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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I've heard this from people in Russia, Poland, etc many times over the past 30 yrs. But I think you're onto something with 'Borat' connection. My language tutor started mouthing it (always delivered w/wry smile) soon after she saw the film. Borat jump-started it over here.
  2. Should have waited...could have had free shipping this week.
  3. Received this from a pal yesterday: A guy walks into a bar and asks for an Ovechkin. The bartender asks how to make it and the guy replies "its a white russian with no ice or cup" Ouch!!!! Oh no Mr. Bill oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  4. Hey, no political shots in this forum!! Ya know what? You should read this book some time. About Alf Landon he said "The difference between his loudest shout and his faintest whisper was probably no more than two decibels." Remind you of anyone?
  5. The suggestion was made earlier that moderators might telegraph -- in advance -- their intentions re: removing a thread. My take on this is that you're out to pick a fight with another poster......thus, I'm now telegraphing. So Allen -- guess what's happening to this thread in 10 minutes?
  6. 7-1....and the Wings live to fight another day. Bruins are up 3-0 in that series. They aren't that good.....but the Flyers aren't coming back.
  7. The Verve ones (UCCV-94**) have that as well.
  8. I'll never forget those few minutes of Jazz In A Summer's Day I discovered with the dvd remastering. Yeah, her performance really sticks with ya.
  9. Thanks. I'm from that area and never heard of him.
  10. Hmmm, go to Belgium and drink the mass produced Duvel? This does not compute. La Rulles -- perfection bottled.
  11. Several stylish lookin' blue glass sunglasses in 'Jazz on a Summer's Day' .......Newport natty.
  12. Amsterdam? Thanks to Amsterdam, the Dutch have gotten incredible mileage out of the (pedestrian) notion that the homeland is the apotheosis of the laid-back kingdom. In reality, they're the stern taskmasters of Europe. Just ask anyone!!!!! ...btw, if anyone rolls through DC in the next month or so, make sure to stop by the National Gallery of Art to see the Hendrick Avercamp 'Little Ice Age' exhibit. Small collection of paintings capturing the Dutch citizenry -- frolicking and/or performing various tasks -- on the densely packed ice during the deep freeze at the beginning of the 17th century. In several paintings, the well-dressed men are playing 'Colf'.....using wooden-shafted clubs with a 2-2.5 inch molten lead 'head' to strike a ball on the ice. Many of these 400 yr old lead 'globs' have been found in the muck. A small collection of finely crafted ice blades on display as well. It's quite fascinating....I've dropped by on five separate occasions to further study these incredibly detailed paintings.
  13. PERSONAL ATTACK!!! MODERATORS, DO SOMETHING!!! Okay....but next time, you settle it!
  14. Same number of tracks though? .....the later Venus release didn't include and extras from that '77 session, oui? Too bad Mosaic wasn't able (or interested?) to put out some of the Interplay titles. A Haig collection perhaps? The Larry Bunker/Manne Hole ones came out last year in Japan, which I'm sure you already know. That would have made for a nice Select. Now that I think about it...someone (possibly Chuck?) once said that the owner of the Interplay tapes (in Japan) was either difficult to deal with (a la Dave Clark)...or hard to track down? I guess the owner has softened a bit since then?
  15. Serendipity was released as an LP by Venus in the late 90's. I've never seen it around.
  16. I was just reading a review of her 'Live at the Americana' LP, recorded in 1964 at the hotel's Royal Box Club. Have to admit that I know next to nothing about the hotel and have never heard of that club (can't find a single photo of it online). Built in '62 w/2,000 rooms...whatever happened to the place? Purchased by another hotel group? Razed?
  17. A good moderator puts the kibosh on flame wars and periodically deletes spam plus a smattering of comments or pictures deemed inappropriate. The Hoffman gorts take it a step further and tend to bring down the hammer when threads get off track. A good run-of-the-mill, so-so moderator also has the ability to check in on a forum at 11:39 EST...have a quick look around .....take note of Goodie, Agg & Allen trading a few wee bitsy minor shots.....and then say 'screw all you people and your petty squabbling, I need to catch some quality sleep time!' Allen, this is not a strategic yawn....just a snoozing sheep.
  18. 3rd? I'm surprised they didn't release this as a small box set. Is there a 4th?? At Amazon it's listed as 'Light Changes & Light Choices'
  19. Conn, It was another of Allen's threads....this one taunting the other moderator. Jim responded to the thread up in Forums Discussion and it seems pretty clear where he stands on the matter and that it's time to move on. No music related threads are being locked....no threads in political, etc..but this 'incident' regarding the picture has run it's course. So, what are you selling? Got a Max Roach Mosaic for me?
  20. Mark, You'll notice that the thread was around for a day anyway before it was locked. It's not as though any of the moderators were hyperventilating and rushing in to lock it asap. Earlier, Hans deleted a picture posted by Allen in a Misc forum thread. We're talking a picture here....Allen's comments were not altered in any way. Allen then lodged a protest on the thread where it remains for everyone to see. That's fine. He then started up a new thread basically using the exact same language that he used on the other thread, and proceeded to accuse others of slander. He was, of course, not slandered. When the picture was deleted, the moderator's brief comment (as noted in the Gould post) said 'pornographic picture removed'.....not 'pornographer's photo removed.' So, in a nutshell, he did protest the moderator's decision to remove the photo and that comment still stands on the original thread. No need for an additional thread that starts to spin out-of-control with folks starting to go for the jugular (as was the concern). Let's hope he doesn't decide to start another thread.
  21. The only guy who seemed to constantly be in there provoking/looking for the fight is the same idiot who caught the 4 game suspension back in March -- Lapierre. I was somewhat disappointed that he didn't get clock'd a time or two.
  22. Would it though? The vinyl, for sure...but the cd set? We all know that there are numerous oop sets that command high prices......but is this the case with every single oop set? Don't know. Mosaic has sold at least 5,000 CD sets. I know because my set is numbered in that range and I bought it 4 years ago. The fact that Mosaic has had such trouble getting to the 7,500 mark indicates to me the market for this set is tapped out. Since it's been for sale for so long, So long is right! This is one of those occassions where you'd like to see Hank go oop in style. Might be time for Mosaic to float the little white lie that the set is getting seriously low so that it can be reported here and over at Hoffman....then, during the ensuing scramble, we can all play our bit part & dig deep one more time to make this thing disappear from the shelves in a couple of days. Most of us already have 3 copies of every Hank title, but I'm sure the majority will step up to the plate to see this thing through. Scott, you reading this?? Time to set in motion a chain reaction.
  23. heh hem .... Ah, I think it's becoming clear what the 'O' in Ovechkin stands for. He was a non-factor in the clutch. And a guy who seems a bit lost when the offense is struggling. A front-runner, in other words. Historic chock by the Caps. Yes, an abomination for sure....but rather than zero in on Ovechkin and make it all about him, I think it was clear early on that the team was going to founder on the rocks if Semin didn't start racking up some points. He never caught fire.....barely a spark even. End of story.** ** well, not really. We still have to listen to the "Caps had the best record in the league during the regular season" line for awhile to come. I don't know how many times I've heard the announcers mouth that line during this series. Tiring. Give it a rest already!
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