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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. 1 Comments By John Birchard on November 20, 2008 1:02 PM As a retired newscaster from the Voice of America - and occasional contributor to Rifftides - I want to thank you for continuing to focus attention on the plight of VOA. I agree that readers should write their congresspeople. But I also must tell you this: I wrote some months ago to Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), urging her to try to head off the further dismantling of the Voice. Her response? "Thank you for joining me in support of English lessons for immigrants."! No mention of VOA. That's the unfortunate state of affairs on The Hill. But don't let that deter you from pursuing the lawmakers. Remember - quitters never win. Okay, okay....send more staff overseas......just not the one responsible for penning THAT constituent response from Mikulski !!
  2. Fromson says: "An entire generation may well be perplexed by just what the VOA means." Yep...for sure. On this issue of int'l public diplomacy, one thing that disturbs me to no end is the steady increase in the level of indignant carping (started in the late 80's/early 90's and has picked up steam) about Members of Congress and their staffs going on overseas trips. It's become almost a third rail for a pol to travel abroad let alone their professional staff members, as they nervously look over their shoulder for the next shoe to drop -- be it some 'good govt' watchdog group trying to made the headlines......or the local town paper.....or an opponent who spins a campaign ad hitting the pol for taking 'junkets.' What a bunch of fuzzy headed c-r-a-p......it's totally insane. We have elected representatives who hire professional issue oriented staff who are supposed to interact with their professional counterparts (and also public citizens) in all sorts of symposia/forums abroad on an A-Z of issues relating to finance, agriculture, construction, security, treaties, health & pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, arms control, conservation, human rights -- you name it -- but the travel is now a mere trickle compared to what it was in, say, 1985 --and that's supposed to be a good thing??? Since near every public official is worried sick about the next round of 'gotcha!' stories about how he or she wasted taxpayer dollars by sending staff abroad a half-dozen times a year, lets leave the people's elected representatives back home because, god forbid, those are taxpayer dollars being spent on that 6-day staff trip to Taiwan and Japan to discuss trade, etc. No, instead, let's get to work and talk about beefing up the int'l airwaves and get busy beaming our 'message' around the globe. .....meanwhile, lets roll our eyes at those who have barely racked up any miles traveling outside of the country, and let's poke fun at politicians in DC for not having a clue about what's going on outside the U.S. (Oh, can you believe what a lightweight he/she is on foreign affairs issues? Gosh, talk about clueless!!! ). Um, can you say total disconnect? It doesn't get much dumber than that, folks!
  3. ....just in case MC or an associate sees this thread, I'll toss in:
  4. ...still there with a major price drop ($16). http://product.half.ebay.com/Brights-Spot_...684QQprZ3047761
  5. Gen. Mark W. Clark watching the football game between the Citadel and Presbyterian College What's Gen. Clark really looking at?
  6. I hope to take the Rega plunge next week and order this P3-24. It now comes with the TT PSU as a package ....and the Elys2 is a few hundred extra. Based on the scattered research I've done, this seems like an exceptional TT.
  7. Me likey the new green P3 24. btw, Michel.......what are your thoughts on that PSU?
  8. Is there an optional hinged dustcover?
  9. Nice looking grill. Does it use liquid propane or natural gas?
  10. Speaking as someone who spent considerable time both lobbying for additional USIA/RFE/RL funds and helping to launch a new surrogate radio service for parts of Asia, I've always said that the int'l radio services are one of our most effective low dollar/high yield tools in the arsenal of int'l public diplomacy. VOA has typically had more of a 'what's happening in America' bent, while the surrogate services focus more on hard news and commentary, often providing important news/updates to citizens of nations who quite often are kept in the dark, by the regime in power, about internal developments taking place within their own country (Chris, if you see this post, please restrain yourself and resist the temptation to chime in. ). The problem, in this post-Soviet era, is that many of our legislators (faced with diminishing budgets) have difficulty comprehending the need to keep the radio services, let alone give them major cash infusions. Most people living in societies that are awash in information, don't quite realize how 'barren' it still is throughout parts of the globe. You also have a large number of people in the int'l community who feel that we're already in their faces enough about this & that....and the last thing they're looking for is a 'please allow me to introduce myself' radio blitz. Add to the equation the internet and it's even a tougher sell. That said, I believe that Obama would be wise to light such a fire and beef up the VOA services....but he'll face resistance on both sides of the political aisle. Geez....Budgets!! Lobbying! Appropriations!! Dang!! 'till I saw this thread, I hadn't considered the possibility of serving inside the Obama Administration. David, I'm ready to swing into action on behalf of my new President! Who should I call?
  11. What are you implying? Rollins bites? The session bites? ..or I bite? If it's the last one...well, I can live with that!
  12. Same here.....'Pent-Up House' is perfect! I only have the european ZYX (OJC) digi which seems pretty good, but I've never heard the RVG or MFSL. Am I missing out on anything?
  13. Last night Evans '...@Village Vanguard' OJC Horace Silver 'Silvers Blue' CBS/Portrait Masters --- not too thrilled with the quality of that vinyl.
  14. Not sure it's a favorite....but at 99 cents, this Mal Waldron 2-fer is pretty good. Only thing is, it's more of a Prestige half-assedfer since LP #2 isn't Waldron at all, but rather JJ Johnson/Kai Winding 'Early Bones.'
  15. Well, at least the lawn got cut. Feels good on my back....I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. JJ Johnson/Kai Winding/Bennie Green 'Early Bones' (Prestige)
  17. From my favorite cheese shop, spicy Sopressate Salami plus some Prima Donna cheese from Netherlands. Only thing missing (where's catesta?)... http://cheesetique.com/
  18. So, other than a questionable piano....how is that place? I'm supposed to go there in a few weeks. Two days ago they still had the Oct schedule up on the webpage and I left a message on the answering machine about it.
  19. I think you want to try Commonwealth at the Columbia Heights metro station: http://www.donrockwell.com/index.php?showtopic=9766 My handle on that board is MC Horoscope. Wow, that's a great looking site....they even have something about 'Cheesetique Wine Bar' down by me. Thanks for that link. Do they have a political forum too?
  20. This place called Eamonn's/A Dublin Chipper is a few miles down the road. Haven't been there yet but most folks I know give 'er pretty high marks on the chipper front. http://www.dcfoodies.com/2008/03/eamons.html
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