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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Wasn't there a guy a few years back who mailed himself in a crate to his folks place in Texas or Oklahoma and freaked everyone out when he popped out of the thing on the front steps?
  2. What idiots they were back then! Who would think to use parcel post anyway? A simple upgrade to Priority would ensure that the 7 ventilation holes poked in the steamer trunk were plenty sufficient to enable the 8-year old to emerge all rested and refreshed for his first day on the job at the shoe mill up in Lawrence, Mass or wherever?
  3. Following CDs are scheduled for release on August 25,2006 Think THCD 025 Kawaguchi,George(ds) On Stage Big 4 Plus 1 +4 2520 Think THCD 026 Miyazawa,Akira(ts) Bull Trout 2520 Think THCD 027 Matsumoto,Hiroshi(vib) & Hideo Ichikawa(p) Megalopolis 2520
  4. My first car, a blue '72 Torino, wound up attached to the rear of a Boston police cruiser on the Southeast Expressway in mid-Winter '77. I still blame the snowstorm and those blasted snowplows.....and am still pissed that we missed the Outlaws who were playing that night at the Music Hall (or was it the Orpheum?).
  5. In a long ago conversation with Bill Fenohr about a certain Hal McKusick CD with pre-echo, he said that DEEP told him that it was likely a tape print problem that's sometimes caused by storing the reel for a prolonged period of time with the tape being wound too tight. Somethin' like that......
  6. Following CDs are scheduled for release. On June 22,2006 Daiki FIN 16 Picco,Cezare(p)/My Room 2500 On July 19,2006 Daiki VIA 50 Sleep Walker/The Voyage 2400 On July 26,2006 3D System DDCT 3009 Hurtmold/Mestro 2100 3D System XQAZ 1001 Sakurai,Tetsuo(b)/Brasil Connection: Vol.1 2600 Vivid Sound VSCD 3343 Roberts,David(vo)/All Dressed Up... 2730 On August 9,2006 3D System MTCJ 3034 Fujii,Satoko(p)/When We Are There 2625 Hara Gakki KRRD 1 Tsuboyama,Kenichi(sax)/Kimiateno Tegami 2100 On August 23,2006 Tokuma TKCB 73090(New) The West Coast/Pavane 2000 Tokuma TKCB 73091(New) Cables,George(p)/New York Concerto 2000 Tokuma TKCV 35376(New) Alexander,Eric(ts)/Gentle Ballads the 2nd 2800 Tokuma TKCV 35377(New) Guidi,Giovanni(p)/Tomorrow Never Knows 2800 Tokuma TKCW 32097(New)24 bit(Enja) Galper,Hal(p)/Ivory Forest* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32098(New)24 bit(Enja) Galper,Hal(p)/Now Hear This* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32100(New)24 bit(Enja) Degen,BOb(p)/Sequoia Song* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32101(New)24 bit(Enja) Barron,Kenny(p)/Scratch* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32116(New)24 bit(Enja) Tusa,Frank(b)/Father Time* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32117(New)24 bit(Enja) Steig,Jeremy(fl) & Eddie Gomez(b)/Outlaws* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32118(New)24 bit(Enja) Wallace,Bennie(ts) & Chick Corea(p)/Mystic Bridge* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32119(New)24 bit(Enja) Tyner,McCoy(p)/Remembering John* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32120(New)24 bit(Enja) Waldron,Mal(p)/Moods* 2400 Tokuma TKCW 32121(New)24 bit(Enja) Ambrosetti,Franco(tp)/Gin And Pentatonic* 2400 3D System MTCJ 3035 Sato,Shinichi,Sato(b)/Le Freak 2800 3D System MTCJ 1095 Ito,Shinobu(g)/Guitara Por Ramonada 2800 3D System MTCJ 1096 Sims,Zoot(ts)/Zoot Sims Quartet In Florida 2500 3D System XQAM 1701 Sano,Yoko(vo)/Crystal & Blue 2800 3D System XQAM 1501 Taniguchi,Eiji(cl)/Moonlight Becomes You 2800 3D System XQAM 1502 Briney,Lincoln(vo)/Foreign Affair 2800 3D System XQAM 1001 Como,Perry(vo)/And I Love You So* 2800 3D System XQAM 1002 Jones,Jack(vo)/White Me A Love Song* 2800 3D System XQAM 1003 Kenney,Beverly(vo)/Snuggled On Your Shoulder+1* 2800 3D System XQAM 1004 Fitch,Mal(vo)/Mal Content* 2800 3D System XQAM 1005 Dick And Kiz(vo)/At The 90th Floor: +2* 2800 3D System XQAM 1006 Clooney,Rosemary(vo)/At Long Last* 2800 3D System WNCS 5104 Saito,Kozue(vo)/Whatever 2800 3D System WNCS 5105 Maritess(vo)/Easy To Remenber 2800 3D System FNCJ 5516 Claassen,Fay(vo)/Sings Two Portraits Of Chet Baker: 2 2500 3D System FNCJ 5517 Ruller,Jesse Van(g) & Bert Van Den Brink(p)/Duo 2500 3D System CGCM 1006 Nakanowatari,Akiko(vo)/Akiko Meets Toru Ambo 2800 3D System RKCJ 6025 Morizono,Katsutoshi(g)/Just Now & Then 1980 3D System RKCJ 6026 Matthews,David/Cosmic City 1980 3D System RKCJ 6027 Cuber,Ronnie(bs)/Pin Point 1980 3D System RKCJ 2023 Kanasashi,Yoko(vo)/Alone Together 2800 3D System RKCJ 2024 Murakami,Hiroshi(ds)/Vivo 2800 3D System NNCJ 1201 Boyle,Gary(g)/Games 2730 On September 6,2006 3D System MTCJ 3036 Hiraga,Marika(vo)/Face 2800
  7. I agree. Watched the first 3 episodes this weekend and called it quits. The premise of the show is that you've got a manager who thinks he's one of the world's great comedians and no one else in the office does -- so what's funny about that? The other thing is that there really isn't a likeable character in the lot.......the manager's a goof and the underlings aren't much better. And, Son-of-a-Weizen, it wasn't until the fourth episode of The Office that I really got it. It's one of the funniest single episodes I've ever seen, especially because it's so scarily, exactly like a particular place that I once worked. Okay, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to watch one more. Then, if it ain't working for me, am I off the hook for good?
  8. "Two sides" is on Collectibles - available MG Yeah, Bruce......and if you hit that Collectibles site soon, you'll also be able to pick up this 'priceless' one for a paltry $5.97!! MG, Not familiar with that Wilson/Ayers quartet Lp.....guess I'll have to raid Collectibles for a copy and some Don Ho as well! Did notice a somewhat pricey LP copy over on eBay. Wonder who that "former Director of Publicity & Marketing for Blue Note in the USA" might have been?
  9. Soul, where do you get those? .....and how do people go about getting cards graded like some of the ones that showed up on this thread? How many reputable grading companies are there?
  10. Just heard this for the first time last night. Wouldn't say that it falls into the 'priceless gem' category....but it's for sure in the 'Damn, that's a nice sounding cd!!' category.
  11. ....btw, will the Japanese version/packaging for this Prestige set be a carbon copy of the domestic? Anyone had a chat with Mr. H. Tanno? Due out 7/26/06: Victor VICJ 61371(New) Davis,Miles(tp)/The Prestige Quintet Sessions 8000 Yen
  12. Too true. In 20 years time they'll look like spent Doublemint chewing gum wrappers while the well manufactured Japanese boxes for sets like Garland '@Prelude' and Miles '@Blackhawk' will be fine.
  13. I gave this one a quick spin when it first arrived and was pleased as punch. Now that the initial giddiness has worn off and I've finally gotten around to spending some quality time with the LP and putting it up against other versions, I'm fast switching gears and am moving in reverse. Up against an older Toshiba (non-JRVG) cd version (TOCJ-5885) that sounds alive and has some electricity zipping through it, the LP -- while warm sounding -- is seriously light in the high end dept. On 'Phil T. McNasty's Blues' for instance, you can hear Taylor's cymbals...nice & crisp. Burrell sounds so much clearer on the cd that it's no contest. Same with Byrd who sounds like he's at arms length and not playing inside of a hall closet. I kept playing the track over and over thinking perhaps that I'd missed something....trying to convince myself that there's no way in hell that a 12-year old Toshiba burn is acing this brand new Classic Records classic. I've gotta face facts though --- unless of course I try to pin this on the older Denon TT with the Audio-Technica 440MLA cartridge that I just had installed 3 months ago.
  14. The weirdest thing is what happened after that sucker crashed. That's some cause & effect for ya. Record meteorite hit Norway As Wednesday morning dawned, northern Norway was hit with an impact comparable to the atomic bomb used on Hiroshima. Peter Bruvold witnessed the meteorite streaking across the night sky. PHOTO: PETER BRUVOLD The map shows the meteorite's direction of fall (the arrow) and the possible impact area over Troms and Finnmark counties. At around 2:05 a.m. on Wednesday, residents of the northern part of Troms and the western areas of Finnmark could clearly see a ball of fire taking several seconds to travel across the sky. A few minutes later an impact could be heard and geophysics and seismology research foundation NORSAR registered a powerful sound and seismic disturbances at 02:13.25 a.m. at their station in Karasjok. Farmer Peter Bruvold was out on his farm in Lyngseidet with a camera because his mare Virika was about to foal for the first time. "I saw a brilliant flash of light in the sky, and this became a light with a tail of smoke," Bruvold told Aftenposten.no. He photographed the object and then continued to tend to his animals when he heard an enormous crash. "I heard the bang seven minutes later. It sounded like when you set off a solid charge of dynamite a kilometer (0.62 miles) away," Bruvold said. Astronomers were excited by the news. "There were ground tremors, a house shook and a curtain was blown into the house," Norway's best known astronomer Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard told Aftenposten.no. Røed Ødegaard said the meteorite was visible to an area of several hundred kilometers despite the brightness of the midnight sunlit summer sky. The meteorite hit a mountainside in Reisadalen in North Troms. "This is simply exceptional. I cannot imagine that we have had such a powerful meteorite impact in Norway in modern times. If the meteorite was as large as it seems to have been, we can compare it to the Hiroshima bomb. Of course the meteorite is not radioactive, but in explosive force we may be able to compare it to the (atomic) bomb," Røed Ødegaard said. The astronomer believes the meteorite was a giant rock and probably the largest known to have struck Norway. "The record was the Alta meteorite that landed in 1904. That one was 90 kilos (198 lbs) but we think the meteorite that landed Wednesday was considerably larger," Røed Ødegaard said, and urged members of the public who saw the object or may have found remnants to contact the Institute of Astrophysics. Aftenposten's Norwegian reporter Nina Lødemel Aftenposten English Web Desk Jonathan Tisdall Email this article Print this article Most tipped Record meteorite hit Norway Mooning can mean expulsion Norway dumps Wal-Mart stock More Muslim contact Angry hare attacked dogsled Norway wants answers Police warn against hoarding cash More flight delays Apple iTunes gets fight in Norway US Embassy evacuated Most read Record meteorite hit Norway Mooning can mean expulsion Regrets nude photos Police warn against hoarding cash Norway dumps Wal-Mart stock Norway wants answers US Embassy evacuated More Muslim contact Arctic fever(Bildeserie) More sports nudity
  15. JEEBUS!! How stupid can one teen girl vinyl lover get? Pretty damn stupid!!!!! I like the layout here. I think Allan should use this same outline -- with a minor alteration -- as a long term thread vehicle to zing people who spend too much on eBay BN vinyl?
  16. ...and then, upon learning that it's all a ruse, she doesn't say 'Yo, gimme the $%#@ passport!' ?
  17. So the Mom doesn't actually put a call in to the family to check it all out in advance of the bus stop hook-up? Am I reading this correctly?
  18. Merlin looked too much like a boy scout in that one though.... ...a better one imo.
  19. Weizzy: Thanks a ton for the pictures. I was in a used bookstore Tuesday and, on a whim, I bought Jim Bouton's Ball Four, which I hadn't read since I was a teen-ager (only read it 1,000 times back then), and I'm loving it. The cards brought back stories of a lot of the players pictured. No Bouton card though. My pleasure. Sorry that the scan was so weak. Used a camera and had to reduce it down to that 100 mb level. I need to figure out how to upload pics to a site and then post.
  20. Nice! got any old dick allen or richie ashburn? Oh, that's right! I forgot that you're originally a Philly guy. Ya know, I don't have his Philly card.....just the Cards & White Sox ones. Toward the end, he was something of a bad penny, wasn't he? ...traded around to 3 or 4 teams in as many years I think?
  21. <<<several days until the steel cools to retrieve Hickman's remains.>>> So how do you do that? I used to go up to Beth Steel at Sparrows Point... fascinating process....but like MWGA said, 'Bosch'like and no margin for error.
  22. Probably the thread you saw? Milt The cd has popped up several times on ebay during the past 90 days or so.
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