as a mere mortal jazz fan, I don't catch. As the saying goes, "he has good ears!"

    I just noticed him listening to the RVG of the Coltrane re-issue while he was doing his final review- and made the comment on that online here and then all hell broke loose.

    Let me know what you think of his review AFTER you do yours-and we'll compare notes.

    Some of my reviews are on that site currently as well.

    thanks for your clarification!


  3. Normally, I DO use quality stereo equipment to review CDs-it just was my son's choice to do the Coltrane review-and he has good listening skills as a musician. Maybe you can read the review and judge it on its own merits first...

    CD reviews are only a small part of the websites content. The owner/webmaster of the site reviews Audiophile equipment himself! Reviews of CDs-classical, world music, jazz etc. are done by individual reviewers that are fans of the music. It's the "ears" of the individual reviewer that determine sound quality.

    Don't be so quick to make a judgment of a review JUST by the title of the website....

  4. Bought this Coltrane title recently. This is the first edition of Traneing In I have bought, so cannot compare it to other masterings. I was a bit shocked how dull (compressed?) this cd sounded. I listened to this right after I listened to Sonny Rollins Plus 3 RVG and I thought I was having hearing problem. Sounded like a wool blanket was pulled in front of my speakers. My wife even agreed it sounded dull. Do all the cd masterings of Traneing In sound this way? Is the original tape in bad condition?

    I found an on line review of this RVG on "AUDIOPHILE AUDITION" which raved about the sound. Rather strange.

    Thank you for your comments.



    That's my son, Dan, who did THAT review on Audiophile Audition. Evidently, his system (read computer) is not up to par to your stereo system. He's not a huge jazz fan but loves Coltrane and writes reviews much better than his Dad as Dad is just a jazz fanatic and not a musician.....

    My reviews on that site don't hold a candle to Dan's way with words. :g

    Sorry the sound didn't please you. I'll have to give it a listen on my more upgraded stereo!


  5. The Prestige RVG remaster of Oliver Nelson's "Screamin the Blues" came out recently.

    The remaster job by Rudy is superb and the playing of all concerned-Nelson, Dolphy, and especially Richard Williams-is dynamite.

    Williams is a monster here-blistering. The man never got his due-and only one session under his own name,

    New Horn in Town (on Candid). The CDs purchase is well worth it just to hear Williams blow...

    Can't recommend this CD highly enough. It's my favorite small group Nelson CD....


  6. Dem bastards at Dusty Groove are selling 2 Warner Bros 1956/1959 LPs as a compilation-Lps titled Saxes Inc (with all the big names-Hawkins, Woods, Sims, etc) along with Trombone Scene with Bert, Cleveland, Green and Knepper. Anyone here heard either of these 2 Warner Bros LPs. Sounds like an intriguing 2-fer for $12.99.

    Anyone have these Lps? Comments?



  7. I am not usually a big Don Byron fan, but I am a big fan of Junior Walker. I heard an interview with Byron tonight on Fresh Air on PBS radio. Terri Gross did a nice job interviewing Byron and they played snippets from the new Junior Walker Cd that Byron has out on Blue Note. It sounded quite good-greasy and authentic.

    AMG just gave it a rave review.

    Anybody have it yet?


  8. :tup

    Liam Sillery a young trumpeter from New York has a new CD out with the LA based David Sills

    Quartet. Just came out on OA2 Records. Great stuff. Think a Blue Note Quintet (60's) with organ that gets into a great groove and does not let up. Sills is great on tenor.

    The OA2 website has some sound samples.

    I highly recommend it. Joe Bagg (a new name to me is on organ) and guitarist Larry Koonse

    adds highly to the mix!

    Anyone else out there had a chance to hear this new one?

  9. Lonnie Smith will be at Jimmy Maks Nov. 4th. I plan to attend. See you there?

    I am going to be there. What's Jimmy Mak's like? Casual? Is it a smoke-free place? Can I watch the show and get drinks or is it a full dinner deal? Thanks in advance...


    Jimmy Maks is semi-casual. You can either eat a full dinner there (Greek food) or just order drinks or a dessert. There is no minimum food/drink charge. Just a cover charge to get in.

    I live in Portland and if you'd like to go record/cd shopping or get a tour of the town, just PM me and we can set it up. I've lived here for 20+ years and really love this town....


  10. I was there too!

    Hadley is still blowing strong at 75.

    Very impressive!

    Although Priester can only play softly now, he displayed much class

    and it was a real treat to see them together on the small Tula's stage.

    Wish I could be in Seattle this coming Thursday night, when Eric Alexander and George Coleman blow

    into town. Man, that would be some kinda show....

    Peter Johnson, you going to that show??? :party:

  11. The LA Jazz Institute is putting on a 4 day Basie tribute at the 4 Points Sheraton near the LA Airport

    on Oct. 5-8. The cost is not cheap for the entire 4 day event-$350-but you can buy individual tickets

    for the panel discussions, films, and concerts.

    the line-up is amazing:

    The Village Vanguard Jazz Orchestra (from NYC)

    Frank Foster's Loud Minority Big Band

    Frank Wess Quartet

    Clark Terry Quartet and Big Band (likely made up of top LA session men (Carl Saunders, Pete Christlieb, Lanny Morgan)

    Johnny Mandel Big Band

    Clayton-Hamilton Orchestra w/ Snooky Young

    Frank Capp Juggernaut

    Joe Wilder Quartet

    plus Basie films, panel discussions, and Laurie Pepper presenting new scenes from her movie

    on Art Pepper-Straight Life

    Lodging is provided at the hotel for $84 or $94

    Any of our West Coast members going? I bought some individual concert and panel discussion

    tickets this week. The panel discussions are $10 and the concerts are either $25 or $35

    Due to the age of the performers, and the fact that they hardly ever come out to the West Coast, I felt I could not pass up this opportunity.....

    If any LA folks are coming, I'd dig the chance to join you to visit the Amoeba flagship store or a drive to see The Lighthouse club as I won't have any wheels as the Sheraton is right at the airport. :w

    Info is available from the LA Jazz Institute website or at 562-985-7065

  12. I reviewed this CD for Audiophile Audition-www.aud.aud and found it to be one of the best CDs I had reviewed in months. the combo of the Hammond and Buck's warm, emotional tone was a clear winner. I cannot recommend this CD enough!

    Classy from beginning to end!

    Anybody loving the Hammond/tenor connection will love this old school sounding CD.


    We're Dusty Groove kind of guys for our cds-or CD Universe to help the Board.

    Or if we are really patient-yourmusic.com

    Tower has just got too expensive.

    Hey, New Yorkers, where do we get "THE" New York bagel,pastrami sandwhiches, chessecake, thin crust pizza, etc. near our mid-town digs? Inquiring minds/hungry stomachs wanna know :g

    Food will be a close second to all the jazz we're going to hear.

    And I'm trying to talk Mark into seeing one Broadway play on Wednesday, May 3.

    Do any plays have mid-week matinees?

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