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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Haha. Nice. Thx. I went to buy it to play in my car but didn’t have a discogs acct and when I went to sign up, looks like they’re glitching out tonite. Typical. 🙄
  2. Hmm. You’re good at finding these things. Can you find this one for me? 😁
  3. Love “I Remember You”. One of my top 10. 👍👍
  4. The song ‘The Gentleman is a Dope’ 🤣
  5. 😎 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/this-missouri-company-still-makes-cassette-tapes-and-they-are-flying-off-factory-floor-180979417/?utm_source=smithsoniandaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20220131-daily-responsive&spMailingID=46330157&spUserID=NzQwNDU2NTM2NTMS1&spJobID=2180011167&spReportId=MjE4MDAxMTE2NwS2
  6. haha. 1100 pages now. You can live to be 102 and it will still be going. 👀
  7. Hmmm. That’s good to know. I’d like to get The Chant & Kicker.
  8. My first vinyl set was the Mobley ….and since that auction was going to end while I was over the Atlantic on a flight, I had (read: begged) my wife do the bidding…..and she snagged it. That must have been in ‘98 or ‘99.
  9. I have Floater Syndrome and Footloose and really like them. How are those 2 on Fontana?
  10. One For All ‘Wide Horizons’
  11. Jack Wilson ‘Something Personal’
  12. The LP showed up yesterday. I wanted to display the cover as wall art but the seller neglected to mention that the name ‘TOM’ was written in blue marker on the cover. Oh, well, life goes on. 🙄
  13. Thank you, Lon. Appreciate it. Happy New Year! Yikes!! I hope they all all doing well
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