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    Bakersfield, CA

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  1. So you caught that did ya?
  2. Thanks again to Chuck Nessa, & Holy Ghost posters. You all have been so helpful. Now I have something to work on. Thanks a bunch!
  3. Thanks Rooster_Ties, I've noted all these great recommendations. VERY much appreciated.
  4. To impossible, Ted R, Patrick and anyone else I missed: Thank you for all your suggestions. And thanks for not raking me over the coals for being such a numb-nuts regarding Jazz and Jazz artists and styles. You are so kind. I really appreciate it. I will try to "try" as many of these as I can find. You guys are great! Thanks for good first leads. I look forward to learning more about Jazz and what it has contributed to our great American heritage, and the blessing of knowing what sounds ........just so cool.......and makes one feel ........just so good!
  5. This is my first post. I apolgize to everyone who loves and KNOWS jazz. I enjoy lots, but am not familiar with the style of various artists. I'm so ignorant I don't even know if my search should be in the jazz category or in blues. I know...send the paramedics now! Every once in awhile I'll hear a selection that I just love! No special focus or limitation on instruments - any and all will fit; but I have never heard the name of the artist or the piece played so I'm left wondering who was the artist, band, etc. I'm asking for your suggestions on artists who specialize in the smoothest (a subjective word I can't really describe, sorry!) soft, totally relaxing, almost putting you into a Zen state or to sleep; so smooth and soft it feels like a massage! Based on this can anyone give me some suggestions? And is there a web site where I can listen a bit to see if it fits what I'm searching for before spending bucks only to possibly be disappointed? I am truly grateful if anyone can overlook my ignorance and give me some help. Thanks in advance.
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