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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Yes, Dorham's 'Blue Spring' is littered with them. Swore off the OCJs after that.
  2. Saw something about MC looking to get this out on vinyl as well (Oct.?). That still the plan? Anyone heard anything about cover art or so?
  3. And more to come! CD Universe now has listed as a pre-order (August) the Alexander/Herring get together at Smoke in April. A definite crowd pleaser.
  4. Now sitting in my fridge.....a couple of six-packs each: ....minus the watch, of course. For some bizarro reason, the #1 selling König Pils is not available in U.S. stores. Unbelievably.......no weizens presently in-stock at the weizenhaus!!!!
  5. Yeah, I was kinda kidding......but actually, as nature's great scavengers, they do eat flesh. I take my daily walk along a canal/bike path that runs up from Reagan National Airport and has a good number of healthy size catfish, carp, etc.. in it. On numerous ocasions I've seen small groups of 3 or 4 catfish really churning up the water as they go after the corpse of a dead carp that's bobbing up against the side of the canal. But yeah.....as you've said, it's not as though they're going to try to make a meal out of a live carp, monkey or Benny Hill. (Note: Walking Catfish I'm not so sure about. They're super aggressive and will clean out a good sized pond in no time flat) Tarpon trip comes up in a few weeks.
  6. Yeah, is that wild or what? That 'ol bird must have had one heck of an appetite. I wouldn't be at all surprised if, over the decades, the occasional svelt & trim 92 lb villager who went down to the river for a cool dip after dark wound up......
  7. Oh yeah, I remember that book. Dubya probably never read it because anti-communism is presented as simplistic. Nowhere is there even a hint that there is any possible reason why folks shouldn't desire to be ruled by communists. A swell Ho Chi Minh good/U.S. bad classic!!!!!!!
  8. What if it cures and don't wanna come out? No way! Instructions for Taking Ear Impressions 1. We are manufacturing a FULL SHELL earpiece. We require the ear impressions to be a full impression including: Crus of Helix, Tragus, and Antitragus. 2. Impressions must be made from silicone impression material only. 3. It is very important to have an “Open Mouth Impression” taken to the second bend the ear canal. This is accomplished by doing the following: a. Open mouth wide when impression material is being injected into the ear. b. Do not close mouth until the impression material has completely cured
  9. Now this is a fantastic book. Van Creveld analyzed performance under various scenarios in which one side had the advantage in airpower....or in armor, infantry, terrain, etc.. Well written, precise, interesting conclusions. It was oop for ages and then Greenwood Press kicked in again with a limited run. It ain't cheap. If you find more than one in the $50 range, let me know 'cause I'm looking for a replacement copy.
  10. Happy B'Day!!! From the Martini Republic site: A Curator's work is never done
  11. Hard to say too much unless you state a preference for a particular theater or battles (Glantz & House 'Battle of Kursk' is good). A good all 'round WWII book is 'Total War' by Peter Calvocoressi and Guy Wint. About 1,000 pages......covers action on all fronts & is chock full of solid info. I think it went oop in the mid-80s....not hard to find though. IMO the best of the lot in the 'big canvas' category.
  12. ...but just to play it safe, might be time to summon Atom Ant out of retirement.
  13. Naaa, they basically equate this with a mosquito hitting a freight train. Gotta love that Russian scientist who filed suit ($300 million?) against NASA claiming that they're disrupting the natural balance of the universe -- as though these comets aren't already severely pock-marked from repeat collisions over the years.
  14. Now that's a neat looking site, Take. That 'Heavy Duty DVD Pro Case' for $159 looks like it would be perfect for mini-lps. Wonder how many it'll hold? Don't suppose you've had any experience with (or know of someone) those little jobbers?
  15. I'm considering that new Stones mini-lp box (w/"Sticky Fingers, "Exile On Main Street," "Goats Head Soup," "It's Only Rock N Roll," "Black And Blue," "Some Girls ," "Emotional Rescue, and "Tattoo You") due out in Japan in August. I haven't purchased a single rock cd in 8 or 9 years.
  16. A new 'One For All'? Boy, they certainly are spitting out the Higgins discs fast & furious. Another was released this week, yes? I've come to rely on the Tanno e-mails and stuff posted here but I must have been asleep at the switch because I sure didn't notice any 'heads up' regarding the E. Higgins and Cedar Walton Trio discs that were released earlier this week. Guess I'll have to go back to checking the Venus site from time to time. Maybe Hiroshi messed up and sent the Venus update to Lon instead of me?!
  17. Well damn! Now I'm getting all excited about this place. Okay, so they're selling some Mosaics with sawcuts...what else? Trading bootlegs? Running numbers? There a meth lab in the back???
  18. Jeez, with all this talk you guys have Reinier all 'worried' that Frank Serpico and a well armed strike force are gonna assault the place and take some folks down while he's perusing the Phil Woods mini-lps. It was the guys at the Tower in the east village that actually suggested the place to me and who said that's where they go to find items of interest that would never see the light of day in their visibly shrinking Tower jazz dept. That said, I've been amazed at the number of Venus discs that I've seen in at that one Tower location. They seem to be peddling alot more Fresh Sounds and Jasmine discs as well. Think I picked up that 'Fabulous Claude Williamson Trio' FS in there.
  19. Really? I bought a bunch in March and they were all new. Have picked up re-wraps w/fingerprints & scratches from Red Trumpet & Tower though. The thing about that place is that they're happy to crack open a disc and give it a quick spin for you which I thought was kinda neat. If you decide not to buy, they very well could pull a re-wrap. I dunno. Say, um....when you're on a mission from Stamford, do you flash your Mosaic badge? Anyone ever pull a gun on ya?
  20. Picked up the 'Mr. Ed' and 'My Favorite Martian' DVD sets for the kids. I'd actually never seen the first 2 in the Mr. Ed series, so it was good to finally catch up 35 years later.
  21. That's funny. The way they've seeded the article with 'unsettling' and 'scurrying for...' you'd have thought that it was something approximating an anthrax scare.
  22. Permanently banned? Oliver Stone films, Ben & Jerry's....and most toys that are 'Made in China' (although that's tough to pull off....even if ya have some decent alternate shops like KinderHaus Toys in the neighborhood)
  23. Try Norman's Sound & Vision down in the East Village in the vicinity of the Village Voice (67 Cooper Square).....Norm runs the place.
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