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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Seeing that 'final design still pending' bit I called them last week to make sure that it's a dual use box....one that can also be used to store the BN JRVGs. They hadn't thought about that.
  2. I bet you don't hate devil dogs and ring dings?
  3. Excellent piece, Robert......right on target. Down here, the feds are in bigtime scramble mode.....helping to fund all sorts of high talent development strategies/training programs to help meet future industry needs.
  4. Unless we move fast and address the energy workforce challenges out there, a similar sized sinkhole will appear over the next 5-10 years when 50% of the skilled industry employees retire and there aren't near enough skilled relacements to fill the slots.
  5. Found this thread via a Google search on Cedar an hour ago and decided to spin this one......it's been awhile. I agree that it sounds pretty good.....although 'Summertime' is the one that I least enjoyed.....just sounded overly harsh on my system. Glad I pulled it out though!
  6. Put this on the tt. She'll beg you to go back to the Dave Bailey.
  7. Indeed. It would seem that it was only after the horrors of Stalingrad and the Eastern Front into 1943 that the Wehrmacht officer corps could see that the situation was irretrievable and that the only solution would be to take Hitler out and do a deal. Before then it would seem that they were more than happy to go along with his plans. The last major 'victory' on the Eastern Front was at Kharkov in March '43 when Manstein counter-attacked hard and stopped the Soviets dead in their tracks. At that point Manstein wanted to maintain the momentum and continue to 'pile on' the Soviets who were reeling from Kharkov. He wanted to launch a May offensive but Hitler held things up until July. That was the last real opportunity to make headway in the east and Manstein & Co, knew that it was all over. Had either of the March '43 bomb plots (von Tresckow (in Ukraine) or von Gertsdorff) been successful, Manstein likely would have prevailed upon Hitler's successor to stick to a May deadline, thus leaving the Russians little time to prepare defensive operations in the area around Kursk. Had that happened (Kursk operation taking place in May rather than July '43), I'm guessing that the Russians would have been hammered senseless....and who knows what would have happened after that? We know for certain that the Russians had contacted German diplomats earlier in Sweden and indicated a willingness to go some sort of negotiated settlement route and that Mussolini had made a similar appeal to Hitler when they met in April. Had the outcome at Kursk been different and temporarily given them the upper hand, perhaps Hitler's replacement would have decided to go that route? This type of war of total conquest/occupation was not the norm in Europe and you'd have to think that a large segment of the officer corps would have been happy to do a deal of sorts and come out of this with some sizeable chunk of real estate.
  8. Hmmm, interesting. Did he then mail you a starter kit containing a small vial of amphetamines and a Don't Drive Tired motivational sticker to be placed on the rear view mirror?
  9. Al-Qaeda learned an important lesson from von Stauffenberg --- never leave your explosives unattended.
  10. So, you're a year older? No need to weep over it. ......well, then again.
  11. "Put the rebate check in your savings account" "teach personal finance to the masses" ...well that's certainly a good thing. I've been bending people's ears for for decades about the appalling lack of even the most basic 'you really need to put money in the bank' public service announcements from successive administrations who regularly get out there to stick their nose into near everything else. As such, I was pleasantly surprised to see a short govt. sponsored ad appear on the tube several weeks back promoting savings accounts. First time that I recall seeing one. ......after they make headway with the unschooled"masses" maybe they can set their sights on the 'educated' -- most of whom don't really know the difference between the defict and the debt. Heck, half the elected officials seem to regularly interchange the two as though they have the same meaning. Quite often you'll even hear a member of the House or Senate Budget Committee improperly interchange the two during an opening statement or during a Q&A session.
  12. If there are any new boxes of Titleist DTs or Pro V1 they're mine....so mits off BeBop!!!!!
  13. If the famous author of 'It Takes A Village' ever decides to update her timeless classic, this would make a nice addition. Chapter 18: It Takes a Village to Protect You From Getting Your Wanker Stolen by the Witchdoctor.
  14. Welcome to the 2 Daughters/0 Sons Club.............the best!
  15. Okay, okay...so there are a few minor QC bumps in the road. At least no one has complained about the labels being wrinkled and off center! Fraid not . Wasn't there something on the Hoffman forums about somebody getting an off-centre AP vinyl? No, that was me complaining about the record they sent that had both a double label as well as a pilsner glass glued to it!! How they managed that one I'll never know!
  16. Okay, okay...so there are a few minor QC bumps in the road. At least no one has complained about the labels being wrinkled and off center!
  17. Just finished listening to 'Warming Up'. How about a Dave Burns & Bill English Vanguard Select? 3 fine hardbop lps.....not on of 'em ever out on cd.
  18. Thanks for that link, clave! Last week at BJ's I saw a Boston Patriot hat. Maybe the next time I go there I'll pick it up. The card attached to the hat said "NFL Classics". Of course, the Patriots were an AFL team. One problem - the hat is navy blue. The main color of the Patriots was red. This the one? I'd thought about springing for one as well....never did like the new logo. That's it SoW! $12.99 at BJ's. The adjustable strap in the back says "Patriots". I too have never liked the new uniform, including the Elvis logo. But since they won the Super Bowl with it, I don't expect that they will ever go back to what I am nostalgic for. By the way, BJ's also has a second hat that is a little lighter weight. It is basically a lighter shade of blue, with the front panel being white. Same Pat the Patriot logo. Now here's the one you (we!) want! $16 at http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...l%3Den%26sa%3DN
  19. Thanks for that link, clave! Last week at BJ's I saw a Boston Patriot hat. Maybe the next time I go there I'll pick it up. The card attached to the hat said "NFL Classics". Of course, the Patriots were an AFL team. One problem - the hat is navy blue. The main color of the Patriots was red. This the one? I'd thought about springing for one as well....never did like the new logo.
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