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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Scott, Oh, no.....more cables! Shoot me! Seriously, I want to downsize (majorly). The thought of transferring 2,000 or so CDs to a small unit like the olive 5hd (with built in dual amps so ya can plug a set of speakers right into the back).....then ditching all the heavy stuff ....Mac integrated, Mac Sacd player....and 6,000 CDs, seems appealing at this point in time. Will it happen? Who knows. I do know that I don't want to hook anything up to a pc and am sick of the jungle of cords/wires. Eric, thanks for the response.......will drop you a line if I have any more questions.
  2. Could be.......he looks kinda fat ---- fat from Bobby Kennedy 'feeding' all of those suspected communists to him, perhaps??
  3. I go to the grocery store 5 days a week.......the check thing doesn't bug me.....it's when the clerk fetches Marlboro lights instead of Marlboro 72s (gold) after I showed 'em the $&@!! pack that go off the rails! Heh!
  4. I removed Bill's home address because I'm not sure he wants the world to know. Apologies in advance if that was of no concern to you, Bill. Bob, how about sending Bill another PM on this?
  5. Who has one? Wants one? Knows someone who has one? ....or could care less? They told me it'll drive B&Ws nicely. No interconnects. Hmmm. http://www.olive.us/products/music_systems/olive5hd/specs.html
  6. My daughter turned 18 today. I asked her which store she'd like to hit to get some clothes. As we approached the entrance I said 'okay....whatever you'd like to buy in 18 minutes, have at it. I'll sit in a chair and read the paper"............and off she went (in the direction of the shoes. Oh Nooooooooo!!) I thought it might be a $600+ adventure.....but it was under 300. Phew! She's a good kid.....got some fun things but didn't take advantage.
  7. Can you squeeze an orange until the pip squeaks?
  8. If you scroll halfway down and click on the 'OCEARCH' link, you'll see where they are hanging out. Loads of tagged ones off S. Africa.....wonder how many there really are? Very cool tracking site. The one northeast of Bermuda has moved a considerable distance since I last checked 36 hrs ago. http://m.wcvb.com/news/great-white-sharks-returning-to-cape-cod-in-larger-numbers/-/17428308/20223022/-/wxrn8rz/-/index.html
  9. Claude, is this an authorized release? Just checking.
  10. Really? I never thought that. My favorite Jackie title. Oh well, different set of ears.
  11. Fringe. It's sorta whacky and fun.
  12. Left only when playing hockey. Golf, baseball.....and everything else righty. Don't know why that is. Confused maybe?
  13. I'm sure he's worried about getting caught in a JETngry crossfire. Um, can we move past this? These 'report to moderator' notifications are so upsetting when I'm trying to enjoy a pair of Maple Bacon and Spicy PB&J donuts with my coffee.
  14. The Who (.....or what's left of 'em)
  15. just started kicking up here and i just lost a huge 80 foot oak tree 30 feet from the house. luckily fell down the hill.. this is gonna be bad.
  16. Only one 5-liter mini-keg of Bitburger and a six of hefe-weizen in stock.
  17. Thanks for the warning. Who knew?? http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-a-Cut-Apple-from-Turning-Brown
  18. What does this mean? DRM? OwnsMyOwnStuff • 3 days ago I strip out all the DRM from ebooks I buy, since I own them.
  19. A question that's above my pay grade.
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