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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. A few other July 25 releases that I didn't see mentioned on any of Hiroshi's earlier lists: TOCJ-66387 -- Bill Charlap 'Live at The Village Vanguard' TOCJ-66388 -- Kenny Burrell 'Birthday Bash: Live at Yoshi's' http://www.hmv.co.jp/search/index.asp?targ...um=TOCJ%2D66388
  2. Didn't Chris Albertson basically verify this on some thread (I dunno...2 yrs ago or so?) when he spoke about certain hard-up-for-cash folks that management flat out knew were stuffing LPs (or other merchandise?) in their jackets and right out of the building for quick resale?
  3. Instead of the 'Donald Burger,' I like the sound of 'Billie Holiday Burger' --- a local Bawlmer girl she was, right?
  4. Having just reviewed the track list for this set I'm surprised that they didn't include the '57 and '60 material from the Paris and Cologne studio sessions (w/Byas, Lucky Thomspon, Fats Sadi, Maurice Vandair, Roger Guerin, Martial Solal, Tony Scott & Francy Boland**) that was only issued on EPs in Europe and subsequently gathered up for the '86 Disques Swing LP. Recordings are all excellent and -- except for 'Klook's Clique' -- the material is much harder to find than the unquestionably top notch Telefunken/Bohemia/Detroit Jazzmen Savoys. A missed opportunity imo. ** his first studio encounter with Boland acording the the DS notes.
  5. Another reason to steer clear of Wikipedia. That Loewen character has bopped about taking quotes out of context and reproducing a partial sentence here ...and another there to tar a decent 1,000 page tome. Shoddy. Just one example. He lifts, from page 389: But savage beatings were normally not administered without some reason or provocation ....but leaves off the tail end of the sentence: because whippings made sullen workers and lash marks hurt resale values. Yep, the profit motive at work....makes sense to me. btw, since we're now slavish devotees of Wikipedia, here's a good one re: Gordon Wood: "Two interesting incidents of name-dropping in the 1990s increased Wood's name recognition among the general public. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich publicly and effusively praised Wood's The Radicalism of the American Revolution, which led to adverse reactions from some liberals in academia and was jokingly described by Wood as "the kiss of death."
  6. Don't know about the Smith book.....but this one is pretty good if you're looking for a decent overview --Pilgrims at Plymouth up through Vietnam. Only 1,000 pages though. I'd stick with the 5th or 6th edition.....who knows what evil the axe grinders have managed to worm into the 12th and 13th editions? Nice cover photo too of Paul Revere's somewhat exagerated interpretation of the Boston 'Massacre.'
  7. Well, today's the day!!!! The one day of the year that my spousal unit basically tells me to get lost and leave her alone so that she can monitor the draft. Yep, she's sitting over there in a corner chair w/a cup of java, armed with a stack of paperwork/notes and reviewing some of her older files from 2005 .....ya know, chuckling at stuff that was written in advance by Dan Pompei at Sporting News who ranked top ten wide receivers Mike Williams and Troy Williamson #1 & #2 ---- neither of whom has amounted to a hill of beans. ....hmmmm, guess it's time to cut the lawn and catch up on some outside painting....maybe clean out the rabbit hutch and monitor a few eBay auctions as well....
  8. I was taking a leak next to Jack Kemp at the Ritz Carlton and he was telling me that Reagan was correct when he'd say that most folks had it wrong......and that after shaking so many hands, it was much more important to wash your hands before you grasped your unit at the urinal rather than just doing so after you'd finished your business!
  9. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. What a fabulous life he led....and what an immense fan base he had out there!!! Over the years, I never heard anything but total praise for him from various VOA employees with whom I had a relationship -- same with RFE/RL for that matter. Looking forward to buying this book!!
  10. <<<<<<site refuses to recognize me>>>> I heard that only happens to people who've constantly been quarreling with online employees & issuing a weekly series of threats over cracked jewel boxes.
  11. Speaking of pryan......where did he disappear to? Maybe back here using a different name? HammondCheese????
  12. I totally agree. In 8 years of morning drop offs and afternoon pick ups at school, I've never been more than 10 minutes late -- and that was the 2 or 3 times when I suddenly got stuck in traffic on the Washington Beltway because someone decided to dive off a bridge or something. Since I'm there 99.98% of the time when I'm supposed to, I expect other people to do the same...period. Now, if it's an adult-related function/interaction/gathering, I'll obviously cut some slack and not get wrapped around the axle.....but when it's kids, you had better be on the ball. The thing that also yanks me off is when people schedule a B'Day party for their child at some location that takes me a half hour to get to on a Sat. morning, only to have the host parents show up a forty-five minutes late. Dolts. If I were you, I'd absolutely have a frank conversation with the mother.
  13. Got to give him credit.....he was all over the Smithsonian firings!! Whew....and after having seen the lengthy laundry list (think Nile River lengthy!!!!) of Smithsonian expenditures the other nite (functions/caterers, etc) there'll be more to come, Brownie!
  14. I often wonder if the chronic 'latey' types are also the ones out there moaning & groaning the loudest about how they were inconvenienced because the utility workers weren't there in a timely fashion when there was a power interruption......or the cable guy didn't make the previously scheduled 2:00-4:00 pm repair call, etc...?
  15. I think his comments may have gone further than simply an assessment of the Nazis' PR and marketing skills -- "beautiful" and "amazing" are not neutral words. Guy Wow.....representatives of the requisite jewish groups jumping into action like sparrows mobbing a crow to grind a hapless singer's face into the dirt and -- no doubt -- busily preparing the next fundraising letter to show that they are remaining ever vigilant to protect society from the over effusive ramblings of artsy fartsy British singers. Yawn.
  16. Wow.....that's $75 cheaper than John Edwards haircuts. Consider yourself lucky!!
  17. See, the idea is to point the bottle away from your face when you pop the cork.
  18. The CD label on 'Now He Sings, Now He Sobs' (CJ32-5009) says Chick Korea.
  19. Same thing imo with downloadable books. Tried it a few times and quickly bagged it. Yeah, cheaper than buying the book.......but?
  20. You're talking about SWING (DRG) SW 8411? Shouldn't be THAT rare. Guess not 'cause I finally landed a copy last nite on eBay Express for $10. Sounds bizarre, but after so many years of trolling eBay, I can't recall ever wading through the 'Express' (DUH!) iso something..........and then, first time -- WHAMO!!! A good day indeed! btw, thanks for your previous offer of assistance. Another couple of months searching and I would have come a knockin' at your door.
  21. Not exactly. None of those I purchased are available over here. Ditto for the fabulous wine from two different vineyards in Luxembourg.
  22. Robert, my guess is that you'll have a good 'ol time in there. It's packed with fine brews. Here are a couple of pics. When I was in there, the owner was restocking....had multiple cases sitting about. He's a long haired Irish dude....had to be stoned...but definitely knowledgeable. Directly across the alley is Gollem which is a must see/must drink spot. Seemed to be mostly locals. Hendrix' 'Crosstown Traffic' was playing as I counted 39 bodies crammed in there (including the 2nd level located up 5 creaky steps with 3 good sized tables)....and 35 of us were smoking -- so you'll want to bring your Camels. Highly recommended! I will be there for sure! I've warned the misses that Amsterdam will by my 2 days of living it up. Hope my hotel has a mini-fridge to keep em cool, cause I doubt I'll take beer bottles on my flight to Paris. Yes, you must (lay down the law, that is!!) I was going to wrap the various Belgian/Dutch/German & Luxembourger brews and check them in the suit bag.....but decided instead to mix 'em in with the 8 cases of wine I shipped back from Luxembourg. Damn, a 71 kilo beauty of a box it was!! You don't want to know what that cost to ship!! Lucky for me my wife is a willing co-conspirator when it comes to slightly overdoing it on the Beverage Acquisition Front. She can always be counted on to toss in that extra case even after I've said (just pretending of course) 'jeez, maybe we ought to ease up a bit, huh?' So Robert, work on putting yourself in the correct frame of mind....and think 71.5 kilos!!
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