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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Rock-related (and you need to use hyphens between word pairs that are used as adjectives) questions are of no interest to me. That Website is a joke. http://www.youtube.com/watch#v=FdqqSUu5ggU&feature=related Nope....not true. If you have the right card in your wallet you're exempt from all rules relating to grammar and punctuation. It's in the manual....look it up.
  2. About what? Presumably it wasn't a jazz related question because....well, because all of those questions could be answered here, no? I wouldn't call the place a joke when it comes to rock related questions....there are alot of people over there who know their s***. Sooooooo, you were asking something about an upcoming trip to Bratislava and seeking a list of hotels that have Pioneer 'Kuro' plasma sets in the rooms...and couldn't get an answer? Yeah, that place sucks when you're looking for that kind of info.
  3. Some Tom Porter numbers on an archived Maine Public Radio show. http://video.wxxi.org/video/1384720989/
  4. Just checked out the clips at HMV Japan. Pretty much blows.
  5. Glad we have a fireplace and a shitload of wood. Power was knocked out for 48 hrs and we cooked everything in the 'ol 16" 'spider'. No county vehicles up here on the 45-degree hill until 2 hrs ago when they sent in 3 Bobcats to clear things out so that the next door neighbor -- who had a quadruple bypass on Thur -- could get back up here from the hospital. I think he was at the one where Murtha just died.
  6. You're assuming a man was involved. I had that going on in the apartment next to mine on Capitol Hill back in the 80's. Some of the best years months of my life!
  7. Freddie Freeloader. Drummer is the son of an old college friend of mine.
  8. Why, they'll just win. How boring. Try being a Red Wing fan. Hey, did you see that one handed goal by Ovechkin w/8 secs to go in 2nd last night? Holy s***.......that looked amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-D4fBkdnoU
  9. Some are yellow...others purple....like the Pepper & Miles ones that he and Sjarrell are iso. Riverside=red Prestige=purple Contemporary=yellow Green = Fantasy Actually, Fantasy=blue (at least in my collection, e.g., Brubeck--Jazz at Oberlin, Guaraldi--Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus) Jazzland=orange Pablo=lighter (than Contemporary) yellow Now that we've cracked the color code, are you sure you really wanna get rid of 'em? Next is the refresher course on the various JRVG OBI colors.
  10. Might as well be an ice-pick to the forehead? Same thing.
  11. .....or at least all of the people who are wearing Saints jerseys?
  12. Some are yellow...others purple....like the Pepper & Miles ones that he and Sjarrell are iso.
  13. 'If Pete doesn't hurry up and cut the crap with those #@%*! windmills, those 3 tubes of BENGAY won't do squat and he'll be whining on the plane!!!'
  14. I grabbed a Columbia Small Group. Thanks for the heads up, Tom!
  15. PM coming on: Hayes ,Tubby – The Swinging Giant, vol. 1 (Jasmine) $6 Hicks ,John – NIghtwind (High Note) $7
  16. David, You can't follow basic instructions or somethin'?? You've been warned!!!! "you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him for any reason what so ever as the U.S. secret service is already on trace of the other criminals"
  17. Final track (18) has some problems ...first a couple of glitches and then an abrupt ending. Cd itself is over 74 minutes but I'm assuming that this isn't some widespread manufacturing defect and is unique to my copy that came from the eBay seller in Taiwan?
  18. The interview is something of a hoot ("well, look at your dictionary.....and the dictionary says...") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSr7TuPXRrM
  19. I'm gonna let some of you zeros fight it out over the more expensive new box....meanwhile I'll slip in on in and grab the Used-Like New box for $1.50 less! YES!!!
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