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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I've always enjoyed the earlier material that came out of the EmCee Five. Now spinning.....
  2. Not only that, but unlike some of the other questions where they gave you the 'other' option and a nice little space to spell it all out, there was no 'other'. That's really short sighted on their part if they're truly interested in finding out where people are getting their info from. I was kind of annoyed that they didn't have a yes/no question about whether they should start including obis with their cds & vinyl.
  3. Vitus Bering, his contemporary, would likely have killed to have a moustache like that!!
  4. Dear Abby: 10 days ago, my 8th grader took my autographed copy of Chris Albertson's 'Bessie' book in to show the teacher after Bessie's name came up during the class discussion about jazz. Teacher still has it. Should I leave threatening phone messages? Have Chris leave threatening phone messages? Have Allen leave threatening messages? Please advise. Sincerely, YouBessBeStraightWithMe
  5. Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself.......you act like you're Sen. Burris or something! If you have had at least 4 people shake your hand today, then you're doing much, much better than he his at this point. You have.... right? RIGHT??? ...okay, well.....how 'bout 2 handshakes and a couple of hi-fives? You get that today?? Congress Daily NEWS Feb. 24, 2009 – 4:02 p.m. Sen. Burris Rebuffs Durbin’s Advice, Refuses to Resign ......Burris looked dapper in a dark suit, with a blue shirt, striped tie and blue pocket handkerchief. Other senators who shook Burris’ hands included Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Patrick J. Leahy, D-Vt., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.
  6. I thought that all Toshiba vinyl, even the promos, had the requisite OBI? They waited until the 90's with the 10" series to get on board the obi train? That's hard to believe. http://cgi.ebay.com/JACKIE-McLEAN-TIPPIN-T...id=p4634.c0.m14 http://cgi.ebay.com/SONNY-ROLLINS-VILLAGE-...p3286.m20.l1116
  7. I also love the crowd/bar noise on the Miles Blackhawk set. Especially that bar blender! Maybe I should record a couple of hours of bar noise. I can do that right here in Whitehall and probably get releases from all the drunks involved. Shouldn't be too difficult to overlay this stuff on my master tapes. The digital world is nifty. No, shouldn't be all that difficult to pull off. Problem though is that unlike the sort of low key background crowd noise we're talking about, I'm not sure the inebriated chorus of 'yo, baby, take it off!' ... 'whaddaya mean it's $50 for a lap dance??' and 'Randy, quick, grab her orbs!!!' that you'll be recording in your local hangout is quite what we had in mind. Try it though....let's see?
  8. That Monk set is going to be great. I love these live club recordings and the whole audience buzz thing ....particularly when that woman bursts out laughing in the background during the bass solo on Blue Monk.
  9. Well, since you devised this creative solution to solve all that ails you/them, why then are you still getting chewed out in forums like 'Offering & Looking For'?
  10. Sounds good. Maybe it'll include the tracks on which he appeared in '57 w/Kenny Clarke and others that are on Side A of the Disques Swing LP (Kenny Clarke in Paris, Vol. 1)..... Side B has the '57 & '60 tracks recorded sans Thompson.
  11. Yeah, really......oh, and by the way, tinker around with that Waltham, Mass 'Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution' thingy under your avatar 'cause everyone knows it was actually Ironbridge in England and we don't want Sidewinder and the boys to go at your throat. How about 'Birthplace of Yet Another Industrial Revolution'? There, I helped you out!
  12. True. I grew up 10 miles from you (well, maybe 9? ) in MA and only saw it a few times.
  13. For the curious, here's a pic of the Signal box set. Sides A&B on the two JLS ones are as Chuck said (with and without).
  14. Even the most experienced chimp handlers can wind up getting a chunk taken out of them, as happened to my former brother-in-law out at the San Diego Zoo a few years ago. He'd worked exclusively with primates for over 25 years but still got half a finger bitten off when he let his guard down.
  15. Yes, you're right. Here's the original cover. Just make sure that you don't make a play for this one unless you live around Ghent. No shipping at all.....not even within Belgium. Why bother listing on eBay?....kinda undermines that whole global marketplace thaaang! http://cgi.ebay.com/KENNY-CLARKEs-sextet-p...93%3A1|294%3A50
  16. Ahhh, I see. I rather like that photo w/the tidy curb area and all....no unsightly globs of blackened chewing gum about the place. Okay, thanks for that!
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