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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Worst drummer? Any Mass people around here remember this guy playing the 50-gal drum?
  2. As touchy-feeley sports, that was discomforting for me to watch too. But as military strategy, it was hard for me to argue with, especially considering how the longer the game went on & the more hits Farve took, the more he reverted back to his "crazier" self. That last throw, the int, might well have not happened if he hadn't taken all those hits before and not gotten beaten "literally" out of his cool & collected zone. So, whaddya want, a Geneva Convention for the NFL? GA, yes, that usually is the case....and we're talking about a series of late hits, so of course the offensive line isn't protecting him at that point --- the play is over...which is why they were getting unsportsmanlike conduct penalties! Jim, I'm all for taking down QBs....but the plan here was to cause injury. These weren't your standard sacks, were they? Malevolent stuff really.
  3. it was the photo jip 0021 in the 4th row (from the top) of your Jazz in Paris gallery.
  4. Same with the ones I have. Have you ever seen any without the glue spots? Probably unique to the copies that wound up w/Caiman, CD Universe, etc..
  5. I hope Brees gets kidnapped for a few hours before the game and he's forced to listen to sides A & B. That'll fix him.
  6. It really was outrageous, particularly when they got away with that low hit to the knees late in the game. I'm with you -- here's hoping that the Saints get a humiliating shellacking in Miami!!
  7. Now we've got another Saints personal foul against Favre and then a low hit on him soon after. Guess it shouldn't be a surprise given the fact that the N.O. coach was schooled by that total scumbag Buddy Ryan.
  8. Seems as though the Saints are intent on hurting Favre. Time for the Vikes to start knocking Brees around but good.
  9. Thanks....happy to hear that you went for it!
  10. When I'm up in Montreal next month, I'll have to look around for some of these. Probably a wider selection up there.
  11. Sonnymax, remember when the Russians were marketing an unrefined, high mineral salt from the low-salinity Caspian Sea? Processing facility was right next to the mouth of The Volga. Had to cease operations after some local area restaurants reported a spate of curious side effects.
  12. Getting near the end of the line for this excellent French sea salt. Would like to try something new....seasoned or -non (just no Thai Ginger Fusion Sea Salt) Anyone ever tried one of these apple-smoked sea salts? http://www.maineseasalt.com/smoked-sea-salt.html ....or cooked on a salt slab? http://www.saltworks.us/shop/product.asp?idProduct=658
  13. So, the material on that set is totally different from that which appears on the Proper box?
  14. When you're at the top of the political, corporate or crime syndicate food chain, you need to know that your ride has earned the trusted Good Housekeeping Seal of Ballistics & Detonation Approval. http://www.caradvice.com.au/44635/video-armoured-rolls-royce-ballistics-testing/
  15. I've just sorta 'plugged into' Shearing myself and rather like what I've heard. Was eyeing the Mosaic but decided against going the $300+ eBay route (...at least that's what the last set I saw went for). Instead, I ordered 'On The Sunny Side of The Strip' and was lucky enough to find the 'Shearing Quintet on Stage' TOCJ at Amazon Japan, offered up by a seller who actually ships to the US!! Three other titles make up that set, oui? Do I need to try and snag LPs of these or have you seen them in cd form? ...possibly re-packaged and offered up as a larger collection or so by one of the Andorran, Blue Moon outfits out there?
  16. I was interested to see 'Tokyo Blues' suddenly appear as a Jan. 30 release along with 'Go' at AS. Thought that one was originally scheduled for release further daown the road? Placed an order back in May.....should have 6 of 'em winging their way to the front door by the end of next week. Great sounding discs these SH ones are!
  17. Ah, I see.... the mini minis --- probably the same size as the 5 that were in that 'Original Album Classics' Monk sleeve/box.
  18. Has anyone seen eBay sellers [try to] jettison an empty box? I've checked a few times but haven't seen anything pop-up.
  19. Can't believe that a seller would let this set go for such a paltry sum. http://www.amazon.com/Jazz-Paris-Saint-Germain-Pr%C3%A9s-1946-1956/dp/B0006DTZJS/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1263770281&sr=1-19
  20. Yeah...and of course when the Saints prevailed last night over the Cards 45-14, there wasn't any chatter about running up the score.
  21. Weren't they in the booth pre-game talking about how Favre historically hadn't done well against the Cowboys in post-season play and that it would be on his mind? Sure.
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