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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. It's simple -- 'anti-matter' buys 'matter' a Heineken Dark.
  2. Patrick, were you wearing the white dress shirt and sipping the martini? .... or the guy w/blue jacket wearing the specs? I think I was two tables over from you in the direction of the bar. Well, as others have noted, it was an excellent show with lots of toe tapping action! That 'Jimmy Smith Goes to DC 'is really a fine tune!! We caught the first two sets and had a good time talking with the guys & all over at the bar. Finally got to meet Bertrand and Mr. jazz as well....too bad Stefan wasn't able to swing in. If things work out schedule wise, maybe I'll see a few of you folks over at Johnny E's gig next week! Randy thinks Johnny's dying to give me a big hug!
  3. Has anyone actually ever seen the RTF 'Romantic Warrior' SACD?
  4. These announcers and their endless fawning over Favre is sickening! I had to shut it off with 6 minutes to go.
  5. Joe Gibbs needs to give Mark Brunell his walking papers -- he barely managed to pull us out of that unnecessary mess yesterday.
  6. FWIW, I was spinning the Jpn 24-bit yesterday and the sound in the bass dept. seemed to be quite good.
  7. I knew that that girl was gonna be serious trouble at least a year ago after I bought Jim's B&W bookshelf speakers and found 'Sid Vicious F'n Rocks!!!' scrawled in hot magenta crayon behind the grill.
  8. Ich APPELLIERE an Euch alle: Lasst uns ueber eine Loesung fuer Jims Problem mit seiner kleinen Tochter nachdenken, die ihn zur Weissglut treibt, und nicht ueber ein altbackenes Wort, dass mich zur Weissglut treibt.
  9. Bummer for him if he got mixed up a bit and mistakenly switched the pic from the other copy he's selling. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting
  10. Why not open a Dunkin' Donuts franchise?
  11. Yes, it's a real beauty! I could spend at least 2 hrs per night sipping scotch & dreamily gazing at it on the PC screen!
  12. Conrad, You should go see the new film 'Flyboys' about the LaFayette Escadrille & the pilots who flew 'em.
  13. Oh, I see. Very interesting. Thank you for spelling it out.
  14. Always loved that sleeve! MG Me too! Funny, you see that vinyl all over the place for a reasonable price but I can't recall seeing any Tricotism vinyl for sale. The domestic oop cd seems to fetch a pretty good penny, but where's the Impulse vinyl for this one? Was it released?
  15. Wrong-o!! ...but you still win a pint of John Courage for playing 'What's That BN?'!
  16. <<<<What the hell is NM MINUS ??!!>>>> I dunno..............but this, apparently, is a VG cover.... http://cgi.ebay.com/BLOSSOM-DEARIE-Sings-R...5QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Hey Peter, she's up and running! This table is a big improvement over the Denon direct drive I've had for eons. I've been spinning Lucky Thompson's 'Lucky Strikes' several times over to let it all soak in! The only black mark in the equation is a bit of left front corner damage sustained during transit. You'll notice from the previous link that this wasn't there before. Aaargh! The BN in the picture is the first LP I spun on the Thorens -- $50 if you can guess the LP?
  18. WPCR 25118(24 bit)New Wallington,George(p)/The Prestidigitater* 2310 Now, there's a bit of good news! Brownie, time to spin your LP!!!
  19. I was there as well (back by the control booth) ......it was a of a show. That opening number was something else, eh? Revis was on fire. The only thing that sucked is that I missed the encore 'cause I had to whip home and get the kids ready for bed. That's a weird venue for jazz with those long tables w/checkered tablecloths and all.....but it was well worth it. I can't believe that Peter Frampton's gonna be there next week (thought he'd vanished ages ago) -- and only $75 a ticket!
  20. I have an 80's Denon direct drive and just purchased this Thorens last night from Vinyl Nirvana. Originally, I'd been looking for a refurbished AR ES-1 but .....well, stuff happens! So how'd I do? Anyone ever owned one of these units?
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