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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. We'll get all the european tourists holding buckets of Euro and you'll get that segment of sleazy Americans coming to Milan & Rome who will no longer be able to go to Amsterdam!! From Newsweek: .....And what about the ladies? The Red Light District has about 450 windows where women offer their services. The majority of those will be closed down. Where will the inhabitants go, once they're forced out of work? Asscher says most of the prostitutes are part of international human-trafficking networks that draw on women from Eastern Europe, and they will most likely move on to Antwerp, Hamburg, Porcy's village square and other European cities. For those that remain, the city administration may start certifying pimps and require that prostitutes who work for them to be 21 years old. ......The crackdown fits into a nationwide backlash against the excesses of 1960s "happy-clappy" liberalism, as a conservative Dutch member of parliament recently put it. Over the last few years the Netherlands has adopted a stricter policy on selling marijuana, and a ban on hallucinogenic mushrooms is slated to go into effect later this year. "People in Amsterdam and the rest of the country are starting to discern real tolerance from bogus tolerance," says Asscher. "When Rudy Giuliani started to clean up Times Square in the mid-'90s, some people were warning that no one would ever again want to come to New York City. But as far as I know, it has had record tourist numbers each year since." Perhaps Giuliani, who this week dropped out of the U.S. presidential race, should run for office in the Netherlands.
  2. You don't want that 'other' house on PA Ave anyway. Since the British burned it down, it's just not the architectural rage it once was!
  3. Sorry, no house at the "end" of Penn Ave, NW.....just a small shade tree on a tiny plot of earth near the intersection of Penn & 28th St, NW. I could get over there tonite with a shovel and dig it up....possibly sell it to you for 200 Euro and 3 kilos of Ubriaco (getting tough to find here!). That work?
  4. Good.....I've got a thousand or so lying about the place that I need to unload. I hope that Birdland and the bar at The Kitano are accepting them. Some New York City Stores Accept Euros Reuters Posted: 2008-02-07 11:26:57 Filed Under: Business News, Nation News NEW YORK (Feb. 6) - In the latest example that the U.S. dollar just ain't what it used to be, some shops in New York City have begun accepting euros and other foreign currency as payment for merchandise. "We had decided that money is money and we'll take it and just do the exchange whenever we can with our bank," Robert Chu, owner of East Village Wines, told Reuters television. The increasingly weak U.S. dollar, once considered the king among currencies, has brought waves of European tourists to New York with money to burn and looking to take advantage of hugely favorable exchange rates. "We didn't realize we would take so much in and there were that many people traveling or having euros to bring in. But some days, you'd be surprised at how many euros you get," Chu said. "Now we have to get familiar with other currencies and the (British) pound and the Canadian dollars we take," he said. While shops in many U.S. towns on the Canadian border have long accepted Canadian currency and some stores on the Texas-Mexico border take pesos, the acceptance of foreign money in Manhattan was unheard of until recently. Not far from Chu's downtown wine emporium, Billy Leroy of Billy's Antiques & Props said the vast numbers of Europeans shopping in the neighborhood got him thinking, "My God, I should take euros in at the store." Leroy doesn't even bother to exchange them. "I'm happy if I take in 200 euros , because what I do is keep them," he said. "So when I go back to Paris, I don't have to go through the nightmare of going to an exchange place."
  5. I really wanted the 'deer in the headlights' lookalike (Eli) to get the stuffing knocked out of him tonite.....but? Oh well. I wonder if this guy bolted to the basement right after the game to grab up a fistful of sandpaper and go to work on his head? http://www.bostonsportz.com/blog/2008/1/17...-tatoo-man.html
  6. Was just about to break out el camera....thanks for the edit!
  7. The people that drive me nuts are the ones who purchase a single package of chewing gum or a chocolate bar and then ask for a bag.
  8. Yes, but the mini-lp is sealed and you probably don't want the obi strip in there, right? I also have the 10" Toshiba vinyl but it's a bit too large for the scanner glass.....will a digital photo work?
  9. 55 inches??? Get stuffed, NFL!!!! NFL Pulls Plug On Big-Screen Church Parties For Super Bowl By Jacqueline L. Salmon Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, February 1, 2008; Page A01 For years, as many as 200 members of Immanuel Bible Church and their friends have gathered in the church's fellowship hall to watch the Super Bowl on its six-foot screen. The party featured hard hitting on the TV, plenty of food -- and prayer. But this year, Immanuel's Super Bowl party is no more. After a crackdown by the National Football League on big-screen Super Bowl gatherings by churches, the Springfield church has sacked its event. Instead, church members will host parties in their homes. Immanuel is among a number of churches in the Washington area and elsewhere that have been forced to use a new playbook to satisfy the NFL, which said that airing games at churches on large-screen TV sets violates the NFL copyright. Ministers are not happy. "There is a part of me that says, 'Gee, doesn't the NFL have enough money already?'" said Steve Holley, Immanuel's executive pastor. He pointed out that bars are still allowed to air the game on big-screens TV sets. "It just doesn't make sense." The Super Bowl, the most secular of American holidays, has long been popular among churches. With parties, prayer and Christian DVDs replacing the occasionally racy halftime shows, churches use the event as a way to reach members, and potential new members, in a non-churchlike atmosphere. "It takes people who are not coming frequently, or who have fallen away, and shows them that the church can still have some fun," said the Rev. Thomas Omholt, senior pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in the District. Omholt has hosted a Super Bowl party for young adults in his home for 20 years. "We can be a little less formal." The NFL said, however, that the copyright law on its games is long-standing and the language read at the end of each game is well known: "This telecast is copyrighted by the NFL for the private use of our audience. Any other use of this telecast or any pictures, descriptions, or accounts of the game without the NFL's consent is prohibited." The league bans public exhibitions of its games on TV sets or screens larger than 55 inches because smaller sets limit the audience size. The section of federal copyright law giving the NFL protection over the content of its programming exempts sports bars, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said. The issue came to a head last year after the NFL sent a letter to Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis, warning the church not show the Super Bowl on a giant video screen. For years, the church had held a Super Bowl party in its auditorium, attracting about 400 people and showing the game on a big screen usually reserved for hymn lyrics. The letter "was really a disturbing thing," said Marlene Broome, a spokeswoman for the church. The church canceled last year's party. This year, its adult Sunday school classes are having parties in homes, but Broome said church members miss the big gatherings. "Everybody really had a good time," she said. Large Super Bowl gatherings around big-screen sets outside of homes shrink TV ratings and can affect advertising revenue, McCarthy said. "We have no objection to churches and others hosting Super Bowl parties as long as they . . . show the game on a television of the type commonly used at home," he said. "It is a matter of copyright law." The same policy applies to all NFL games and to movie theaters, large halls and other venues with big-screen TVs, he said. The policy has prompted some drastic downscaling. Last year, Vienna Presbyterian Church planned a party in its fellowship hall for its middle school and high school students, airing the game on its 12-foot video screen. Church leaders had hoped to use the game to draw in the teenagers, often a tough crowd to get through church doors. "We thought we had found our magic bullet," said Barb Jones, the church's director of communication. The event was canceled, however, after the church heard about the Indianapolis case. This year, Vienna Presbyterian plans a party for teenagers in its basement, showing the game on smaller TV sets. Like other churches, Vienna Presbyterian will not charge admission to view the game, and it will not use the event as a fundraiser. In a testimony to the drawing power of the Super Bowl, churches do not use the Academy Awards or other high-rated televised events to evangelize. To avoid attracting the ire of the NFL, some churches are even giving Super Bowl parties a more generic name. Broadfording Bible Brethren Church in Hagerstown will call its annual event the "Big Game Party." The church still plans to show the game on its jumbo-size screen near the pulpit in its sanctuary. Pastor Bill Wyand said he has heard secondhand about the policy and is not sure whether screening the game via the church's video-projector system violates NFL policy. Still, he is looking nervously over his shoulder. On the legal flip side, the NFL's big-screen ban could end up landing the league in trouble. John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, a Charlottesville civil liberties group that focuses on religious freedom issues, is threatening to sue the NFL on behalf of an Alabama church that wants to host a big-screen Super Bowl party. He is also seeking sponsors for federal legislation to exempt churches from the ban. "It's ridiculous," Whitehead said. "You can go into these stores now and buy 100-inch screens. The law is just outdated."
  10. No kidding!!! Tomorrow I need to photoshop my face onto this pic and get rid of that boozing one in the profile!!
  11. I just had an odd thing happen. I was standing in the front office at my kid's school, chatting up an employee about Led Zeppelin (she's a fan) and I mentioned having recently purchased some Zep mini lps. She wasn't totally sure what mini lps were, so she proceeded to Google mini lps & then clicked images -- and right there on the first page I suddenly see my profile photo (drinking a pint) from this board and my daughter points and says 'Dad, isn't that you?' 'Twas a bit odd to say the least. Anyway, why would Google grab my profile picture rather than my avatar, or even the picture I have on the signature line? How does it work?
  12. Here's one on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Three-Sounds---Blue-No...080125137a14794 They all have the same basic cover layout....here's the Shorter: .....and a Herbie: Sound quality is well above average.....my guess is that you wouldn't be disappointed and suddenly fly into a rage or anything..
  13. Porcy get flour all over that LP while making Gnocci?
  14. 36?? What...the Coltrane Prestige box? That including insurance? I just sold one last week and had shipping to Europe/UK posted at $25. Glad someone here bought it or I would have taken a hit on the shipping. Vajerzy, how much more do you think the 12x12 Riverside box weighs than your cube? A good bit.....or something marginal like the weight of 5 or 6 marshmallows?
  15. Probably belt down a few favorite beers & munch some cheese curls.... then have a monster BLT w/lots of mayo on toasted Pumpernickel w/some Spaghetti O's......a slice of pecan pie plus a large Toblerone candy bar.
  16. Yes, some other Lateef/Rich/Newman/Evans/Vaughan/etc titles found here: http://blog.roodo.com/sampan/archives/2507313.html
  17. I was reading up on the Gary McFarland Orchestra w/Bill Evans LP at a site and was curious about the "famed" collection that was mentioned? Never heard of it/him....what's it all about? Those two YouTube NBC clips that were removed -- are they posted at another online site? ....I'd like to see them. http://www.jazzwax.com/2007/08/the-early-autum.html
  18. Thanks for the update......I'll skip buying this one.
  19. Same here.....package arrived in A+ condition. Thanks, Steve!
  20. That's kind of a cheap shot. I've bought Savoys and stuff from him before and there was never a whiff of difficulty.
  21. Damn! Make one tiny cosmetic change and I'm 100% with ya!! Eli Manning (haven't liked him since his pre-draft refusal to play for the team that was going to (and did) draft him, the Chargers) Dan Snyder Terrell Owens (i'm softening a little though, but don't think I'll truly ever like him) Jerry Jones (love/hate kinda thing) Barry Bonds Texas
  22. Was that the year that Milwaukee somehow managed to beat us 4 times during the season? ..or was it 5?
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