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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I think I'd rather watch Paris Hilton participate in the National Spelling Bee.
  2. I hope that her phalanx of attendents keep a sharp eye on Liz Taylor in London to make sure she doesn't fly into a frightful tizzy and start popping fistfuls of downers if Michael gets sent to room with an ex-Hell's Angel in prison for 3-5.
  3. geez jim, he's hardly on some of his own covers! ← .....at least he got a 3/4 body shot in this one and they didn't go totally cornball central by having his head pop out from the pepper mill from hell.
  4. An excellent suggestion!! ......but you might want to play it safe and hit Dusty or Red Trumpet this time 'round lest your order at Mosaic happens to get filled by the person who monitors these Mosaic threads for grins and happens to recognize him/herself as the object of your everlasting 'affections' above.
  5. Woah....stone cold self-control! You start flashin' too much of that stuff around these parts and you could earn some serious enemies and wind up in a pine box!
  6. I've seen the self-pics you've posted.......how do you know that you'll still have an interest in this stuff when you hit 85?
  7. I'll skip both and wait for the Piano set (Clare Fischer, Rowles, etc) that they said (today) is still on track for Oct.
  8. Oh for goodness' sake!! ....put down the for a minute! If half of you guys in w. europe would cut the university umbilical cord before the age of 30, you'd be out there at age 22 wheeling & dealing, screwing things up and stashing cash for Mosaics like the rest of us!
  9. Hey, in exchange for a night's stay at the Hotel des Balances in Lucerne plus a fish dinner at the Rotes Gatter, I'd give you 20 Jimmy Smith boxes plus every Jimmy Smith JRVG & TOCJ in existence.....believe it!!!!
  10. There is equal info for all. Customers the world over can access the Mosaic site at will and see for themselves what the current state of play is regarding sets that have sprouted wings and are now flying off the shelf. Ron S checked the site and posted an alert here. Those who check the site every week will always be in the know. I'd rely on the brochure for accurate/timely updates, the way that I'd rely on a single news channel to keep me up to speed on all the latest goings on in el mundo........not to mention all the breathtaking twists & turns in the Michael Jackson bugfuck of a trial-fest.
  11. Jesus!!!! I can see the box sandwiched between those sacks of Kenyan AA bean!!!
  12. What does a Mosaic look like after it emerges from a clammy, dunnage-packed, mouse infested ships' hold?
  13. Can't happen soon enough!!!!! It's all in the cards.....er, the Heartbreak Transits.
  14. <<<<Has Universal ever issued the very fine Edgar Sampson Coral lp on cd? I have never encountered one. My current version of this material is an MCA lp from 1982. It says "Compiled by Steve Hoffman". His task seems to have been to eliminate 2 of the tracks for the reissue. I would have hoped for a version of the unissued track instead of this crap. >>>> This one? It's been out in Japan.
  15. I'll not blow his cover....but many thanks to the guy who saw my post and contacted me with a seriously sweet offer! 37° 47' N 122° 26' W
  16. No.......sorry, most honorable brewmaster of the northwoods.....please take pity & don't have me ritually disemboweled.
  17. Someone said that if others take to quoting the 'ignored' person, the text won't be masked at all.......thus rendering the function about as useless as the advance 10-day forecast over at weather.com (imo).
  18. ..and a visit to the jazz lounge at the Peace Hotel is a must. I agree w/you about the Ming Tombs -- fabulous. Xian (start of the old Silk Road) w/its thousands of terra-cotta soldiers from the Qin Dynasty is also a must see imo.
  19. A burning desire to discover whether Moose will ever get his Moon Martin record?
  20. SEE! That's why the rest of the world thinks that we're gluttons! About 15 ribs worth...kids only eat a couple each. That...plus a glass of water & a toothpick and they're all set!
  21. Three Coronas later & we've got a wee bit of char action...but that's okay! Only a couple of minutes 'till showtime and Art Pepper's 'Intensity' is cued up & ready to go!
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