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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. How long? Was Bismarck still Chancellor? If they're Mosel wines (green bottle), you really don't want to keep them hanging around for ages.
  2. Seems to me that I've read something/sometime/someplace around here by a poster who has done business over there. If a consultant (non govt.) has scheduled several days of meetings with high (very) level Kazak govt. officials, would it be appropriate to present a gift? Suggestions? Several fine bottles of CA Cabernet perhaps? Other? A Shelly Manne K2?
  3. Interesting. Perhaps it has been out on cd? If so, that's one rare TOCJ puppy.......as rare as that Marian McPartland 'At The Hickory House' (TOCJ-5440).
  4. When Stanley Cup action ended and I was bored to tears I found that monitoring the North Jersey media group on a daily basis was somehow uplifting. Guess the same is true for Parisians & post-World Cup play.
  5. Wouldn't that 'Japanese Re-issues' thread be the one to stay away from?
  6. Following CDs are scheduled for release on September 22. Think THCD 028 Akiyoshi,Toshiko(p) Miwakuno Jazz 2520 Think THCD 029 Imada,Masaru(p) Maki 2520 Think THCD 030 Ishikawa,Akira(ds) Electrum 2520
  7. Didn't you know him already back in the BNBB days? Hmmm. Yes, I suppose I did. ...dang, then it's been more than 600,000 Yen!! I'll change my response then to read.. ......if it weren't for this board, I never would have bought Chris A's "Bessie" book!
  8. Probably not because I submitted several on the same day as you and I never called them about anything.........yet I'm still in that "unprocessed" pile w/you.
  9. .....I never would have gotten to know Mr. Tanno and been able to send him 600,000 Yen.
  10. Might be good for business too! Nothing like the sweet sound of Hamp Hawes wafting through the halls to help soothe the victims patients nerves while a stubborn tooth is being yanked!
  11. All that's in there is some ChristianSingles chic that wants to meet me!
  12. 'Lennie McBrowne & the 4 Souls' JPN vinyl on eBay for $25 BIN. I don't know the seller, but: 1. He sells Boy Scouts stuff, so he must be trustworthy; 2. I do have the same LP and it's excellent; 3. It doesn't show up that often; 4. Tom @ Blue Note isn't gonna bust his pick on the PJ rock 'cause no one buys it (old post we stumbled upon today)...so it won't be available on cd anytime soon. ** Does Sangry still have any of that Christmas fruitcake? I'm hungry.
  13. Oh complain, complain!!! ....at least you can buy Tucher mini-kegs!! They won't ship me one 'cause I live here!! Seriously......I placed an order for one of your UK neighbors and can try to get you an Evans box if you would like. Send a PM. Are you still living at 10 JRVG Lane?
  14. That'll teach you to sit around at night watching Mayberry R.F.D. re-runs instead of monitoring the board!!!!!!!
  15. You're right! The one we're thinking of is the 'Berliner Kindl' brand!
  16. The sour taste comes from the carbonic acid - part of every beer, but more prominent, somehow, in weizen. Oh stop it!!!!!! Your attempts at flattery are embarassing me!! Save it for the political forum!
  17. Looks like they've upgraded the Berliner Weisse packaging a bit from the standard short brown bottles? I was first introduced to it in Berlin in 1981.....very refreshing indeed! Don't like the 'green' though...and don't know what other food product has the 'woodruff' taste over here? That Weisse is excellent to drink without any syrup but it's ungoldly expensive over here -- usually $15 and up for a 6-pack.
  18. Well, yeah.....'cause the kids can use that small sewin' machine I done bought them in Dec. to make mittens and ear muffs for wintertime 'cause I already used up the 2006 clothing fund on Poll Winners & Hamp Hawes K2s and some beer. Them kids need to learn might right quick that they can't always depend on Daddy for a handout.
  19. All day, babe. The only time I'm out of earshot is when I step out to try and bean the squirrel that keeps chewing up the thistle feeder and pissing off the goldfinches!! I can iron 5 shirts per LP side too! Recently discovered that if you flip it to the horizontal position, you can whiz through 8 a side!!
  20. We always leave a note on a napkin stating "free for starving children". Shame on you for enticing starving kids into smoke-filled, alcohol drenched dens in search of food!
  21. What? The New Yorker lied? See, I start subscribing to C. Albertson's favorite mag and immediately get burned!
  22. Guess someone didn't get the waste not/want not "there are starving kids in East Pakistan" lecture as a kid?
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