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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Damn, with all of the sediment & scum build-up you'd get around the interior of the bowl after not using the brush for 2 years, must have been like navigating treacherous shoals off the coast of North Carolina for the Ty-D-Bol Man. No wonder we haven't seen him in years!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPPBnciNAqI
  2. Corona's only good for hot days at the beach. beach.bmp
  3. Yes, Bags Unlimited in Rochester, NY carries 'em all. the 14 x 14 1/4 2 mil ones.
  4. My $5 purchase today. Was sealed. Only one small needle jump so far.
  5. Having seen your earlier posts I decided to take the plunge and picked up about a dozen of them from two different vendors in China. The estimated shipping time is 21-35 days -- on an oil freighter that makes stops first in Sapporo, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski and the Aleutians, I guess??
  6. Oh, yeah..stupid me ...I now see the 2003 at the bottom of the obi. Hadn't even looked closely before, just assumed it was the new ones.
  7. I love the line in this seller's item description for all of these Steeplechase titles ("A rare and hard to find Japan mini lp CD!"). Well, yeah....I guess they would be rare since the official release date isn't for 3 weeks yet. http://cgi.ebay.com/JACKIE-MCLEAN-DEXTER-G...bayphotohosting VACZ 1120(24 bit) Jordan, Duke(p) / Flight To Denmark* 2625 VACZ 1121(24 bit) Drew, Kenny(p) / Dark Beauty* 2625 VACZ 1122(24 bit) Drew, Kenny(p) / Duo* 2625 VACZ 1123(24 bit) Montoliu, Tete(p) / Tete* 2625 VACZ 1124(24 bit) Gordon, Dexter(ts) / Bouncin' With Dex* 2625 VACZ 1125(24 bit) Drew, Kenny(p) / If You Could See Me Now* 2625 VACZ 1126(24 bit) McLean, Jackie(as) & Dexter Gordon(ts) / The Meeting* 2625 VACZ 1127(24 bit) Jordan, Duke(p) / Teo Loves* 2625 VACZ 1128(24 bit)(2 CD) Getz, Stan(ts) / Live At Montmartre* 3675 VACZ 1130(24 bit) Montoliu, Tete(p) / Tete A Tete* 2625
  8. Yeah, and back then every one of those kids knew how to shoot too! And what? No religion portion? I highly doubt that. Chris, did you cherry pick this thing? Ask 'Wingy' for the full version. ...and since he's a resident of NY, see if he can't also dig up for us an equivalent 2006 version from a public school -- preferably one where Columbus is vilified and called a murderous scoundrel.
  9. Crazy? Sheesh! Hey, if you get yourself into a jam by taunting that Danish-bred rabbit and his four cousins (Allah, Wallah, Sallah ...and J. Carter Canoe II) so that they latch onto your legs in the forest, I should think you'd be happy to take a friendly shotgun blast or two to get them off? Only birdshot though....from a 16-gauge.....you'll be okay in a few days. _____________________________________________________________________ "Allen said that my mother looks like a strip of bacon, so now ...
  10. We? Not me! I didn't take no steenkin' pledge!! No wonder he hasn't been around lately! What did you do?? see 1st post! No steenin' pledges from me, dude - ever!!!!! ....well, only that one to keep my trap shut about those 1,800 Diebold machines I rigged up. Oops! As Spock would say: 'fascinating.' No, they weren't nice. Look, I'm perfectly happy to be a forgiving tabula rasa benevolent kind-of-guy, but for appearances sake, it might also be a nice touch for you to get down on bended knee and pledge undying loyalty to me from this day forward. That, and a dozen roses ...and a case of should Veuve Clicquot White Label Demi Sec NV should do nicely. ........and while we're at it, send a case each to Couw and Moose and all the others that you've alienated as well (hint: sell some more box sets and you should be able to gather up enough funds for the 17 odd cases you'll need to buy. Well, screw Clem....he probably doesn't drink anything stronger than papaya nectar anyway....send me his case as well. Does that HammondCheese guy drink? Find out first before shipping to him.) Yes, yes.....all indeed true (blush, blush). Ya know, I learned all of that at a Quaker College... ......thank goodness they didn't bounce me for storing firearms in my room. Well, now that we're kinda pals again, Allen.....you want to come down and go shooting with me and Cheney and an ex-Lott staffer on a private reserve out on the Chesapeake some weekend this spring?
  11. Um, yeah....thought you'd never ask. ....I'll throw in an extra for good measure. Just the tip of the iceberg.
  12. By all means, please go ahead and do so!! It's not as though you haven't already gone that shameless route with me before, right? Here, why don't you take this pic for your thread and then make up some story about how I won it at the local 4-H Aryan Nation Club's annual spring fundraiser auction and is now hanging in my bedroom.
  13. Oh gosh....now's the time he finally decides to go and get all irritated and sensitive on us??
  14. yeah, he can chirp....but can he change a light bulb?
  15. Bob Packwood never attempted to stick his tongue in an intern's mouth in a senate elevator...... ...it was Ted Kennedy wearing a Packwood mask!
  16. ....must have confused the hell out of the cats living there who are 'hardwired' to stalk & attack things that chirp ('I'm supposed to kill and eat THAT?? Waa?')
  17. Wow....$50 they want for this Niehaus OJC? Must be seriously rare. http://cgi.ebay.com/Quintets-1-Niehaus-Len...1713.m153.l1262
  18. You used to be able to leave items in your shopping cart at HMV for days & days....a week even while ya mulled it all over. Now those rogues have wised up and are dumping stuff out after a few measly hours!!! This is an abomination!
  19. Fab!! ......shoot me your address and I'll pop in the mail an old Ollie North tape that came from someone at National Review years ago. I can send 'Al Gore's Greatest Speeches, Vols. 1-39' as well if you want?
  20. I reject the whole notion that one shouldn't try to take advantage of these situations and employ 'codebreaking' skills/techniques to try and decifer code that Person 'A' is sending to Person 'B' out in the open. Come up with better signals.
  21. Hmmm, good to know....I was wondering about the counterfeit angle on these ones. Thanks for the insight, Claude.
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