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About jazzkrow

  • Birthday 04/04/1953

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  1. Could you possibly cut and paste the article. Without being a subscriber, it won't let you read the article...
  2. John, I don't have any of her live material. Can you comment on the live sessions from Fillmore East, as well as the Bottom Line, if you have those sessions?? Thanks
  3. That's probably true, however I wonder how many of the 19 CDs are worthwhile, and probably each of her hits are reprised at least 10 times over the 19 CDs? I can't imagine any of our board members would have this box set?
  4. Although certainly for completists only, it appears this box set of 19 CDs covers her entire career, and includes many live sets. I have always been a big fan of hers, and it would be great to have her entire output in one box, but at the current price (well over $200), it would be a tough purchase. But, maybe down the road at a more reasonable used price, it would be very tempting. I have only her early material, and would appreciate comments on her releases past the mid-70s...
  5. I would have been interested, except for the fact that they are NOT including ANY of The Band ONLY material from these concerts. Probably an issue of the estates giving permission? I would always be open to purchasing unreleased material from The Band in the future... From the link above, it mentions that The Band had Solo sets during the concerts. That's what got me excited until I found out that they would not be included. ☹️
  6. I'm in the same position with my son.. I may try to find a young collector to pass on my collection...
  7. For me, my single CDs are not the major issue. It's the box sets. Maybe, it would be a worthy idea to pass on box sets on our Pay It Forward link. That way the box sets would go to true avid collectors here. Just ask for return postage in exchange...👍
  8. As I am now in my 70s, and my son really has no interest in jazz box sets- I often wonder when do I begin to downsize or sell my collection? Universities seem to have no interest in physical product-and I am old school about digitizing my collection. When to sell? Give to a much younger collector? Some of our collection took years to acquire and the "hunt" was lots of fun. I don't want to burden my wife with having to deal with my collection. I am in decent health, but you never know when health crisis hits... How are you folks dealing with this issue?
  9. That is the huge question... When to sell our large mosaic collection, when we have no heirs that would have interest? That's certainly is suitable for another topic for input. A sad decision for us to make, when it took so much time and effort to build up our collection... What are people thinking here regarding this tough topic to consider..?
  10. Just saw that at the Hollywood Bowl in LA, on July 17: Maria Schneider Orchestra Count Basie Orchestra Clayton Hamilton Orchestra Always wanted to go to a show at the Hollywood Bowl... Awfully tempting for me, but I live in Portland...🤥
  11. Died over the weekend. She came to fame as one of the earliest female rock DJ. I remember her fondly from KSAN in San Francisco. She later went on to Los Angeles and was working recently for Sirius classic rock station... She will be missed...
  12. I am looking for an empty Buck Clayton Mosaic box to complete my Clayton set. I can offer an empty Johnny Hodges Small Group Sessions (1956-61) box or the Beiderbecke, Trumbauer & Teagarden box in exchange. Or purchase the Clayton box at a reasonable price. Can anyone help? THANKS
  13. I have an extra Beiderbecke, Trumbauer, and Teagarden Mosaic box, and get my hands on an extra Hodges Verve '56-61 Mosaic box. I could use an extra Cooper, Holman, and Rosolino box as mine has a badly split spine.
  14. LOVED this documentary! It now occupies a place at the top of my favorite concerts docs, along with The Last Waltz..
  15. One of the best line-ups I ever saw live in a single evening was perhaps one of the first jazz concerts (maybe the first?) I ever attended in around 1968. The Berkeley Jazz Festival- Max Roach with Abbey Lincoln, Archie Shepp, and closing with a solo set from Sonny Rollins... There were many other ones- single days at Monterey, LAJI (Count Basie members),and Chicago and Detroit Festivals-but the Berkeley Festival I remember fondly. Not so much, though, the hard brick stairs of the Greek Theater...
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