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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. My 84 year-old mother (vaccinated) was here Xmas day for about 6 hrs. There were 4 of us. She felt poor on Sunday and went to the doc Tue and tested positive. No hospital stay or anything but it was pretty bad and she was quite ill for about 5 or 6 days. When the rest of us (3 people) all got tested (antigen & PCR) Wed/Thur we were negative. I was surprised….pleasantly surprised, that is.
  2. Damn. I didn’t even know that Chris had passed away. I was flipping through his Bessie book a few weeks ago and wondering what he was up to. We had lots of….um, ‘spirited’ exchanges in the old Politics threads long ago …….but also a great many pleasant email and PM exchanges on the side. Sad news.
  3. That is amazing. Time flies. I joined March 3, 2003.
  4. The Lou Donaldson set is also on there.
  5. One of the best sounding SACDs I own.
  6. No, sorrry, this is the only one I’ve heard. Picked it up back in ‘08 or so….probably from Hiroshi. Quite nice.
  7. Clickbait on Netflix
  8. ARTEMIS ‘Big Top’
  9. Phineas Newborn ‘Jamaica’ lp
  10. Kimiko Kasai ‘What’s New’ SACD
  11. Me too. I don’t know what that font is called either.
  12. I had the J&J one three weeks ago.
  13. Some good ‘ol French political intrigue.....some murderous nutballs.....nice scenery.
  14. Lennie Niehaus ‘I Remember You’
  15. “losing my first spouse 13 years ago and realizing how fleeting life is I have had no hesitation in keepng competent reliable audio equipment and making improvements to my system as music is a primary joy. . . and life is not guaranteed and always too short, and I don't deny myself principle pleasures and enhancements are welcome. “ Same here.
  16. The one holding the smoke.
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