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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I keep wondering about this event (mentioned in a Blakey chronology). What...one too many drinks, then decide to hop in the car and zip off to the border crossing and bitch out some Russkies? 1962 - Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (January 13, 1962) Grant Green session (Blue Note) Coronet, Brooklyn, NY ("tentatively") [db 1/18/62 p.56] - Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (January 20, 1962) Ike Quebec session (Blue Note) - Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (January 24, 1962) Art Blakey: The African Beat session (Blue Note) [db 2/1/62 announced: "Kay Norton, now part owner of the Jazz Gallery, is signing some artists to exclusive contracts - that is, they will play nowhere else in New York City except at the Gallery. Art Blakey is the first on contract." This didn't last long as the July Birdland engagement shows. Why? Because the Jazz Gallery closed around then. - db 8/16/62 p.10] - Berlin, Germany (February 4, 1962) (private recording) [-F, DM] - Helsinki, Finland (February 1962) [db 6/21/62 p.43] "He [blakey] spoke of recent experiences with East German and Soviet police. 'I argued with them,' he emphasized. 'These are good men; they just have an idea. The only way we can overcome this is to come up with a better idea.' During the Messengers' recent engagement in Helsinki, Finland, Blakey said he took a ride to the Finnish-USSR frontier and right away became embroiled in an argument with the Russian border guards." - db 6/21/62 p.43 - Flonercetret, Copenhagen, Denmark (February 1962) (private recording) [-TN, DM] - Stockholm, Sweden (February 13, 1962) (private recording) [-F]
  2. No, it was weird.....the Getz sound was gone and suddenly it was like..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o29VoxtsFk
  3. It looks like one of the good old grandma's recipes and suggestion, but I have a warped David Crosby's record, I'll check yor recipe out. Did you mean direct sun? BTW wich sun are you referring to: Iceland, NYC, Mississipi, over here we got some pretty though sun. Using a close to trashed Stan Getz lp, I once tried that sun + heavy glass panel 'trick' ....and while it did flatten out, the grooves wound up looking like wavy gravy.
  4. Ask the French, or the Japanese. France gets what...75-80% of their electricity from nuclear plants??? Speaking of France, I recently read somewhere that China is adding (yearly) to their national power grid the equivalent of total French power output.....or something to that effect. There's no question that nuc power need be a center-piece of our long term energy strategy (we get 20% of electricty from nuc power??) and that we can't be left on the sidelines....but sadly we're so far behind the curve in reactorworld for the same reason that we still don't have metro rail service to Dulles Int'l Airport, gateway to the nation's capital -- pathetic lack of foresight and serious investment. The Congress most definitely must start to move seriously on this front although the decades long dithering/thumb-twiddling has left the industry ill-prepared to provide the quantity of reactor fuel that will be required the world over.
  5. .............rather, too common sense & forward thinking to be true. McCain calls for building 45 new nuclear reactors By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: June 18, 2008 Filed at 9:20 p.m. ET SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) -- Sen. John McCain called Wednesday for the construction of 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030 and pledged $2 billion a year in federal funds ''to make clean coal a reality,'' measures designed to reduce dependence on foreign oil.
  6. There is some truth to that. It ridiculous for Woods (and others) to go all squirelly at the sound of cameras whirring when other athletes are expected to perform in stadiums with 100,000 screaming fans going off the walls. The other thing is that on any given Sunday afternoon, half the players on the field in the NFL are playing with some sort of injury. Listening to the throng of excessively fawning sports suck-ups at the US Open going on and on and on and on about Tiger's hurt knee was nauseating ....'Ooo, Tiger just grimmaced... did you see that Mark Rolfing? Dotty what do you think? Any coments from you, Johnny, up there in the booth?'
  7. I went Level 4..... so, Jim, can you make sure that Randy and Joe sign the poster 'hugs & kisses from....' ?
  8. Close, an 88 (due to a snowman on a par 4) ......and the 5 liter mini-keg was already spittin' foam on the way to the 9th green. Next time we'll need two! Sadly, your ranger was nowhere in sight.
  9. 85 and Sunshine Central w/the obligatory holiday mini-keg in the cart!!
  10. Don't have that either.......think it recently appeared one of the scheduled re-issues lists around here. That emusic suggestion re: the Murray 'Louise' cd seems like the way to go.
  11. Is someone slowly laying the groundwork for his own little substainable civilization?
  12. Noticed a number of ebay vendors selling multiple copies for $1 plus the usual inflated shipping. The title track I heard over at the Hicks website sounds like a major winner and puts it in the no brainer category for $1 (plus). Anyone own this? Just curious about the amount of flute that's on the remaining tracks? .....also, is that David Murray 'Song for Aunt Louise' cd w/Hicks ever floating around, or is it in the 'rare as hen's teeth' category?
  13. Up at 6:30. At 8:30 I hear an explosion and the power goes out.Shave and wash my hair before the hot water is gone. Find new batteries for the flashlight. Pack an Uptown order in the dark. Two hours later power is on. Finish paperwork for Uptown shipment. Do dishes and receive call from our son Eric. Proof text for upcoming nessa releases. Go to Taco Bell for birthday burrito and a root beer. Receive and respond to a number of calls and emails about details on the mastering of my next 3 reissues. This covered about 2 hours. Supply UPC codes to imbed in cd masters, learn about IRSC codes. Check the birthday thread to gauge the popularity of yours truly. Not too bad. Field calls from our children (Eric and Carla) and make plans for Eric's visit later this week. Go in search of the UPS truck to send the Uptown order. Prepare garbage and recyclables for morning pick up. Drink copious quantities of Johnny Walker Red. Eat dinner. Check the birthday thread again. Type response. Much thanks to all. You sure that the Johnny Walker hasn't impacted the 'ol memory to the degree that you've got the sequence of events slightly out-of-order? So, how large exactly was that breakfast burrito anyway?
  14. I'd give this abandoned lighthouse in Puerto Penasco, Mexico a shot. Yeah, it's a bit remote & for sure a fixer-upper.......but I bet the price is right...the beer's cold....plus good fishin'! .....and be sure to consult this thread! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=26818
  15. The offending item that was threatening our society was removed. cool nessa can find something else to get his panties bunched up about Unless he's secretly gone Giambi on us!! Giambi, other Yanks use thong as slump antidote Updated: May 17, 2008 NEW YORK (AP) - These are trying times for Jason Giambi — apparently not even lucky underwear can help his undersized batting average. The New York Yankees' first baseman caused a bit of a stir Saturday when the Daily News reported —on the front page, no less — that he often wears a gold thong under his uniform pants when trying to snap out of a slump.
  16. Looks a bit like our kitchen the other night when child #1 threw a plastic bottle of ketchup at child #2 and the top flew off when it hit the tile floor. Looked like a scene out of 'Dexter'.
  17. Somehow missed all of the drama at the time.....what was the avatar?
  18. Sure.....but only if you promise to wear this little leather mask and sing all my favorite Zappa tunes about Mary and the telefunken U47 on the bus?
  19. Woozy forgot to tell us that 'Married Life' on her new album is pretty swingin' neat.
  20. Will it contain any live material taken from the '52 world tour of theirs?
  21. Jim, Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your Dad.
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