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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. All those times I was creeping around and you were wearing night vision goggles? Yes Ron, lucky for you I'm the benevolent sort. At any time the phantom stalker could have been....
  2. Now ain't that just like a Bushista, to bemoan the loss of a snoop op! ← ← Yep, a significant blow to the intelligence gathering program --- only the wiretaps and paid informants remain in place.
  3. This rots! Now we can't click on 'organissimo home' at the bottom and see who the annonymous people are who think that they're hiding.
  4. We'll all be dead & buried before BN re-issues this one........so it's time to spring into action! I'm not the seller....although I did buy his 'Infinity' TOCJ earlier in the week. Good service.
  5. If you went to boarding school w/them it's a different ball-o-wax and you enjoy getting together with the folks you dormed with. It tends to be a very tight, extended network.
  6. Robbie's? Haven't a clue. That a fishing charter co. or so?
  7. Hmm, now there's an idea. Better still, might be a good idea to hire Gould to drive us and we can sit back and listen to 'S' from his collection. All the Horace Silver. Assuming he's still doing the 'A-Z' thing.
  8. No need for me to dirty my nails......our guys own the 'box' companies and the software has already been pre-programmed, remember???? Guess yer again in '08. Wheel, if you're right about 836 W., I'll never say 'Cambridge' again. B-) Gracias.
  9. From the Miami airport (Midday weekday), what's the 'average' drive time 'bout halfway down the keys (Islamorada). 2 hrs? 3 hrs? Thank you.
  10. Too true. Sadly, LPs such as Joe Alexander's 'Blue Jubilee' have yet to be re-issued to cd. W/Heath, Jones & Timmons on board, ya'd think this would have see the light of day...at least in Japan.
  11. Same for Infinity, Sonic Boom, Procrastinator, Lonely Town, Poppin, Curtain Call..etc......
  12. I'm glad that you raised this to the surface because it led me to your website and the clip from the trio cd --- one that I'll soon be ordering from Amazon or CD Universe. If you don't mind me asking, why is there only one clip ('Wave') available for screening as opposed to the five you offer from the new one? I can't speak for others, but 95% of the time, I'm inclined to make a move on a cd that I can preview. Sadly, the CD Universe & Amazon sites don't have a single clip from the trio cd......and there's a good chance that I'd have bypassed it. I've never understood why some of these music sites offer clips for certain titles and not others? How is that negotiated? Can someone explain this to me?
  13. Interesting threads although it would be nice to see more of the posters ("My return rate with 200g Classic pressings is about 60%") mention individual titles. Didn't notice anyone pointing the finger at particular jazz titles.....just certain rock titles like CS&N and 'Who's Next' (which seems to be a real stinker). No problems at this end with the 200gr BN titles (Candy, Johnny Griffin, Hank Mobley, J.R. Monterose) or the 180 gr. Epic titles (Coles, Dave Bailey, etc.). A different story however with the pricey 180 gr. Miles KOB blue vinyl and had to return several inferior copies. Classics had a less than cordial staffer who gave me a real hard time over the matter so I did an end run on him and went straight to Mr. Hobson who was exceptionally pleasant and surprisingly called me at the house several times to confer. Back to 200 gr.....the Johnny Griffin was one that he specifically recommended..and it's a beauty. Have you picked that one up, Mr. Wolff?
  14. When (if?) you receive the item, it will probably be precisely giftwrapped in yellow or other colored tissue paper w/a gold address label neatly attached -- a clear sign that on one level they're paying close attention to detail. I'm somewhat sympathetic to them because I too have done that tissue paper 'bit' for many years on eBay and think it's a nice touch in this day & age of items being tossed haphazardly into oversized boxes and banging around and showing up at your door looking like hell. That's why I like buying items from Mr. Tanno in Japan --- his signature blue plastic wrap says "I paid attention'. Anyway, despite all the negatives these folks have received, we're definitely not talking some villainous band of thieves out to snare you but rather an operation that, for some unknown reason, has experienced a meltdown of sorts, or is now operating way out of it's league. One can only speculate.
  15. So do they 100% guarantee that it's used, or guarantee that it's used 100%? "They" never knew what hit 'em once that well-oiled PayPal complaint resolution system kicked into high gear and picked their pocket for the quick 100% refund. That's an impressive little operation they're running there. They need to get MC Hammer to do some 'PayPal is on your side!' ads for 'em. B-)
  16. "...they are spectacular reissues. Beautiful boxes, beautiful booklets, beautiful digipaks, beautiful sound. ." Too true! Ordered the 'Rive Gauche, Rive Droite' box and was expecting a Select-sized box rather than this 10x10 thing of beauty! Quickly cast out the net and ordered four more duplicate boxes in order to squirrel 'em away and give to friends as gifts down the road. Sure beats the standard 'ol bottle wine when you go to someone's home for a party or a nice dinner.
  17. Speaking of re-wrapped discs....moments ago (after waiting 3+ weeks) I received, from eBay seller 'LUXONDA,' this old domestic version of Miles 'Blackhawk', Vol. 2 with neato orange 'Used' sticker. Only problem is that I (supposedly) won both SACD volumes that were advertised as 'New'. Well thank goodness the jewel case isn't cracked or I'd lose it!! Shame on me for not paying closer attention to this idiot's feedback. "100% Guaranteed" --- sure, we'll see about that.
  18. Thanks Jim! That's one we'll add to the 'wants' list. Hhmmm, Father's Day's just around the corner isn't it? Time for those children to get off of Disney.Com for a change and start learning how to navigate their way 'round some prime cd sites!!!!!
  19. Okay, we'll do that! The more I think about it though, if the NRA guys were monitoring his posts in the political forum, there's a pretty good chance that they abducted him as he drove by NRA Headquarters in Fairfax which overlooks I-66!! I honestly don't think I have enough firepower at hand to blast my way into the holding cell areas on the 2nd & 3rd floors.
  20. Once told me that he lives about 20 miles outside DC.....my guess is that he's still stuck in traffic on I-66. It's been known to happen around here.
  21. I was peeved at Red Trumpet for sending me a mini-lp that was obviously used w/numerous small scratches but they quickly sent a replacement in good order and apologized profusely. You should at least get an apology. Damn, now I'm wondering about that sealed McLean 'Fickle' TOCJ that's sittin' over there with that faux saran wrap. God, I hope there isn't a Fred Astaire sing-a-long disc inside.
  22. ...for the "Landscape" cd. Searched all over...and zilch. Anyone seen a site w/'em????
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