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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Well, not sure about that. The hydrant is defined as a water hazard, so I'm guessing that Rule 26 comes into play ....and she should have dropped him behind the hydrant so that he was in a direct line with the flag stick (ie. the tree).
  2. Coincidentally, Joe showed up in today's Wash Post (B4).......
  3. Fine idea, Chuck ......I'm passing along a list of a half-dozen numbers for her to check out (all under 3 minutes in length). Thanks.
  4. Where, the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers....then LP shopping at Lechmere's afterwards?
  5. A friend's 16 yr-old daughter is iso a slow jazz number that she can practice and sing in an upcoming drama production in NJ. She has a very nice voice...but it shouldn't be too advanced. Any recommendations appreciated.
  6. http://www.pixcetera.com/pixcetera/natures...009-award/70863 Outstanding photos. The 4th one (w/tent) is one of the coolest I've ever seen.
  7. But how will he do when you give him 3 days to study ......then quiz him on all the Jimmy Smith releases between '56-'58 including tracks, personnel & Japanese TOCJ catalogue numbers??? AH HA!!! ....that'll fix the little guy!!!!!
  8. Hey folks...thanks for the B'Day wishes! My wife placed a pre-order for the Bing set...so we're very happy! Chris, love the card w/Roosevelt. Coincidentally, while killing time this afternoon in the physician's office w/my 12-year old (follow up visit for an earlier broken nose) she decided that we should name all 44 presidents. Swell. After a nail biting 15 minutes, I still couldn't cough up several names -- Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland and Millard Fillmore. :blush2: IQ points scattered to the wind. This never woulda happened when I was 49!
  9. Re: uneven forces --- if you're storing them empty, what's the worry?
  10. ABCJ 567 Jones,Jo(ds)/I Got Rhythm Is this the trio LP w/Ray & Tommy Bryant?
  11. Sorry to hear about this, Paps. If they need to swap out some of your naturally "thick blood" with some thinner, beer-diluted stuff........feel free to call.
  12. Hey, you're only 50! ...no time to slow down now!
  13. What she said (@3:59) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4CgLRcYN74
  14. ....and BN pics http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-48495.html
  15. http://berlinerfestspiele.de/en/aktuell/fe.../jazz_start.php
  16. Received today: Good Day To You, I am Mr.Jun Huan of HSH Nordbank AG, Hong Kong. I have an obscured business suggestion for you.In November, 1999, Ahmad Fahmi an Indonesian,a contractor with the Iraqi Government and also a businessman, made a time investment of US$24.5M as secured growth funds for (60)sixty calendar months in my Branch. This investment has matured and has been lying in our Bank reserve for the past two years,and under the Hong Kong banking laws,any time Investment unclaimed after three years will be turned over to the Hong Kong Government purse. Upon maturity several notices were sent to him and no response camefrom him. Early This year,it was later discovered that the Ahmad Fahmiand his family were killed in a convoy attack in Musol, Iraqi on 22th Aug, 2004 After further investigation it was also discovered that no next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his Bank deposit.And he also confided in me the last time he was in my Office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my Bank. Against this backdrop,I will like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to Ahmad Fahmi so that you will be able to receive this funds I have contacted an Attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Ahmad Fahmi and also the rightful beneficiary to the funds. Please endeavour to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. What is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full names,Address, direct telephone and fax numbers, age so that the Attorney can commence his job.Reply strictly if you areinterested with the requested information via my personal email; jjun.huan11@yahoo.com.hk to enable the Attorney commences his job immediately. Sincerely, Mr.Jun Huan.
  17. Apparently, the person responsible for that Verve gem pulled a career switch and went into the automotive design business. This one just rolled off the assembly line in late September.
  18. You forgot these 'special' edition EHC Muenchen Oktoberfest uniforms. Not pleasant to look at.
  19. Article on AoL. One guy ** -- a former cheese shop employee whose follow-up comment is posted below -- scoffs at the one inch 'rule.' Is he right? .....or is he a cheesehead? __________________________________________________ Is Moldy Cheese Safe to Eat? by Carrie Coolidge According to the Mayo Clinic, some moldy cheeses are safe to eat after the mold has been sliced off, while others are toxic. The answer depends on the type of cheese, says Mayo Clinic nutritionist, Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. "Molds are microscopic organisms that have thread-like roots that burrow into the foods they grow on," she says. There are good molds and there are bad molds. Most molds are harmless and safe to eat (unless you are allergic to mold, of course). These molds are even used to make some kinds of cheese, including brie, roquefort, gorgonzola, and camembert. Some bad molds produce mycotoxins, which can make you sick. With hard and semisoft cheese, such as parmesan, Swiss, romano and cheddar, you can cut away the moldy part and eat the rest of the cheese, says Zeratsky. "Keep the knife out of the mold itself so that it doesn't cross-contaminate other parts of the cheese," she warns. "Cut off at least one inch around and below the moldy spot." With soft cheeses, such as brie, chevre, blue cheese and ricotta, however, the mold that grows cannot be safely removed so these cheeses should be discarded. The same goes for any cheese that has been shredded, crumbled or sliced. ** Lotte Oct 29th 2009 4:21AM I'm sorry, but I am sick and tired of the "experts" (and that includes "scientists") telling us eat this, don't eat that, this will make you sick, that won't. My first job in high school (waaaay long time ago) was in a "cheese house". We carried over 70 different types of imported and domestic cheeses and smoked meats. It wasn't/isn't at all uncommon for cheeses to get mold - we would slice it off, sometimes a customer WANTED it on there (and I don't mean those meant to have mold i.e. the 'famous' bleu and roquefort - ewww). We were always taught that as long as all of the mold was removed it was fine. And not an INCH in all directions either!!! None of this 'some has long roots and this and that and on and on ad nauseam! Well, guess what? Over forty years later, after all our friends and family have eaten the cheeses after removing mold, NO ONE EVER GOT SICK!!! The absolute only cheeses we were told to never use even after removing mold were the "processed" cheeses, such as american. And this information came directly from the doctors and other experts back then! Just more scare tactics - we're all sanitizing, anti-bacterializing and scaring ourselves to death! Give it a bloody rest already!
  20. The most despised guy in DC is really pushing it now. What a dink. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsb...edex_field.html
  21. I wanna know what's behind curtain #3? ....and #2. If there's a Shorter 'Speak No Evil' TOCJ or one of those new Mormon 'Muffin' pin-up calendars they've been talking about, I'll take 'em!!!!
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