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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. This one has (had) been on my wish list for several years. Wasn't going to pay $130 for the MFSL from MyMusicFix and was outbid several times at eBay on the SONY Mastersound....so I went for the new Blu-Spec edition at HMV and it showed up yesterday. Sweet..well worth the wait! Mini-lp not jewel box.
  2. Yes, have ordered two or three things from him over the years (name is Ron Meyers). I think he has posted here a couple of times over the years?
  3. CT Scan http://www.virginiahospitalcenter.com/medi...gy/virtual.aspx
  4. I signed up to get a virtual one in Oct. No sedatives necessary. Should be interesting.
  5. Perhaps not? http://jazzman4133.stores.yahoo.net/johricsel.html
  6. I believe that she said she would cram a racket down the official's throat ...or something to that effect. Ridiculous.
  7. Serena is such a dope. What an appalling display. I'm glad that she sucked wind.
  8. At one point a few years back they were turning out some decent titles (Jimmy Cobb, John Hicks, Hazeltine) but haven't heard of anything on the horizon. Have they bailed on jazz SACDs?
  9. Should be quite the stampede when the Mobley finally hits 'last chance'. You would think that by this time, everybody who wants has it. Wasn't it made almost 10 years ago? You'd think so........but as they were saying a few pages back, there's that 'wait 'till the alarm bells sound' mentality at work. I plead guilty -- haven't yet picked up the set.
  10. You'd think an arm & a leg......but surprisingly not. $300 or so. A helluva deal actually for someone that doesn't have most of this stuff in triplicate like most of us.
  11. I thought the same thing about 10 pages in! I remember a lot of excitement about these two....... ...Hey, you can get excited about that 75 CD Miles box set due out in November, can't ya?
  12. Should be quite the stampede when the Mobley finally hits 'last chance'.
  13. Received a shipping notice tonite from CD Connection on a Dexter set. Looks like they still have Patton.
  14. Must be a number of them sitting there because I bought & paid for one 5 minutes before you posted (also got the Zeitlin).
  15. Why not go peruse the Hoffman classifieds? Lot of those folks covered their bases and put in multiple orders --seems like there's a box an hour being offered up for sale.
  16. .... I were a rich man, Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum. All day long I'd biddy biddy bum. If I were a wealthy man Oy!!!!!!
  17. If an amendment was quietly attached to a spending bill at 2 a.m. with Netflix effectively taking over the USPS plus administering the VA health care sys, I could probably support it.
  18. ...and to show off the latest additions to my pretty collection of Weizen beer bottles.
  19. To talk about the eating habits of Pine Martens.
  20. I thought is was here at first? It moved? Am I the only dunce aboard who can't get the poll thing right? Sheesh...3 times.
  21. I thought it was a Fisher too but the DNR guy said a Marten. Hey, close enough for govt. work in my book.
  22. Pic of this guy taken at my cabin in northern minnesota. We had wondered why there were so few chipmunks around? What is it? Ferret Mink Marten Marmot Fisher Weasel Frankenmuth, Mich Oktoberfest mascot Guess ---- no Googling!!!!
  23. Why not ask Mosaic why they aren't going that route? Criticizing them here is easy, but there may be reasons why they don't offer lossless downloads etc. - or CD-Rs, for that matter. A shame that they don't follow the Joe Harley (Music Matters) approach over at Hoffman and drop by this place from time to time to field some questions. I should think that that would be something they would want to do rather than be peppered with a stream of e-mails. I'm sure some will disagree.
  24. CD Connection appeared to have both in stock last night when I picked up the Gordon. I bought the Freddie Slack for my Dad last Christmas. Next time I'm up in New Hampshire, might be time to pull a spot check and make sure he's taking proper care of it ....or it could be time to stage a little late nite intervention and rescue the poor thing!
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