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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. A couple of minutes ago I finished burning the Neil Young 'Everybody Knows This is Nowhere' vinyl to CD-RW on my Philips component burner. When I took the finalized disc and went to transfer it to my Real Player library on the pc, the Real Player prompt that popped up recognized the LP and all the titles. I understand how this would happen with CDs and encoding.......but how does Real Player recognize the contents of a vinyl burn?
  2. Been slowly working my way through a book I'd read (well, sort of ) in college -- The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa about an educator who was around (1835-1901) to witness the vast changes that took place during Japan's transformation from isolated feudal state. Interesting guy who first visited the U.S. in 1860 as a crew member on what was the first ever trans-Pacific voyage to the U.S. of a Japanese warship (purchased from the Dutch). The funny thing is, the ship was basically escorting another ship that was carrying Japan's first envoy to visit Washington......but the envoy was being ferried over on the U.S. warship! Interesting observations about his later travels in Europe and subsequent return to Japan where the anti-foreigner pot was about boiling over (1863) with explusion decrees being issued in Kyoto, and all sorts of attacks upon Dutch, English & US vessels...
  3. couldn't figure out how to delete that other one. Duh!
  4. Two packages were dispatched from the e-Toys warehouse located 250 miles south near the VA/NC border on 12/8 and were headed up to the DHL transit facility in Allentown, PA for sorting. Based on all the good stuff I've read lately about DHL, I'm wondering if they'll get here?
  5. Maple. My wife likes that Mrs. Butterworth sugar water. That's about it in terms of domestic kitchen/cuisine 'quarrelling.'
  6. He drove a super hard bargain in the trades dept. and had a habit of suddenly moving the goal posts and asking for just one more thing as you were preparing to write the check, so to speak. I think Shrugs once got into it with him over that.
  7. Me too.......that intro with the helicopter hovering above the entrance when the ant comes out and drops the ribcage, which then rolls down the mound & comes to rest up against the cops gunbelt (or something like that...been awhile) just gave me the heebee jeebees as a kid.
  8. No, but I would like a bottle opener mounted on the side. Do JVC or SONY offer one with a Sapporo Draft opener?
  9. Jump Past the Commercials SO, you recorded your favorite TV shows and you included the commercials. When you play your shows back, “Commercial Skip” lets you jump past the ads, 30 seconds at a time. Just press the CM Skip button on the remote. The best of all features. I'd superglue my finger to that CM Skip button on the Pioneer. On these hard drive units -- can you record 2 programs at the same time and watch a DVD during?
  10. This JVC unit seems to fit the bill......a bit pricey though. I must say, some of the supposedly 'helpful' online reviews out there just make me wharp out. Even something as elementary (to some) as: On DVD players, the progressive scan signal is sent via component video connections, which are labeled Y, Pb, Pr. Component video connections labeled Y,Cb,Cr transfer only interlaced signals. In addition, standard AV and S-Video connections do not transfer progressive scan video images. If you hookup a progressive scan output to a non-progressive scan TV input, you will not get an image. In addition, in order to view progressive scan with reverse 3:2 pulldown, either the DVD player or Television need to have 3:2 pulldown detection. The preference would be for the DVD player have the 3:2 pulldown detection and actually perform the reverse pulldown function, with a progressive scan capable television displaying the image as fed from the DVD player. There are menu options in both a progressive scan DVD player and a progressive scan capable television that will assist you setting up a progressive scan capable DVD player and television or video projector. ......just drives me insane. Like having to decipher a squirrel's chatter.
  11. Yep, based on what I want it for, you and Lon have nailed it. I need that hard drive. The thing is though, I do need to transfer some 80 or so of those mini-vhs home movie tapes of the kids to cd, so I'd have to find a combo VHS/DVD w/hard drive copying system. Do you have one of these?
  12. A year later I'm still on the fence w/this....although, last week, I checked out what I believe to be that SONY unit at Target. I'm still a bit confused about the storage capacity though for the DVD-RW (for recording television shows and then erasing 'em). One of the reviewers from that Circuit City link says that he's getting something like 14 hours on the disc. Other sites talk about DVD-RW/DVD+RW giving you 2 hours of studio-quality video. Soooooo, 2 hrs or studio quality video translates into 12-14 hrs of CSI and Pats games recorded from the boob tube???
  13. That blows, Jim. Twice over a 10 year period we've had oak tree roots get into the aging cast iron pipes 40 feet down the hill and clog it up so that we had sewage back-up in the basement. The excavation costs a small fortune. These mighty oaks are killin' us!
  14. I've had the same Bosch for about 15 years and love it. Bosch it is, Rachael!! I went with what they call the Porsche designer series (TKA 9110) (yep, Porsche 911 harharhar! ) Goofy name....excellent machine. My wife likes the twin silo look to it...reminds her of the family farms out in Minnesota.
  15. That $330 is way down from the highs ($470?) a few weeks back when folks were selling off their boxes before they'd even been received. These guy's will probably pull a Toshiba and re-issue the 'limited edition' box.
  16. Aha! ...the 'ol Devil must have snuck in for a quick peek in Sept. because he hasn't posted since Feb. That's about the last time I heard from him. At that point, he'd made a career jump and was transitioning into a new job. My guess is that he's still up to his eyeballs in paperwork. I wonder if he still has the parrot?
  17. Guess I'm lucky, I could have wound up a Rudolph. The 655th ranked name in the 90's was Travon. Never before have I heard that name. Travon?
  18. Seeing this thread last night, I got inspired to rummage through a box of cassettes stashed in the closet and -- with the 25 year anniversary of his death coming up tomorrow – spied a couple of TDKs I'd used to tape a WBCN-FM (Boston) Lennon tribute the night of 12/8-9/80 just after Lennon was shot. Soon after the shooting, they suspended the normal broadcast schedule for 10 hours or so and ran a lengthy tribute w/interviews, tunes, news updates about the shooting, etc. Spent part of the day listening to the 3-hr chunk (on my kids portable Aiwa), roughly the 4:00-7:00 am block with the legendary 'Duke of Madness' (Jerry Goodwin) and Dr. Thorazine back in the production room pulling together all the material for the show. Randi (the DJ) comes in after Goodwin and she's pretty broken up….Murray the K is on there there as well. Twenty-five years later it's a real haunting blast from the past......some pretty good stuff on there. Some of the older folks around here like Stereojack, Kevin and jazzshrink will remember the good 'ol days at WBCN!. I should probably get a tape-to-cdr transfer of this one. That cheapo Aiwa ain't gonna cut it though.
  19. If everyone could just try to get along like Johnny and me, this board would be a better place.
  20. Well, okay....if they can get me to Penn Station in 2:45 I'll ride with you and we'll slip a cassette of Zappa's 'Joe's Garage' into the bus player and listen to Mary from Canoga Park on the ride up. (Realizing that she no longer recognizes him...or even appreciates the patient religious training he had given her in the past, buddy jones, like a true wet t-shirt emcee type person, proceeds to Various stupid things to waste time, making the contest itself take longer, thereby giving the mongoloids squatting on the dance floor an opportunity to buy more exciting beverages...liquid prod That will expand their consciousnesses to the point whereby they might more fully enjoy the ambiance of miami by night...) Mary: Hi! Buddy jones: Where ya from? Mary: Ah, the bus... Buddy jones: Which one? Mary: You know...the last tour... you know...leather Buddy jones: Oh...you were the girl stuck to seat 38 phydeaux iii........
  21. Heck no! That's the whole point.....not sitting in traffic for 6 hrs. When you've got someone watching the kids for the weekend, you make the most of the time you've got. You've got plenty of time on your hands...I'll leave you to hang with the college kids on the bus.
  22. Yes, nobody mentioned the 2-day Curtis Fuller Quintet B'day 'bash' over at The Kitano. I'm going to hit that as well as one of the Roy Hargrove/Cedar Walton Trio shows at the Village Vanguard. Should be an excellent weekend! No driving.....no wasting away at the $#@! toll booths in Balt and beyond......how I do love ye olde Amtrak 'Acela'!!
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