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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Looking to download about a dozen tracks for a comp cd from 'Benefit', 'Stand Up', 'This Was', Thick As a Brick' and 'Living in the Past.' Seems like alot of places out there to choose from but I don't know which ones are reputable and will allow you to just come in and do a straight download for $ without having to sign some extended this and that blood pact with 'em.... Only place I ever used was emusic and they're way lite on JT. Thanks in advance.
  2. How about a Gil Evans Pacific Select? Is there any other unreleased PJ material of his that could be added to 'Great Jazz Standards' (with Johnny Coles, isn't it?) and 'New Bottle, Old Wine'?
  3. I'm leaning this way as well... No, he's always up to speed of the latest Borders coupons, so I think he's on their payroll....just travels around looking for more unique spots to open bookstores. Didn't he say he's soon off to scout out Tavan Bogd Uul in Mongolia as a possible next site? Buy two books and a cd and receive a fresh oxygen tank and tea in a thermos.
  4. not exactly the "vine circuit", but you can get your rocks off, here Every time I've checked it, the site has been maxed out at 100,000 registrants. When do you 'sneak in'? 3:00 am?
  5. Geez, I dunno.....I've got a thing about the creepy crawlies. I guess I'd sooner lose the wheels than wake up with a Puff Adder staring me down or some scorpion trying to bed down for the night in my belly button lint.
  6. So how macho is Yemen these days? Do you wear a Jambiya around in order to blend in? Romania '79? If you're in the petroleum industry, I hope you're doing better than a mattress on the floor at the San'a Palace Hotel and staying instead at the Sheraton Sana'a Hotel ?
  7. Is 'Stan the Man' the only commercially available (well, sort of) title out there on LP or cassette? Anyone know if Verve plans to do anything with 'Stan the Man' (ie. release to cd)....or if there's something else from that '60/'61 quartet that might see the light of day?
  8. True. I kicked in my New Years $10 last weekend. Who's next?
  9. I guess this would be a part of it ? Four brass, one tenor: Al Cohn: Joe Newman, Thad Jones, Joe Wilder (tp) Nick Travis (tp,v-tb) Al Cohn (ts) Dick Katz (p) Freddie Green (g) Buddy Jones (b) Osie Johnson (d) New York, May 1955 F2JB3730 Every time RCA Victor LPM1161, RCA (F)PM45164 F2JB3731 Just plain Sam - - F2JB3732 Rosetta - - F2JB3733 Alone together - -
  10. Summer of '83.......food poisoning kicked in hard about an hour after wheels up on a Kong Kong-LAX-New York flight. Must have been a noodle joint the night before.
  11. Ahhh, Austria.....what a fine place. Love all those nicely decorated pastry & sweet shops that are wall-to-wall in Vienna (not to mention other european cities). The US really is pathetic on that front. Even NYC bites.
  12. I saw that for the first time at Dusty G. last night as well. I have the 1 & 2 Feet on Japanese but am tempted to get this as well for the 3rd session and ditch my vinyl copy. That's one to grab, ManWithGoldenClamOnaHalfShell!!
  13. Oh, just playing around with some markers. Checked your Blue Note LPs this week? Need to fix that window lock in the back hallway.
  14. I sent the bride and groom a 24 oz can of Starkist Tuna w/a pretty bow on top for a wedding gift.
  15. The "I don't even want you prosecuted. I love you. Give yourself up" line was a nice touch too.
  16. At one point in early '05 Scott was talking up a possible Terry Gibbs set (said they were negotiating, if I remember correctly). That would be nice.
  17. Yeah, well, ya know......Captain Kidd did the best he could at the controls in that old worm eaten ship of his.
  18. Talk about a Rodney Dangerfield '......get no respect' moment. Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry robbed WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 (UPI) -- Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry reportedly was robbed inside his home by youths who had volunteered to carry his groceries. "It's quite an experience to have a pistol pointed in your face," said Barry, who is now a city council member, reports The Washington Post. A police spokesman said the department is investigating the complaint. Barry told a local television station he gave the youths left after he gave them a couple of dollars. But they returned and pointed a gun to his head and took his wallet, which contained cash and credit cards, Barry said. Barry served four terms as mayor and was elected to the city council in 2004. Copyright 2006 by United Press International.
  19. I agree.........but I'd also like to see them spit out a few other Savoys like Bley's 'Footloose' and Kenny Clarke's 'Klook's Clique'. At least that Bley was out in circulation for a short while as a mini-lp, the Clarke hasn't ever been available as a cd. I don't know if Bley's 'Floater Syndrome' is still around? ..be nice to have that one in circulation again. They can fix the typo that says it was recorded on September 12, 1693.
  20. No.....but I did see your New Years thread post and popped on over to Netflix to see if it was available. Series 1 is in the queue, babe. Got a boatload of these to get through first....
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