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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Okay, thanks Chas. Since casting out the net and soliciting suggestions re: fem vocalists in a thread about 6 months ago, I've actually been listening to a good bit of the ladies lately -- Ruth Price, Bev Kelly, Irene Krall (thanks 'D' ), Blossom Dearie, Anita O'Day, Sarah Vaughan and a couple others. If Hank Jones is on board, I'm real interested!
  2. Seen this oop one pop up on ebay about a dozen times now over the past 3 or 4 months and I've noticed that it consistently sells for a pretty penny (the one sitting there now is up over $90.00). Is this just a collector 'thing' ......or simply some unbelievable 'must have' music?
  3. Excellent! We let loose with another barrage as well tonite in the street. It's good to be in America, dudes!
  4. Yes, you're quite right....although it's actually the gall bladders that they take. This was a serious problem back in the late 80's/early 90's with an alarming number of bear carcasses -- minus paws and gall bladders -- turning up in national forests. It was real bad down in NC, TN and various spots out West. Buyers -- mostly Korean actually -- hooking up with local poachers and paying premium $$ for galls, then exporting them directly to Asia. I'm fairly well versed in the subject matter because back in the early 90's I spent a good deal of time collaborating with some well known Black/Brown bear specialists as well as the undercover wing of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (who were running various stings to catch the buyers/poachers in action. One sting, in a Northern VA parking lot netted close to 100 gall bladders & other parts that were in a cooler in a car trunk). I also drafted the first 'Black Bear Protection Act' legislation that was introduced in the House of representatives back in 1993. H.R. 55 which you'll find listed on the following page. I can't say that it was the magic bullet, make-the-world-completely-safe-for-bears piece of legislation.....but I'm proud to say that it did heighten awareness and get the ball rolling in Congress. http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/?&...01+@4(Exports))
  5. Is there anything that the Chinese won't eat? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19606626/?GT1=10150
  6. Same here!! ...albeit a bit closer to the Cradle of Liberty @ America's oldest boarding school. WooHoo! http://www.thegovernorsacademy.org/home/home.asp
  7. That's a bit hardcore, Dan........but it could make for a neat little fill-in-the-blank game. Insert: ..........on-cell-phone-while-driving jabberer? .........bungee jumping? .........spear fishing on the Great Barrier Reef?
  8. What I hate like the plague is that 'Rolling Thunder' nonsense here in DC every year. These mobs of guys and their silly little bikes are far worse than any two bit backyard fireworks pops. Blech.
  9. Is he still around? I remember I had one of his kick-ass albums back in 1979 or so. Yeah, he's pretty good, but I don't listen to that kind of stuff any more. Oh yeah...he's still kickin' around. Maybe this is the LP you had.....nice version of 'All Along The Watchtower' and that smokin' other number 'Down, Down, Down.'? I don't do those kind of shows anymore either....but I might have to make an exception just this one time.
  10. The closest/nextest/bestest thing to Hendrix you'll find these days is Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush....he'll be down here in Alexandria, VA in a couple of weeks. Maxoom, baby!
  11. After the rib cook off (I took 2nd place my maple-glazed baby backs...slow cooked for 5 hrs) we had a little 'show' with about 12 neighbors out in the front. One of 'em had made a run to PA for a trunkload full of stuff.....some serious stuff! Some of those suckers were bursting at about 300 feet.....thank goodness for slate roofs.
  12. How's Freddie's 'In Sweden' cd? Saw it over at Disc Union ......w/Tommy Potter, Ron Jefferson. An early 60's date isn't it? Think it was listed as a Lonehill release.
  13. That's of secondary importance (re: Candy). First, one wants to check to make sure that they haven't employed some remastering trick to mask (ie. bollocks up) that squeaky drum kit and ruin the whole album.
  14. I hope he makes an effort to ram a reissue of through the pipeline before the walls collapse.
  15. So AllDirect has gone in the tank as well now, eh?
  16. Weizen — look for sound samples of the first "Impressed" compilation by Gilles Peterson. It has one track from the Gonsalves album (a very nice swinger). If that track is any indication, the album should be fine indeed. The sound too (at least on that one track) is excellent. Found it on Vol 2........sounds excellent! Had never heard of those compilations before....thanks. I also checked out -- and very much enjoyed -- that one number by the Michael Garrick Trio ('First Born'). Think I'll need to get that cd as well.
  17. It could be the same recording. I haven't found an english tracklist, but both CDs have 9 tracks and the lenght of the tracknames in japanese (whose characters only display as cubes in my browser) on the japanese CD are similar to the english tracklist of the US CD. There's an Eric Alexander 'Sunday in New York' mini-lp being released at about the same time. Sounds as though some wires got crossed somewhere along the line?
  18. I'll go for the Ross & Morrissey as well....and after hearing a few sound bites at some French site, might add the Jazz Quintet 60 to the cart. Don't know anything about the Gonsalves....any online preview clips that you know of?? I'd like to hear a few notes.
  19. I saw 'Lord of War'** last night.................sure hope that wasn't Red's Uncle (the General) that got blown to bits when he cranked the ignition of that new Rolls. Oh, never mind -- on second thought, guess that General was Ukrainian. ** what a great time-elapsed scene where the locals from the village in Sierra Leone strip down to it's ribs that Russian AU-16 turbo-prop cargo plane overnight.
  20. Yes, you're quite right about that! When I'm in the area, I'm drinking Ketterer, Rothaus & Alpirsbacher 95% of the time. I have to admit though....I've never tried the 'Schützen-Bock' in that pic you posted. I'd better forward this thread to my host over there so that he takes the hint and knows what to have on hand this summer. .....and switching gears (and countries) for a moment, I'll be having several bottles of Diekirch 'Grand Cru' this evening.
  21. PM please on the 2 Dorhams. Kenny Dorham, “Round Midnight at The Café Bohemia, Vol. 2” TOCJ 1606 - $15.00 Kenny Dorham, “Round Midnight at The Café Bohemia, Vol. 3” TOCJ 1607 - $15.00
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