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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Wow...people playing politics....and here I always thought that it was all just about the music.
  2. I chose "Zero" because I saw a picture of David Lee Roth on the tube last night and that's the first thing that popped into my head.
  3. Hey thanks Wulf...that's perfect!!!!! For those who haven't seen the re-issues.....this is what the 3rd generation obi looks like:
  4. Speaking of Japanese cds....if one of our resident Japanese language pros wanted to tell someone that they wanted a title in "cardboard sleeve" or "plastic jewel box" how would they do that? Is there a site out there in cyberland that has the correct characters that one can cut & paste onto a "memo"?
  5. Uh...you're right......I need more coffee. (I was just thinkin' that with all of these great tunes...it shoulda been a UA organized session with Morgan playing the sideman).
  6. Thanks for setting me straight on that Wheel....didn't know that. Wonder why this didn't end up as a UA session?
  7. Yeah, we know ---Tod's still bitching about what he paid you for it!!!
  8. If it has 115k on it, I'd ditch it. If he actually has the only one that ever went 300K+ ...he outta send it over to the Smithsonian for future generations to admire.
  9. Since every number on the cd was written by Golson, how is it that this wound up being a Morgan session? Golson had already led a BN session ('Philadelphians') by this time hadn't he? Even though I'm quite fond of "Mesabi Chant" and "Tip-Toeing" it's one of those cds that just doesn't get pulled from the stax all that often...and I never see much chatter about it either --- is it viewed as sub-standard or so? Hard to believe.
  10. Right, the continued availability of the Jimmy Smith JRVGs is another reason (imo) that they should hold off on releasing additional ones. Instead of dropping another eight Smith JRVGs on us (out of 100 total) over the next year I wish that they were putting out stuff like "Here to Stay", "Poppin'" and "Curtain Call".
  11. I sure do. Saw 'em at some club in Jersey back in '79 (or was it '80?)......wild show. Never woulda tagged you as a Wendy O. fan Moose. B)
  12. Well where's the Trompeta Toccatta sitting Wulf?.....where's the Trompeta Toccata ? Please do tell.
  13. Were they perhaps part of that "The Blue Note Years" mini-lp series with the black/blue strips (Mobley, McLean, 3 Sounds, etc..)??
  14. Yes, you're not kidding...they're even cutting costs by reducing the OBI !! I just received "Blue Train" in the mail and as Grey mentioned, the strip is indeed red/blue -- but it is also only 3/4 inches wide on the front and then the standard 1 1/8 in. on the back. Actually, they should have reversed it and narrowed the OBI on the backside so that you can leave the shrink on and still read the liner notes. Oh well....that's enough JRVG geek facts for the day.
  15. That all depends on whether Tanno will take small children in exchange for stacks of JRVGs ?
  16. Interesting point....but I'm wondering if we might get a more accurate figure if we go ahead and subtract the 85 times that Hans clicked onto his own thread over the course of the day?
  17. I noticed that the first round of lists that circulated both here and over at AAJ included "City Lights". Looks like the Morgan has now vanished without a trace? Well, that one never really made much sense in the first place.
  18. Excellent work Man with the Scary Avatar!!.... but did you factor in the weight of those Bermuda-sized price stickers that some outfits slap on those little cardboard beauties? Back to the acculab you go!! Well, no need......it's close enough for government work. Thanks a million.....I'm forever indebt to you and your nose!
  19. I bet they are. The Japanese were adamant about wanting the JRVGs to be exact replicas of the original releases....yet after 251 of them they suddenly switched gears with Hubbard's "HubTones +3". I wonder why they threw in the towel on this?
  20. If Aric were still around I'd ask him to pull the scale out from under his dorm room bed and see if he could figure out approximately how many mini-lp cds it would take to hit the 2 kg mark (4.4 lbs?).....but he's awol. Can anyone else possibly take a stab at this?
  21. Tell them what is in them and they will all get very angry about it. Interesting. Can you tell us what it's all about?
  22. Ah Chris, A pyro doesn't need someone to hand them a book of matches In any event, Johnny was laying down napalm long before Berigan even found the BN board and requires no assistance when it comes to lighting himself on fire so that the sparks fly out of his head.
  23. Some great names in that trumpet section.....I wonder if these guys will be selling the new "Ready for Fleddie" JRVG?? http://home.att.ne.jp/air/hkudo/review/ar_list.html
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