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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Dizzy Reece.....A New Star. The JFK Quintet.....JFK Quintet. Miles Davis....In Stockholm. Ronnie Ball..........All About Ronnie. Harden/Coltrane.......Tanganyika Strut. Maurice Vander......Maurice Vander. Gene Shaw........Debut in Blues.
  2. Despite a passable -- but still ugly -- rendition of "Eleanor Rigby", that "Rockin'" LP swings nice and is worth checking out Ghost. I'm not much for the electric piano but Mabern really shines on the title cut....and 'Misty Rose' is for sure a pretty, oh- so-soothing number.
  3. Guess that means I can stop swearing and hitting the send button 60 or 70 times, huh?
  4. You must be mistaken.....I didn't receive any of them. (I keep getting that 'error' message too.......hope the other guy in Europe who sent me a message (re: Booker Ervin) received my response?????)
  5. I wonder if Cuscuna will reveal to the world the history behind that little carved angel at the top of PC's bass?
  6. My father dodged that particular conscription 'bullet' by about 3 years (although he was strafed by U.S. fighters on the roadway and almost shot by a sentry) ....but his older cousin wound up on the Eastern Front and was captured by the Russians. Miraculously, he was among the few that were returned in the mid-50's but died soon thereafter for obvious reasons. God that was some ghastly business out there..... Paul Carell's "Hitler Moves East" (covers opening of the Barbarosa campaign up through Stalingrad) and "Scorched Earth" (Kursk in '43 up through mid-'44) pretty much sums it up.
  7. He left? Damn, now I'll never get that burn of that 2nd session from the Ervin "Back From the Gig" vinyl!! Time to go into panic mode......ahhhh, any stand-up soul interested in swapping a burn ?
  8. Yo Conrad, Just saw this thread and want to pass along my best wishes. Btw, I had the same difficulty as Maren awhile back, but I was using some 'ziggy _ ? _' address that I've since misplaced. Shoot me a note.
  9. Looks like the same hue as The Cooker. Not very imaginitive.
  10. Hhmmm, I was sort of thinking that those of us who've since been reduced to poverty thanks to Tanno's JRVG Depot might want to repay Hans by 'hoisting' him up in the town square the way the Italian citizens did Mussolini!
  11. Let me see...I believe it was a day before I had dinner with Toshiko and Lew. BTW Deep is not working for an organization that rips off artists and the record-buying public. He is, in fact, a fine drummer who, undoubtedly, also is one of the RIAA's many victims. Any other questions? Well, in all seriousness for a bit here....Bainwol just took the helm of the organization that was led for years by the very unpleasant Ms. Rosen and we'll have to wait and see what transpires. Please tell me how an org. that is issuing subpoenas and trying to shock/stroke a younger audience into not 'stealing' music, is a slight to the artists?
  12. Thanks....think I've only heard Hendrickson once before on a Barney Kessel cd...looks like one to check out.
  13. Yes I know.......when's the last time you had drinks w/DEEP?
  14. Universal UCCU 9037(Decca)24 Bit(New) Previn,Andre/Let's Get Away From It All. Any idea if Shelly Manne is on this one?
  15. Next time I see the new Chairman/CEO Mitch Bainwol I'll pass along your sentiments and maybe one of Rooster's elegant looking jockstraps. Actually, the last time the wife & I had drinks with Mitch and his wife down in Miami immediately following the 2002 elections, he was quite convinced that he'd launch his own PR outfit and I was as surprised as the next guy when he suddenly parachuted into this position. I really don't follow their issues as closely as I should but perhaps I'd better start keeping up to speed so that (after they put me on retainer) I can pull some strings for Organissimo the next time they get their ass in a sling. Then again, maybe I'll forward this thread to his attention and we'll see if he can't play the Fist of Doom routine on Use3D just for kicks.
  16. I'm surprised your number is so high........didn't you tell me that you arm twisted them into putting in a pre-order back when Bo was still moderator over at BNBB?
  17. Me too.....I have the original deep groove vinyl, a JRVG and the TOCJ......and enough is enough!
  18. Yes, and he also said that they'd never experiment around with the mini-lp format because it was a loser. Sure Tom, tell it to Toshiba as they're kicking now out the 2nd & 3rd re-pressings of many JRVG titles.
  19. That pillow of yours contain feathers or Hypoallergenic material?
  20. That's an interesting....I didn't even realize that Dizzy had a Blue Note 10" ('Horn of Plenty'). Wonder how it sounds.....or if Toshiba will ever release it in some future wave of 10" vinyl re-issues?
  21. I prefer PayPal.....but from you I'll take a check or bartered goods (ie. a half cord of firewood or so).
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