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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I haven't heard any of the 70's stuff ...except for Montreux that is.
  2. More old fuddy duddy stuff.....where's the Hutcherson Mosaic ????
  3. Jackie McLean "Monuments"........try switching places with the guy in red in this Hieronymous Bosch painting.
  4. I have what's called eBayoculous...a type of neurological disorder that always forces my hand to write $3 and check 'gift' in the box. It's the damnest thing....I think I'll consult a specialist about it at some future date.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on that Scott. I was fortunate to have found a 10" copy awhile back but hopefully someone else will see your post and move on this one. It doesn't come around all that often and it's a wonderful piece-o-vinyl ! Cheers.
  6. I have the vol. 1 mini-lp JRVG as well as the Miles JRVG jewel box (TOCJ-66111-12) which includes a few extra numbers not found on Vol. 1 & 2. Wasn't there a consensus over at BNBB that the US RVGs and the JRVGs were cut from the same piece of cloth and identical sonically? So when the "Indestructible" US RVG winds up being released by Toshiba as a JRVG, it'll be exactly the same?
  7. That's a shame. Has anyone ever ever raised the issue in conversation with someone other than Tom E. ? He wasn't too upbeat about it....but then again, he also said that the mini-lp format was pretty much a loser. He obviously hasn't tried to find jrvg copies of the 'Hipp & Zoot' or 'Hipp Quintet' lately.
  8. You will? Ed going to steal your lunch money?
  9. Because every time I see Tod's name show up as a bidder, I immediately cancel the auction and dodge what would definitely be a negative feedback 'bullet'.
  10. The original is so classy.....how dare they tarnish it with that cheap red light district-looking red!!! What an outrage....there outta be a law!! This particular one on the other hand is a truly stunning work of art http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2520642689
  11. Got mine from Amazon Japan a few months ago...looks like they still have 'em....nice price too.
  12. Yes Lee & Hank. First time Moose and I have voted for the same ticket
  13. Nice to sip a cool one at dusk on the back porch with Bill Charlap.
  14. ...how about 4) I gave my copy to Big Al Rearick
  15. Someone said that the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the FDA are now running a joint test to determine which has a longer shelf life -- a package of Twinkies or the Four Freshman set.
  16. Geez Jeff, I didn't know that they sold 12-packs of Mickey's Big Mouth quarts out there......were you able to dodge that falling stack before it nailed ya?
  17. I can't image anyone plunking down $12 for that.....let alone actually being able to ID tracks from specific films.
  18. Serves you right......did you honestly think that you could fool all of those recent immigrants into believing that the cans of Spam you were handing out at Christmas were far superior to a 15 lb turkey?
  19. Let's go start a Blue Train SACD thread and watch 'em drop.
  20. Hey, both of you ease up lest we have you banished to Nipper's Place --- the end-of-the-line dumping ground for the mouldy fig crowd! http://www.nippersplace.com/forum/index.php
  21. Same here...I checked in on Mon. and forgot to come back Tue.
  22. Wow, there's a low stump to jump.
  23. ....and don't forget the parrots!
  24. Sadly, I have to smash a vinyl copy of Dorham's fabulous "Blue Spring" LP tonite because the cheap OJC vinyl is so bad that I can't bear the thought of someone finding this in my collection someday after I've gone to the bone orchard. Picked this sealed OCJ copy up during some online outfits final sale and it is riddled with loud "zzzzzzips" and "zzzzzzaps" that sounds like a toaster oven shorting out.
  25. I've seen the "Cathexis" and "Carnival" 2-fer set put out by Collectables but would like to know if these two titles were ever issued separately in Japan. Anyone know? thanks.
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