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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Been eating healthy to the max all week, so tonite it's: + Rice + BBQ Beans + + 2 episodes of
  2. I have the mint mini-lp (AMCY-1179) that I'd trade for the Brubeck-Desmond K2 mini-lp (VICJ-60360) if you happened to have it at hand?
  3. NFL honchos and the army of sports writers/commentators will be doing worse than that if the unthinkable happens this weekend and the Packers & NE both nosedive leaving us with NY/SD. At least if the Pats lose, there's still Brett to form a triple wagon train around and they can all spend boatloads of time kicking around the 'Can the magic be kept alive for another year?!!!' question. If there's no Brady....no Favre, what on earth do they all do?? Fawn over Eli????
  4. I dunno, it's difficult to derive pleasure from watching the hapless walk into walls and self-destruct. Too easy....like pulling wings off a pathetic little fly. On the other hand, watching dangerous, unrepentant sociopaths like Mr. 'If I Did It' OJ get his crank stuck in the wringer at near every turn is somewhat amusing. Crowd pleasing stuff there!
  5. Phew....Giants managed to hold on so that Eli can get creamed up in Green Bay!! Looked to me like the refs 'missed' that face mask that Crayton pulled as he was heading toward the end zone on the 2nd to last (Dallas) play. How convenient. That was some poor NYG play halfway into the 4th when Eli was trying to move his team out of the zone and he's going with the run on 2nd and 5 ????? Come on, Eli...that's when you've gotta throw a little 6 or 7 yarder to your tight end.....not run. That's why the Patriots are so good -- Brady will throw it anytime, anywhere and isn't timid.
  6. Missed all discussion about this one but just added it to Netflix queue.
  7. Well the way it was looking there at the start of the 4th with that quick flurry of half-baked pass int. calls against SD, it looked as though the refs were determined to hand it to the Colts.
  8. The only negative is that it'll be staged in another of those domed (eg. MN, MI..) or Miamizonaesque settings when it should be held someplace like a Lambeau, Heinz, Cleveland or Arrowhead.... It's just wrong to be out there basking in the sun and sipping Corona Lites at the Super Palm-Frond Bowl. Time to get real.
  9. They're the only team capable of nailing the Pats -- good cornerbacks....excellent pass rush.....wide receivers that routinely get another 15 or 20 yds after a catch. Forget Indy....they're fixin' to get hosed a few hours from now.
  10. If not wanting to get cracked over the head with a broken bottle or stampeded to death while trying to escape soccer hooligans makes me a wimp, then you can place my name at the top of the list. Little by little though that's changing. Instead of routinely assailing one another with bottles & chairs, they've decided to channel their energy into getting it all out of their systems on New Years Eve. Fun! .... Next year try for 35 and dare the Belgians to match it!!! Twenty-two schools in the Netherlands were set fire to during New Year's Eve. Three schools were completely burnt out, insurance company Centraal Beheer Friday reported. The damage to the schools amounts to over 20 million euro, according to the insurer. The company feels schools should do more to prevent fires. Cameras and sprinkler systems could be installed, a spokesperson explained.
  11. Hey, if you experience any problems with the electrical system while on the road, ring me up and I'll grab my best voltage meter and quickly swing on over to check things out. Thing has never let me down!!
  12. ....heck with her then, I want a room there!!! Looks like Old Europe heaven!
  13. Just finished perusing the article about Chateau Elysee in the current issue of The New Yorker in which one dutiful staffer pulls out the green book full of LRH's dictates ('Celebrity Centres should work to rehabilitate old or faded artists'). So why isn't she being whisked off to Celebrity Centre and right on up to the L. Ron Hubbard Suite? She ain't old...but she's faded -- or at least fading fast!
  14. Commenting (handwringing actually) on tv a couple of days ago about the impact the writers strike would have on the Golden Globes, Oscars awards shows with so many stars not showing up, the correspondent likened it to people going to the zoo and there not being any animals around. 'Can you imagine?', she sighed mightily.
  15. My wife had 15 days of full brain radiation in August and that was one of the side effects....that shit freaked me out like I can't even begin to describe and I can feel empathy for your pal. I'd follow Allen's advice on the SS thing and ring up the local congressional district office and get a caseworker on the phone. They live & breathe that stuff.
  16. Oh no! You don't meticulously organize all the shelves in the fridge and place the bacon next to the carrots next to the cauliflower next to the chives...... do ya?
  17. I'm sure you file yours by corporate entity. I'd be curious which manufacturing country is positioned first within this system. Well, I do try to bunch the Mosaics together which I guess would qualify as a corporate entity violation in your book, but quite honestly they aren't in any specific order...nor are the others. I just stick 'em in the stax willy nilly and pluck 'em out at random. The organization thing has never been my bag. If you don't believe it, feel free to stage a spur of the moment drop by next time you're in the area. Sure hope you won't think of me as an unorderly, unpure troglodite and try to have me expelled from the music appreciation club.
  18. 8 guests reading this thing? Hmm. 9 User(s) are reading this topic (8 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)
  19. Dang! ....even hassling 16 year old girls! A "reputation for civility" and tolerance out there, huh? Must be something in the water. D.C. Fans Endure Slings and Arrows Of Seattle Crowd Loss Cuts Deep for Those Who Traveled Far By Nick Miroff Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, January 6, 2008; Page A06 SEATTLE, Jan. 5 -- When the Seattle Seahawks scored their last touchdown last night, it was so loud at Qwest Field that the bitter words of Nick Gamache were buried under an avalanche of noise. The Seahawks had run up the score to 35-14 with another interception return for a touchdown, and Gamache, a Raleigh, N.C., resident who grew up in Silver Spring, was crushed. "The dagger already happened a while ago," he said. "That was the nail." The game was just like Washington's up-and-down season as the Redskins started slow, then rallied but ultimately fizzled. "I really thought we were going to win. I felt it in my bones. And that's why it hurts so much," said Gamache's friend, Michael Fitzmaurice, a District resident who flew out for the game. For the fans who braved the elements and the beery hordes at Qwest Field, the loss was an emotional injury to the insults they'd been suffering all day from Seahawks fans. And just like the noise, the hostile conditions were partly a product of the stadium's design. Unlike FedEx Field, where the sprawling suburban parking lot provides ample room for tailgating, Qwest Field is set in far more cramped downtown quarters. Throngs of Seahawk fans jam into a narrow strip of asphalt between a freeway overpass and the stadium, creating a warrenlike cluster of blue tents and jerseys. These were the hostile environs where one brave group of Washington fans set up before the game, and they were quickly besieged. Although Seattle fans have a reputation for civility, the hissing vandals that Washington fans faced yesterday were as bad-mannered a bunch as any in the league. Anyone who arrived in a Redskins jersey had to walk through a rioting gantlet of screaming blue meanies who pushed them, bumped them and even stole their beer. "They were throwing stuff at us: chicken wings, cans. It was terrible," said Dino Russo, 42, a Stafford resident whose Redskins rain poncho made him a ripe target. "I expected the crowd to be docile, and this was the opposite," said his friend Bruce May, 51, also of Stafford. "Philly is supposed to be the worst, but this doesn't compare." One well-traveled, battle-scarred Redskins fan, Ted Abela of the District, said he'd never seen so much unnecessary roughness from hometown fans. He likened walking into the stadium to entering the Colosseum in the movie "Gladiator," surrounded by packs of foaming Romans. "I went to Philly and New York this year, and this is worse," said Abela, 28. No one was immune. Even Ashleigh Miller, a junior at Loudoun Valley High School, wasn't spared from the onslaught, enduring a nasty encounter with one particularly boorish Seahawks fan. "He was right up in my face," she said, her blond braid tucked under a burgundy No. 21 hat honoring the late Sean Taylor, "and I'm only 16!" Miller and her father stood with their Redskins brethren in the rain before the game, dripping wet. "These fans are just trying to root for their team," said Kevin Miller, 48. "At least it's not like Philly, where they actually want to fight." But some Seattle fans did appear to actually want to fight. "It was scary; there were people in my face, blocking my path," said Steve Jones, 43, a District native now living in eastern Washington who drove over the mountains through 20 inches of snow to reach the stadium, only to face more treacherous conditions en route to a Redskins tailgate party. District resident Mike Cooper plunged right into the razzing and loved it, goading the Seattle fans by calling their players "Smurfs." "This is the best part," said the 41-year-old, who works as a loan officer when he's not wearing a crown of fake Redskins braids. "I love it." But some especially crass Seattle fans even went after the sacred, sullying the memory of Taylor, the defensive star who was killed in November, with low-blow insults. "I expected hostility, but I didn't expect people to say something like that," said Kenny Alvo, 24, an elementary school teacher in Springfield. "It's just a football game." "I've never seen people so classless," said Raza Ali, 33, a lawyer living in Los Angeles who grew up in Annapolis. "When I'm wearing No. 21 and somebody makes fun of a dead guy, that is classless by any definition." Seahawks fans said it was simply a matter of territorialism. "You gotta hold your own and let them know what time it is," said Kyl Uecker, 24, a beer-swilling Seattle resident plastered in blue and black face paint. The taunting continued into the stands for the sparse pockets of Redskins fans scattered throughout the stadium. Several fans planned an escape even before the game ended. Genna Henry of Idaho, whose father was from the District, said, "I just want to get out of here alive."
  20. Someone else you're angry with? You need more Three Dog Night 'Joy to the World' spinning in your salon.
  21. yeah...'connecting the dots' has a nice ring!! I bet Oprah's schedulers are already mulling over several tentative dates for a big MV appearance!!! Vick's Prison Sentence May Be Shortened Posted Jan 5th 2008 5:15PM by JJ Cooper Filed under: Falcons, Atlanta, NFL Police Blotter, Featured Stories Michael Vick might be back sooner than we think. Humane Society and PETA picketers better keep those posters ready, as there's a chance Michael Vick could be back on the field for the 2009 season. Yahoo! Sports is reporting that the Falcons quarterback could end up serving as few as 12 months of his 23 month sentence thanks to his entry into a drug rehab program in prison. By connecting the dots, the story speculates that Vick could be back in the NFL for the 2009 season, as he would likely wrap up his sentence early next year. Apparently the drug treatment program, which is only in place at the Leavenworth, Kan., federal penitentiary, allows inmates to wipe off up to a year of their sentence if they complete the drug treatment program. Vick has tested positive for marijuana, which ended up likely adding time to his prison sentence. But now that same drug test might end up helping him cut time from his current sentence. Vick has to be in the program for a year, which apparently hasn't begun, so he's likely looking at a February or March 2009 release. Now, there are several other obstacles to Vick getting back onto an NFL field. Commissioner Roger Goodell will have to end his indefinite suspension, he'll likely have to pass frequent drug tests, and probably most importantly, he'll have to find a team willing to have a dog killer on their roster, with all the bad publicity that will come with it. But getting his prison sentence over six months or more before the 2009 season does make it much more likely that Vick will end up getting back onto the field.
  22. Yeah, at first glance I thought I recognized 'her' as a character in an old comic book of mine, riding in a stagecoach.
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