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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Weizen, sounds like your friend had a better experience than sheldonm did on Wednesday night. That's 'cause Mark was standing too close to him snapping 60 pics w/some monster flash and blinding the poor guy!
  2. His sextet played The Kitano last night and a friend who was there tells me that he was wheeled in and despite the diminished lung capacity still gave a pretty strong performance.
  3. Last year, I puchased a used universal Pioneer unit -- plays DVD-A, MP3, CD-R, CD, SACD -- solely for the fact it could handle SACD. I've not yet picked up a single jazz DVD-A title and would like to sample at least one or two of them while they're still around. Since I have a number of the available DVD-A titles (...Hamp Hawes Trio, Art Pepper, Cookin', Bags Groove, Soultrane, Full House, Blue's Moods) as XRCDs, I'm hesitant to just start buying the same titles all over again just because they're there. Anyone have any strong feelings about a particular title that is just too good to pass up? Thank you.
  4. What??!! Nothing about an OBI in that Pepper item description!! No OBI??? That just can't be!!! I'll have to retract my bid!!
  5. If so, he'd better get off the dime and kick into high gear to save a few of 'em!!! Nick Drake is slipping away!!
  6. Looks like (in certain cases?) the deck chairs were also rearranged a bit. Larry Kart's first post cloned itself and wound up sandwiched between posts #15 and #16 as well. Either that, or it was a neat April Fool's trick. http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...opic=26184&st=0
  7. Would have been nice to have this when I was driving to Wroclaw at 2 am in the mid-80's. Driving around all of those places in Poland and East Germany, particularly at night, really sucked.
  8. Was he previously selling under another name on ebay?
  9. Nice throwaway line from one of the ESPN guys after the Titans picked Vince Young...and I'm paraphrasing: "mechanical problems will be left for the next coaching staff". Ouch!
  10. I went into a Maryland hi-fi shop on Thursday intent on purchasing a Mac MA6900 integrated and wound up instead walking out of the door with a receipt for a beautiful (used: 7 mo) pair of the Dynaudio Contour S3.4 that a classical lover had traded-in & upgraded to the Confidence 2's). When they're delivered on Tue., they'll be paired up with: Musical Fidelity A300 dual mono integrated Arcam CD73 Pioneer DV-45A SACD
  11. Unusual? Hhhhm, interesting question. Well, how about a portable voting machine from St. Louis, MO? I figure that it's always a good idea to have at least one on hand -- no telling when you might get a late nite call and have to quickly swing into action and go do a little (..ahem) 'field work'.
  12. I would.....but I think my wife would get yanked off if she spotted me hocking her jewelry down the street. I've gotta make due with Classics Recs this time. Thanks.
  13. Seems like I pre-ordered ages ago over at Elusive Disc and we're still in a holding pattern. Wasn't it slated for early-April release? Coming Soon, my eye!!!!!!
  14. I've heard the damage can lead to Republicanism. Actually, it leads to McKinneyism, where you sprout a miniature likeness of Harry Belafonte on your brow and proceed to scamper 'round in a bug-eyed state labeling everyone & everything racist.
  15. I'd like to telegraph the same message to Allan from my little patch of ground -- the Joe Henderson 'In 'n Out' BN is as good as I'd hoped! Spun that little jobber several times this weekend!
  16. The new Steve Kuhn Trio just showed up at the door in an HMV box. A 200 gr lush sounding beauty!!!! I really enjoy this Venus vinyl.
  17. Jim S., I don't have a problem with people being rehabilitated.....but at least have the guy address some of the past outrages and say something (for ex: "maybe I wigged out a few times in the past but that was then...." rather than just sluff it all off. You're sounding sorta wishy-washy here.
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