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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I agree............ditto for the McLean vinyl.
  2. <<<Toshiba TOCJ 9383(Bethlehem)24 bit,New Candoli,Conte/Sincerely>>> Didn't really notice this title the first time I glanced at the list and think that it's one to add to the shopping cart. Have been listening to the Toshiba 10" vinyl for a couple of years now and it's a decent hard swinging (I'll Remember April ) session w/Candoli, Bennett, Levey & Williamson. A couple of spots during Candoli's solo on I Can't get Started With You where there's some brief (1 second) static (?) that sounds like it's high end mic distortion. While I've never heard it…my assumption is that the Fresh Sounds reissue of this has the same wrinkles? I'll be interested to see if they're able to do anything with this on the forthcoming remastered cd.
  3. True. I went ahead and downloaded it but soon realized that it was out of my amateur league and quickly zapped it (thanks anyway ) and went instead for Nero. This one seems like a cinch to use.....but I'm wondering about the 'self-destruct' comment of Couw's? How long does one typically have before the demo version implodes?
  4. Geez, they're really going all out by putting the shortest track (2:49) on there. I welcome the release, but 24:23 is a mighty short disc.
  5. Well, if they're tacking on one extra track, I sure hope it's The Lady is a Tramp.
  6. Having just stepped off the boat from Iceland, he was probably caught on tape waxing eloquent about the unique exquisite flavor of his first ever McDonald's cheeseburger .....and then carrying on and on about the fabulous autograph that he'd just received from Willard Scott in his new 'Ronald McDonald' costume.
  7. Too bad they aren't including (as extras) the four additional quintet tracks (Stu's Dues Blues, Yarbird Suite, etc) that appeared on the earlier jewel box version of 'Stu Williamson Plays' (TOCJ-62003).
  8. I'm with you Ghost.........we're gonna be all over the Bennett, Williamson, Harper and Mitchell ones!
  9. Thanks for the tips folks.....I'm going to latch onto Nero. Good question AfricaB.---- I don't have sufficient space.....5200 tracks have helped eat up 30+ gigs and I have less than 10% left (can't defrag with less than 15-20% available, correct?). I'm in major delete mode. Whoops...there go all the Billy Childs MP3s...why the heck were they here in the first place? B)
  10. What's that you say??? Say Stefan, how 'bout I swing by your place of business today and we have lunch over at the Washington Monument --- just the two of us? The view from the tippety-top should be spectacular on this clear, crisp day. B)
  11. Am trying to transfer some MP3 downloads (Paul Horn and Roy Haynes) onto a cd-r using the Real Player. Everything sets up properly but once it goes into 'burn' mode an 'error' message appears within the first minute or so and the disc is ruined. Since this hadn't happened with any other MP3s I mistakenly attributed it to a random layer of bad discs in the stack, and kept repeating the process over and over like a fool. Tired of wasting blanks, I then took a 74 min. TDK rewritable and experimented around with switching the track sequence and even re-downloading the individual tracks from eMusic just to make sure that a file hadn't been corrupted during the initial transfer. No problem whatsoever with the TDK. Go back to the FUJI and Memorex discs and it's the exact same thing all over again. I've now ruined 10 blank discs and can't figure out why this is only happening with these? I notice that the TDK burns at 4x and the others at 40x....could it be something related to that? This is the first and only time that this has happened. Well, suppose I could just keep the tracks on the TDK CD-RW and buy another RW?
  12. I love the way they try to squeeze late fees & finance charges out of you by continuing to shorten the payment window. The AMEX bill shows up today.....and is due on the 30th??!! So the poor sap who's out-of-town on business or vacation for a few days doesn't have a snowball's chance of meeting the deadline. What a royal screw job. Death to them all!
  13. Still being a Johnny one note here.....but I'm stickin' with Harold Land's "Take Aim". Okay, so it's a little short (37 min) but it still swings hard and is a helluva lot better sonically than "The Flip" was -- and they did a decent job cleaning that one up. Well, if they're now putting out stuff like 'Bossa Nova Warmmushannal', a title that doesn't seem to get anyone's juices flowing, I have to believe that this Cuscuna-produced one will soon find its way to the front burner.
  14. That's some nice music. A bit short though....something like 25 minutes on the Jap. Vogue. How about a Kelly/Legge 2-fer? Not likely.
  15. Back there in MinkeWhaleland, isn't it customary to rename a village square or avenue in honor of a favorite son on the centennial of his birth? B)
  16. There was no mistake. The guy is clearly sitting about 10-feet up and his eyes would have been following the trajectory of the ball from the time it left the bat and he wouldn't have even seen that whiner coming over. At home under police guard??? He should go on camera and tell the city of Chicago to eat flaming death.
  17. LOSERS! Too bad...I was kinda hoping to see the Sox kick their ass later on.
  18. what are you REALLY looking forward to?? Borrowing some board members 'Sopranos Year Four' DVD set .
  19. Yes, you're not kidding! Bluehawk is one stubborn little devil....that oyster just doesn't wanna be pried open. B)
  20. Same here. I wonder if Lon misses his "Adam's Apple" TOCJ?
  21. Yeah, I bypass the error tracks and pick them up later. I'll sometimes cue up the same track 3 or 4 times in a row and then alternate between clicking on 'cancel' and 'resume' until the dang thing kicks into gear. Usually works. Took 8 or 9 attempts to finally get the last track ('The Dolphin') on a Stan Getz Quartet lp. The Cal Tjader stuff is by far the worst imo when it comes to the start/stop/error/ biz -- I gave up on Cal. I found some corny Octoberfest cd that I wanted to save for a party next year and damn if that wasn't the hardest one of all to nail down. I had to keep at it and cue up one track it least 15 times before it finally downloaded. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
  22. Never before has the antlered sop uttered such shocking vulgarities. How could he possibly have missed the beautiful wailing guitars on....
  23. Aahhhhh, there we go....disc 12 from that Wes Montgomery Riverside box is in the bag......what next? Oh, and pleasant dreams about Arnie to you Mule.
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