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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Been slow as molasses for hours.......but I'll be up bright and early while all of those troublesome downloading fiends on the West Coast are still catching ZZZzzz's.
  2. Was Freddie Roach "Good Move" a re-issue? I dunno....but even with the Mobley/Mitchell duo on board this one filled me with the urge to drain a quart of bleach.
  3. Mammalian protuberence central...as FZ would say. B)
  4. Same here.....but I still managed to make out like a bandit before they threw up the download speed roadblock. They said unlimited downloads and I took them at their word....so they can eat flaming death. And yes Claude, they've even scrapped the bulletin board to keep the troops from carping -- too funny.
  5. Same here....the lone exception (to date) being "Dance With Death" which is both accessible and pure pleasure. Someone once said that Hill wasn't to hip on this session and it would be awhile before it sees the light of day. After hearing "Yellow Violet" 100 times and Tolliver on "Fish 'n Rice", it's difficult to imagine why he doesn't like it.
  6. The Polish boxer Andrew Golota didn't even take up english until 1992....yet a mere five years later sounded like a regular William F. Buckley when up against his 2 quarts low opponent Riddick Bowe.
  7. New Tower Conns on the shelf here are $18.99.
  8. Today's the first time I've ever been standing outside a Tower waiting for the doors to open in order to pick up a new release. Anyone who has "The Flip" vinyl knows that it would be next to impossible to foul it up...and on the whole it's a vast improvement. All you really have to do is listen to Philly Joe during the opening :10 of "Snappin' Out" to appreciate what they've done. On a track like "Feelin' Folksy", Mobley has been pulled out from a serious tin fog and sounds nice....plus there's the added benefit of there actually being some bass! They've also eliminated the drop out that occured about :30 into Hampton's solo on "The Flip". Hampton sounds great on "Early Morning Stroll" and "Snappin' Out" as does Reece, who has a commanding presence and no longer sounds as thin & wispy as he does on much of the vinyl. I also think that they did a nice job with the Benedetti piano solo on "Early Morning Stroll" but haven't made my mind up about the rest of his playing. Album downside imo: still seems a bit cymbal heavy. Then again, I spent the better part of the last week clearing fallen trees with a chainsaw, axe & wedge so maybe the hearing's just plain shot?
  9. I bet there was a Dorham 'Trompeta Toccata' sitting there and you're not telling, just to pi** me off ! Fess up B'day boy.
  10. Heard back from Ray at Mundo.....no go on the TOCJ because some guy in Arizona got the last copy ....just kidding). If anyone wants to trade for a JRVG or something else (sealed "Money Jungle+8" mini-LP?), please drop a line.
  11. This just never would have happened had we been back on the good ship BNBB. Someone would have started a thread......everyone would have lined up to give the thumbs up to 'Here to Stay' (BFrank would still be **tching about not being able to find a copy B) ) & trashed the 'Cookers'......then transmited the message to Tom who would do the right thing or suffer the consequences. Those folks at BN have been adrift without proper counsel for too long now and are starting to make questionable decisions.
  12. May all the lush green lawns under your care out there in AZ, burn to a crisp this summer.
  13. Good idea about Mundo. For some reason, when I click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of that page it doesn't work...either of you happen to have his e-mail address handy? Thanks.
  14. Eddie Bert's "Encore" cd lists a certain J.R. Moterose.
  15. You might check out Lem Winchester's "Another Opus" w/Frank Wess & Hank Jones or an OJC title called "Olio" w/Teddy Charles, Thad Jones, Wess, Elvin Jones, etc that's pretty good.
  16. Yes, I make alot of comp cds for the car.......the latest has tunes by: Gene Dinovi Trio, Billy Pierce, Elvin Jones, Ingrid Jensen, Woody Shaw, Shirley Scott (on piano), Albert Dailey, Massimo Salvagnini Quartet, Clark Terry, Tommy Flanagan, Maria Schneider.
  17. Aw come on.....give us the rest of the story -- like how he reacted when you started crying?
  18. A place that once housed a magnificant wine collection...were you ever there?
  19. Yes, looks to be a bogus number. Thanks folks!
  20. I received a pop-up ad for the Windows Messenger killer to eliminate pop-ups Is this a legit download....or just some ruse?
  21. I scored a 1 but wasn't exactly sure how to answer question two. I'll admit that every other week or so while shaving, I'll take a quick pass between the eyebrows with the 'ol razor to keep from looking like you, Mr. Gephardt. Does that count?
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