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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Coincidentally, I have this cassette sitting in the car player. It's been in there for a good 3 months now....almost as long as Byrd's 'Mustang' has been in the cd player. Have often wondered how often most normal people switch out their vehicle music? ... every week or so?
  2. Why have the clips from the Ellington: 1936-40 Small Group Sessions set been removed/disabled?
  3. That's what Ya-na Yakubu II of Ghana used to say.
  4. It's like Kevin said in post #89. Makes perfect sense to tidy up a bit so that a post (yours) isn't just sitting there looking like awkward central.
  5. I don't think it counts toward the total but will ask Jim.
  6. I changed your settings and you should be able to move around in there. If not, send a PM.
  7. I noticed that they had some jazz cds (KoB, etc) in the control booth of the Cyberknife room over at Georgetown University Hospital the other night. Told the technicians I'd send along a few Blue Note discs. I doubt the folks receiving brain radiation will care much about treble boosting and compression.....but one never knows?
  8. ....and of course he'll want to visit the famous jazz room at the Peace Hotel in Shanghai (....probably spiffed up a bit from the early 80's, I'd guess)
  9. Not a good idea to take an open swipe at the owner of the board who communicated his desire to see you actively participate but asked that you put the brakes on the confrontational tone.
  10. Definitely worth it. First thing I did was check out the first 4 James Bond films on Blu-Ray and they are outstanding. Travel vids are tops too!
  11. So how did he get that wrong??
  12. Thanks Romualdo.....just found it here. http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=7619103 Learn something new every day here.
  13. Of course I've no idea what the name really was, but several discographies give the name as 'Spotlite Lounge', for instance Peter Losin's Miles Davis Discography: http://www.plosin.com/milesahead/Sessions.aspx?s=581101 EDIT: There seems to have been a club run by Clark Monroe at 52nd street in New York in the 40s called 'Spotlight Club'. Daniel, I'd seen a few 'Lounge' references as well which got me to wondering? Shows up on this Dizzy disc page (see 1946).....as well as the Cannonball page (guess Miles played there a few times in '58). Maybe they changed the name in the 60s? No matter...just curious. http://www.jazzdisco.org/dizzy-gillespie/discography/session-index/ http://www.jazzdisco.org/cannonball-adderley/discography/session-index/ p.s. -- wonder if that Miles material was recorded and released? I'm no Miles expert. EDIT - Looks as though some of the Miles show was in fact broadcast. Miles Davis Sextet Miles Davis (tp) Cannonball Adderley (as) John Coltrane (ts) Bill Evans (p) Paul Chambers (b) Jimmy Cobb (d) radio broadcast, "Bandstand USA", "Spotlight Lounge", Washington, DC, August 9 or June 30, 1958 Walkin' Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY ME 6402 All Of You - 'Round About Midnight - * Miles Davis - Four-Play (Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY ME 6402)
  14. One minor point of clarification. As with the Pershing, wasn't the actual name of the DC venue Spotlight Lounge rather than 'Club'? D) AHMAD JAMAL TRIO: Ahmad Jamal (p), Israel Crosby (b), Vernel Fournier (d). Spotlight Club, Washington, D.C., September 5-6,
  15. Elin Nordegren Gets $750M, Custody of Kids in Exchange for Silence Sounds like an unclever move to me. I'd opt for half...or even a quarter of that figure in order to be able to speak. For the rest of her life every time she's in public she'll be constantly needled....tempted by others to say something....and of course at some point she'll slip up and the attorney's will zip right on in.
  16. Three reasons to cheer for Uruguay: 1. They're the pariah of the african continent. 2. They're the last 'man' standing of the South American teams. 3. They have a nice looking jersey.
  17. Sadly, I've already departed town. Scorecard: Weather and 'charms' = 4.5 Beer = 6 (only Heineken being served????) Music and Mussels = 9 [@Le Petit Moulinsart]
  18. I caught the 7 pm one. Had a nice perch on an elevated platform opposite the stage --- a good spot for keeping an eye on the Hendrix look-alike strolling about in full Band of Gypsys regalia. Did you happen to see him? Too funny.
  19. Checked out the Rafaël Zaldivar Trio last night. Weather's been sorta iffy....but a great street scene here.
  20. How are they?
  21. I'll be hitting the Keezer show.
  22. I haven't purchased a jazz cd in over a month.
  23. ...and this one is getting ready to exit the nest. Photo taken on a friend's porch out in the Shenandoah Mtns last weekend.
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