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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Had a couple of Comcast techies swing through to try and solve an ongoing problem. The first guy immediately went to the keyboard and hit this slick little online site to check the download and upload speed. It's kinda neat....hadn't seen it before. He couldn't quite diagnose the problem so 5 days later they dispatched a second guy. First thing I did (Sun.) was to show the 2nd guy the test site that his colleague had accessed earlier. Not only was he unaware of it but when I asked him to explain the difference between 'download' and 'upload' speeds, he said he really wasn't familiar with upload. Am I nuts, or is that totally whacked out? I admit that I'm a dunce when it comes to half of this stuff....but a cable technician? Would that be like a gas station attendant not knowing what hi-octane gas is?
  2. I've checked out a half dozen of the matches and found it interesting. I agree with Jim R about the announcers/strategy.....they've not done a very good job either of explaining the terminology (the hammer?). I'd like to know how they glide about so effortlessly in those shoes. We need a foot cam.
  3. I agree. Watched the first 3 episodes this weekend and called it quits. The premise of the show is that you've got a manager who thinks he's one of the world's great comedians and no one else in the office does -- so what's funny about that? The other thing is that there really isn't a likeable character in the lot.......the manager's a goof and the underlings aren't much better.
  4. Thanks for the responses. I'm interested in taking a look at Seagate but am curious as to why only the internal hard drives are covered by the 5 year warranty? Just as an aside, you read warranty-from-hell stuff like this (readers go ballistic over hard drive warranties)and you wonder if (regardless of how comfortable you feel about the level of coverage) you'll likely end up getting screwed anyway if the thing prematurely bites the dust? I think I like that Danish 2-yr mandatory warranty biz.
  5. Ya know, it's ironic....I'm the one always getting zinged in the political forum as the bad guy who (supposedly) wants Bush to take away everyone's rights...doesn't care (supposedly) about The Constitition, blah, blah, etc.... but I've got serious concerns about public registries like this. I've got young kids and am as watchful and protective as the next guy but if someone was tried & convicted of one of these crimes and served their time, why are they then listed on this thing that can be accessed by any blockhead? Hell, you get a couple of guys belting back a few drinks, scanning the online registry on Fri. night for names, deciding to take a six block walk on over to John Smith the convicted offender's house to cave his skull in with a lead pipe. What the hell is that all about? Where's the ACLU when you need 'em? You might as well just lock 'em up and throw away the key if you're going to put them into a situation where -- after they've paid their dues to society -- they're at risk having their house torched on any given night because they're on a list. I say, let the cops operate something like this...and keep it low key. ** no hits within a 15 block radius of my place.....no need to saddle up and drill someone in the melon with a 9-iron tonite!
  6. WORLD CUP 2006 / GERMANY, Discussion, analysis, emotional venting There aren't any Lufthansa tix out of DC to Munich for under $1,350 in June!!
  7. Good move 'cause at a minumum you've got to go with "F$@% You and The Horse You Rode In On!!" to get people's attention these days. Stop being so diffident!
  8. I have a 2nd system with 2 hard drives (C & F) and all of my digital photos and music downloads are on the larger F Drive. I was told that if the main C drive crashed, everything on that spare 80 GB 'F' disc could be recovered and wouldn't be lost. Does that sound correct, Jim.....anyone? I've never backed anything up and wonder if I should go ahead and put everything on some kind of removable media. I've got one Lexar 1GB Jump Drive....but with 8,000+ tunes and a zillion photos, I'd obviously need something more that a fistful of those.
  9. Sounds like a good one....I'll check the archives! btw, where's he been lately?
  10. I'm getting a bit concerned too --- checked on the wine cellar and discovered that I've dipped below the 150 bottle mark....plus 4 bottles of single malt and a lone bottle of some horrible chinese booze that I'd probably use as a firestarter to douse kindling w/for cooking! Costco has Becks 5-liter mini-kegs on sale for $15, so I'm gonna get at least a dozen of those next week! That'll help us ride it out. I hope Costco has alot of Danish products in stock as well because I'm going to buy a fair share ---my way of saying ________!!!!! to some of the inhabitants of a far away region of the globe.
  11. Doesn't Garrison's left hand slip about 4-5 seconds into Tyner's opening solo?
  12. Yes, he's swinging away all over it. He's at his best (imo) on 'Reggie of Chester.' Does anyone have an e-mail address for this outfit? Nothing listed on that site.
  13. I agree.......the only Getz cd to date that I've gone and sold.
  14. Yes....and a big to that! At this stage of the game, I'm much more interested in what's going on with the Mighty Quinn release schedule rather than spin wheels thinking about yet another Jimmy Smith BN release. Love to see a couple of Les McCann's first PJ titles hit the shelves. Perhaps a two'fer w/something like 'Plays the Truth' and 'The Shout'? Actually, four or five of those McCann PJs bundled up would make an excellent Select set. The Montgomery Brothers "Plus 5 Others" from w/Hubbard from '57 would be nice.....as would a Lennie McBrowne and the 4 Souls CD. Here's hoping MC sees this.
  15. Looks like some big changes over at eBay Germany. Eighteen months ago, there were approx. -3 cd sellers that actually took PayPal.
  16. They're already out there with the autographed pics.
  17. Just watched a couple of episodes on the dvd set with the kids last night and hadn't realized he'd passed away -- the one where Herman tries to make some extra money for Eddie's college fund by going into the ring at night as the 'Masked Marvel'
  18. It would be nice if there was a way for Mosaic to pull together all 3 of the Larry Bunker Quartet (w/Gary Burton) 'Manne-hole' lps (Vault & Interplay) for a Select. I have no idea who controls Vault and Inter. material......but some quality music there.
  19. I'll take 'em! Something tells me that Hans' 300 "worst" would be better than any of my "best". Yes, well, the thing we forgot to mention is that I slipped him an extra $10 to place a nice 'aromatic' Dutch wedge in your box!
  20. Yes, thought I had a lead on one at another site in Japan last year and he followed up for me.....turned out to be an improperly updated database and struck out. He's helping me with something else now, so I don't want to overload him with special requests. Maybe you should ask him for me?? (no, just kidding)
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